I paid for this myself and was not asked to write, nor was I compensated for this post. I had seen tons of ads for Ruggable, and I was curious about a rug that could be washed in a regular washing machine. My old rug was wool so it was a bit difficult to clean, and it was pretty gross with three kids and a dog. As we were getting ready to move, my son spilled salsa on it and I didn’t even bother to try to clean it – I just rolled it up and dragged it into the garage with the pile of stuff going to the dump.
I was a bit hesitant to splurge on the Ruggable rug because it seemed like most of the positive reviews were from people who had gotten the rug for free. At $399 retail, the 8×10 Aurora rug was a bit more than other rugs I was looking at, but if it’s washability meant I wouldn’t need to replace it in a few years, it seemed worth it.

The rugs are very thin and look/feel more like a mat than a rug. They offer the classic pad, which is a velcro like mat that clings to the rug, or a cushioned pad, which makes the rug feel more…ruggy. Unfortunately the cushioned pad was out of stock at the time and they didn’t have an estimate for when they’d be back in stock, so I went ahead and bought, using a 15% off coupon code for new customers.
Ruggable says that an 8×10 rug can be washed in a 3.8 cubic foot washing machine and while I haven’t washed it, I can definitely see how that’s possible since the rug is very thin and flexible. I did have a bit of buyer’s remorse initially due to the “mat like” look, but the washability made it worth it.
The clingy rug pad is an interesting concept, and I’m sure it would be a breeze for smaller rugs however, even with my husband’s help I was sweating and grumbling and cursing that I’d ever bought the darn thing. It was hard to get it lined up and smoothed out just right, but we did eventually get it. My husband thinks that “next time” will be easier now that we’ve done it once, but I will definitely not be washing this thing regularly!!
They have a lot of great styles, and if I had more room in my budget I would buy some smaller rugs for higher traffic areas in a heartbeat, knowing that they would be much easier to put back on the pad after washing. I do wish I’d waited to buy until the cushioned pad was back in stock since I sit on the floor a good bit. We ordered a couch in December that we are still waiting for. My husband keeps taking pictures of me sitting on the rug where the couch should be and captioning them “still waiting on the couch” lol.
Overall though I am pretty happy with the purchase! In fact, after I started writing this post, I went ahead and ordered the 3×5 version for the door from the garage to the kitchen. I find that typical rugs with the rubber backing peel off over time and/or dry rot. I found a 10% off coupon and the total after tax was $103.99. I wanted to try the cushioned pad, but figured since it was going in front of a door, the lower profile classic pad was a better choice. The big rug took a long time to arrive and the website said 1-3 weeks, so I was pleasantly surprised when the rug arrived just 4 days after I ordered!

The rug pad is rubbery on one side and sort of velcro-ey on the other side.

The 3×5 rug was much, much easier to lay out. I had no problems smoothing it out myself.

I want to get another rug for right in front of our “shoe bench” but I want to wait until the couch comes since we might end up rearranging! Ruggable does have door mats now, but I wish they had a 2×3 regular rug also.

I’ll keep you posted on how it holds up to heavy traffic and washing! P.S. You can use my referral link to receive 15% off your order and if you do, I will receive 15% off my next order.
Carpet grosses me out so much! Especially with a dog. I’m happy this house doesn’t have any but it’s also a little bit of an echo chamber lol.
I took the plunge and bought a Ruggable, too – for our boy’s room. Overall, I agree it’s a good investment and I love being able to wash the ENTIRE thing. I’ve always had an issue with carpet and the thought of all the yukky stuff hidden in the fibers. We’d love to get another Ruggable for our living room and I’ll be sure to use your discount link!