Post contains affiliate links. I’m participating in the Flats and Handwashing Challenge hosted by Dirty Diaper Laundry. This is the third annual flats challenge, designed to bring awareness to diaper need and how cloth diapers can solve the problem. Since I participated last year, I didn’t have to buy much or do a lot of preparation.

I bought flour sack towels for the flats challenge last year, and they make up the majority of my stash. They are the oversized flour sack towels from Sam’s Club, and were around a buck each. For night time, I have Geffen Baby hemp jersey flats ($6.95 ea), an Orange Diaper Co terry square ($12) and Hemp Babies hemp flats ($7.95 ea).
I have one Swaddlebees (Blueberry) Capri cover ($19.95) that I received for review a year+ ago, a Thirsties Duo Wrap ($12.25), a Flip Cover ($13.95) I bought about 3 1/2 years ago, as well as 3 more Flip Covers I bought during a sale a year-ish ago (B2G1F if I remember correctly?) I’m also using Geffen Baby hemp wipes I already had ($1 ea) because they are super soft as well as easy to wash and quick to dry.
Last year, I had great luck using the Eco Nuts liquid I had received for review a few months before ($9.99+), so I bought a 10 ounce bottle on Amazon for $13.99 with free shipping. The only other thing I bought was a pair of “fancy” (LOL) rubber gloves at the grocery store for $3.49. There were less expensive gloves available, but after the blisters I got from wringing last year, I wanted to cushiest gloves I could find, even if they were $1 more. 🙂
So in total, I spent $17.48 (plus tax on the gloves) for this year. If I add up all I spent on the flats (last year-I purchased enough for both of my boys) it is around $60, and my covers were around $55ish. I picked up fleece liners here & there for $1 each. If I count everything I’ve purchased, including wipes, liners etc. I am still under $200, and I have enough to diaper two. I don’t think I have to tell you how quickly I’d spend that much on disposables.
Are you participating? What are you using?
You are so cool for doing this!! I wish I had the guts 🙂