Flat Diapers Flats Flats Challenge

Day 5 of the #flatschallenge – What’s Working for Me


I’m participating in the Flats and Handwashing Challenge hosted by Dirty Diaper Laundry. This is the third annual flats challenge, designed to bring awareness to diaper need and how cloth diapers can solve the problem. I’m finding that the same things that worked for me last year are working well now too!

#flatschallenge day 5 via @chgdiapers

Last year, I bought 2 dozen flour sack towels, plus night time flats, anticipating that I’d use them on both boys & wash every other-ish day. I quickly discovered that I found it easier to wash fewer (4) at a time, and to just constantly have them washing, vs. trying to do a giant load of diapers at once.

I soak them (my sink is out of reach & the laundry room has a door, so no safety issues) as soon as I change one, and when I have 4 I swish, drain, add detergent, swish etc. and finally drain, rinse, swish and rinse each item individually before wringing & hanging them to dry. I also find it very helpful to just dig in with my hands and rub the diapers against themselves/each other.

Thus far, things are going OK, but if I had to do this indefinitely, I might be thinking of other options (like rinsing at home & taking them to the laundromat once a week.)

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Maria is an aspiring "fit mom" of 3 children, writing about cloth diapers, going green, and her life as a single mom. Maria works with many companies within the cloth diaper industry and beyond, providing social media management, product development, and other services.

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