Change-Diapers expects to be compensated for sharing this information with you. Every child is unique and your friend’s child’s nutrition & well-being needs are likely very different from your own child’s. Part of this is due to genetics. Have you ever had that friend who could eat everything in sight while you gained a pound just smelling a doughnut?
From US National Library of Medicine, National Institute of Health (“NIH”): “A study […] showed that women with a Glu27 variant and a carbohydrate intake constituting more than 49% of total caloric consumption had a nearly three-fold increase in their risk of developing obesity. Importantly, an alternative variant of that same gene was not linked with a greater obesity risk in relation to the same carbohydrate–calorie intake levels. This could help explain why some women on high-carbohydrate diets gain weight while others do not.”
Genetic differences affect how you absorb vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, proteins and other nutrients.
So other than assuming that your child inherited Great Aunt Martha’s sweet tooth, how do you know how genetics affect your child? Enter BabyNome. Using Neutrogenomics (Nutrition & Genomics), BabyNome analyzes your child’s DNA information (via saliva sample) and identifies genetic characteristics that could predispose him/her to things such as vitamin and mineral deficiencies, metabolism and diet tendencies.
BabyNome uses a proprietary algorithm that utilizes more than 400 scientific studies linking more than 2071 genetic mutations (known as single-nucleotide polymorphisms or SNPs) to more than 238 traits and can provide a personalized report for children from 12 months to 7 years of age.
While BabyNome doesn’t provide medical advice, it is very helpful information for you and your pediatrician to have, when making decisions for your child.
The company is offering 50 early registration reports for $49 (does not include 23andME DNA testing fee of $100) as well as a family package including a parent version of the report if you are interested in getting the report for yourself also.
Check out BabyNome’s campaign, which just went live. Pre-order your reports now by backing the campaign!