Participating bloggers were compensated for their time. Post contains affiliate links. Gift wrap and gift bags are both wasteful and expensive. I love the idea of making the wrap part of the gift!
Check out all the Fluffin’ Awesome posts here and on Dirty Diaper Laundry, The Eco Chic, The Cloth Diaper Report, The Eco Friendly Family & Cloth Diaper Geek.
Baskets and totes come in very handy for any mom, so they’re one of my favorite things to use as “wrap.”

This mini washtub is stuffed with awesome gifts for Mom, and was so cute, I used it as a decoration!
The new mom gets:
GroVia newborn prefolds, magic stick & a newborn AIO, a copy of Changing Diapers, a Snappi, a Zen Rocks Teether, a sample of Allen’s Naturally detergent, and a bottle of Thirsties booty luster. Plus, the little washtub is the perfect size for storing odds & ends on the changing table.
You can also use a blanket as your “gift wrap” and secure with diaper pins, boingos, or a snappi.

Wrap odds & ends origami fold style.

How about using a wet bag as a gift bag? I put a hemp flat at the bottom of this small Planet Wise wet bag to fill it and help it stand up. I used an insert as “tissue paper,” and you can also fluff out cloth wipes to make them look like fancy tissue paper.

Do you have a fun way to wrap gifts?
As far as I know, cloth diapers are great gifts. You can do so much with it and good thing to know that you can wrap it in many ways. This is such an awesome post!
I’ve wrapped gifts with blankets or pieces of fabric… also the Sunday comics can be a fun way, too.