OK not so much a time machine as a time speeder upper. Having children seems to turn your life clock into a ceiling fan. Yet simultaneously, time creeps at a snail’s pace.
Cloth Diaper Geek is a former cloth diaper retailer, mother of 3 (she cloth diapered twins) and all around awesome mama. She’s been blogging at Cloth Diaper Geek since 2010, and has over 20,000 Facebook fans. To celebrate, she has a giveaway for tons of great prizes, from some of my favorite companies. You could win gift certificates, cloth diapers (more than 30 are up for grabs), accessories & lots more. There are over $1,000 in prizes.
Every Friday I list cloth diaper & related giveaways I’ve found throughout the week. Subscribe to our RSS Feed or subscribe via email.
I recently reviewed Pugo Baby’s diaper rash & thrush salve, and the company is offering a great giveaway for one of my readers.
I always thought I’d want to be a stay at home Mom. This is simply my thoughts & experience. It isn’t intended to lift up or put down any group or type of moms. As careful as I think I was writing this, I’m sure someone will still feel insulted or offended. If you are, please know that was not intended. When I stayed at home with my daughter, I loved having the time to take her for walks, play outside and do things with her, but I always felt something was missing.