Category : Friday Giveaway Linky

Friday Giveaway Linky Giveaways Linky

Weekly Friday Giveaway Roundup for November 19th, 2010



It’s Friday, which means it’s giveaway roundup time, when I will post cloth diaper and babywearing giveaways that I’ve found, or that readers have submitted. The post will be accompanied by a linky where you may enter any family friendly (no “adult” products please!) giveaways, they do not need to be diaper related.

If you have a cloth diaper/accessory/babywearing giveaway you would like to be featured in the next giveaway roundup post, please email a link, blog name, giveaway title, end date and photo (if applicable) to maria at change-diapers dot com. I want to keep the featured giveaways to cloth, accessories & babywearing only please.

This week’s giveaway finds:
The Cloth Diaper Whisperer

Funhog Felts Wool Dryer Balls from Marlie and Me (ends 12/2)

Bummas Wipes from Marlie and Me (ends 12/3)

Pooters Pocket Diaper from Marlie and Me (ends 12/4)

Kawaii Snazzy minky Diaper from Life of This SAHM (ends 11/26)

Babykicks 3g Pocket Diaper from Baby Dickey’s Giveaways Mandatory GFC follow (ends 11/27)

Planet Wise Medium Wet Bag from The Not So Secret Confessions of a First Time Mom Mandatory GFC follow (ends 12/4)

Planet Wise Wet/Dry Bag from Bum Covered Diapers and It’s Me Melbie Mandatory GFC follow (ends 12/2)

Happy Heinys Pockets Diaper from Nature Bumz and The Cheap and Choosy (ends 12/12)

Rumparooz One Size Diaper from Kelly Wels Mandatory GFC follow – I think?  it’s listed as entry method #1, but doesn’t say it’s mandatory! (ends today, 11/19)

Applecheeks diaper from Life With My Littles Mandatory GFC follow (ends 11/28)

Katydid Cloth Diaper from Diary of Momma Mandatory GFC follow (ends 11/23)

Kawaii Pocket Diaper from Sweetbottoms Baby Boutique and The Cheap and Choosy (ends 12/15)

GoGo Green Wet Bag from Mommy’s Blessings (ends 12/3)

Nifty Nappy Wool Longies from Biehl Adventures (ends 11/23)

Baby K’Tan pink baby carrier from Mama to 4 Blessings Mandatory GFC follow (ends 12/11)

Bunzoo cover from Cloth Diaper Addiction Mandatory GFC follow (ends 11/22)
Doopsy SD Diaper from Life with my Littles Mandatory GFC follow (ends 11/30)

Doopsy SD Diaper from Luvs Jurn (ends 11/25)

NykiBaby One Size Pocket Diaper in Mint Chocolate from Monkey Toe Diapers and Etsy Cloth Diapers (ends 11/24)

FuzziBunz Perfect Size Diaper from Thanks Mama and The Cheap and Choosy (ends 12/17)

Babee Greens Organic Cloth Diaper from Children Teaching Mama (ends 12/6)

Giveaways still running from last week:

Babee Greens Wool Diaper Cover from Crunchy Beach Mama Mandatory GFC follow OR Facebook Like (ends 11/22)

Boba Carrier from Born 2 Impress Mandatory GFC follow (ends 11/28)

FuzziBunz O/S Pocket Diaper from Thanks Mama and Mama to 4 Blessings Mandatory GFC follow (ends 11/24)

GoGreen Pocket Diaper from The Girl is A Mom (ends 11/24)

Babykicks 3G Pocket Diaper from Chubby Cheeks Thinks (ends 11/26)

$10 GC to SweetBottoms Baby Boutique from Chubby Cheeks Thinks (ends 11/26)

$10 Bumbledoo Gift Certificate from SAPsMaMa Mandatory GFC follow (ends tomorrow, 11/20)

Mother-Ease Diaper & Cover from This Mama Loves Her Bargains (ends today, 11/19)

Katydid Cloth Diaper from The Cheap and Choosy (ends 12/2)

Kissaluvs Marvels AIO from Hip Tips For You Mandatory product review OR Facebook Comment (ends 12/1)

Wool Dryer Balls from The Cheap and Choosy and Tree Huggin’ Mama (ends 11/25)

You may enter any family friendly giveaway in the linky below. The form Blog name – Giveaway Item – Ending date works well. At a minimum, please include the item and end date, and link directly to the giveaway.

Please view my post on where I list my giveaways to find more great places to link up!

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Friday Giveaway Linky Giveaways Linky

Weekly Friday Giveaway Roundup for November 12th, 2010



It’s time again for the Friday giveaway roundup, where I will post cloth diaper and babywearing giveaways that I’ve found, or that readers have submitted. The post will be accompanied by a linky where you may enter any family friendly (no “adult” products please!) giveaways, they do not need to be diaper related.

If you have a cloth diaper/accessory/babywearing giveaway you would like to be listed in the next giveaway roundup post, please email a link, blog name, giveaway title, end date and photo (if applicable) to maria at change-diapers dot com. I want to keep the featured giveaways to cloth, accessories & babywearing only please.

This week’s giveaway finds:

wool diaper cover

Babee Greens Wool Diaper Cover from Crunchy Beach Mama Mandatory GFC follow OR Facebook Like (ends 11/22)

fluff event

Marlie and Mommy is offering advanced entries into her Fluff and Stuff (ing) event which starts next week.

The Cloth Diaper Whisperer

Boba Carrier from Born 2 Impress Mandatory GFC follow (ends 11/28)
Giveaways still running from last week:

$11 GC to Wee Little Changes from The Cheap and Choosy (ends 11/29)

Sleepy Wrap from Mama Dweeb (ends 11/17)

Beco Mini (doll carrier) from Familylicious Reviews Mandatory GFC follow (ends 11/14)

Beco Mini (doll Carrier) from Sugar Pop Ribbons Mandatory GFC follow AND Facebook “like” (ends 11/16)

$10 Bumbledoo Gift Certificate from SAPsMaMa Mandatory GFC follow (ends 11/20)

Rethink Crafts Diaper Cover from Sugar Pop Ribbons Mandatory GFC follow (ends today, 11/12)

Mother-Ease Diaper & Cover from This Mama Loves Her Bargains (ends 11/19)

Apple Cheeks Little Bundle from Mama B Mandatory GFC follow (ends 11/17)

BabyKicks 3G Bumboo Pocket Diaper from A Mom’s Take (ends today, 11/12)

Katydid Cloth Diaper from The Cheap and Choosy (ends 12/2)

$100 Diaper Junction Gift Cerfiticate from The Cloth Diaper Report (ends today, 11/12)

Kissaluvs Marvels AIO from Hip Tips For You Mandatory product review OR Facebook Comment (ends 12/1)

Mother-Ease AIO from Mama to 4 Blessings Open to the U.S. and Canada, Mandatory GFC follow (ends 11/18)

Go Green Pocket Diaper from Luvs Jurn (ends 11/17)

Planet Wise Hanging Wet/Dry Bag from Chubby Cheeks Thinks (ends 11/18)

$25 Gift Card to Thanks Mama from Luvs Jurn (ends 11/18)

DyPeas Pocket Diaper from Familylicious Reviews Mandatory GFC follow (ends 11/14)

BabeeGreens Diaper from Familylicious Reviews Mandatory GFC follow (ends 11/14)
Ergo Baby Carrier from Familylicious Reviews Mandatory GFC Follow (ends 11/14)

Planet Wise hanging wet/dry bag from Monkey Tales Mandatory GFC follow (ends 11/18)

You may enter any family friendly giveaway in the linky below. The form Blog name – Giveaway Item – Ending date works well. At a minimum, please include the item and end date, and link directly to the giveaway.

Please view my post on where I list my giveaways to find more great places to link up!

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Friday Giveaway Linky Giveaways Linky

Weekly Friday Giveaway Roundup for November 5th, 2010



Each Friday, I will post cloth diaper and babywearing giveaways that I’ve found, or that readers have submitted. The post will be accompanied by a linky where you may enter any family friendly (no “adult” products please!) giveaways, they do not need to be diaper related.

If you have a cloth diaper/accessory/babywearing giveaway you would like to be listed in the next giveaway roundup post, please email a link, blog name, giveaway title, end date and photo (if applicable) to maria at change-diapers dot com. I want to keep the featured giveaways to cloth, accessories & babywearing only please.

This week’s giveaway finds:
The Cloth Diaper Whisperer

monster fluff soaker

My Monster Fluff Soaker Giveaway ends tomorrow, 11/6

$11 GC to Wee Little Changes from The Cheap and Choosy (ends 11/29)

Sleepy Wrap from Mama Dweeb (ends 11/17)

Beco Mini (doll carrier) from Familylicious Reviews Mandatory GFC follow (ends 11/14)

Beco Mini (doll Carrier) from Sugar Pop Ribbons Mandatory GFC follow AND Facebook “like” (ends 11/16)

$10 Bumbledoo Gift Certificate from SAPsMaMa Mandatory GFC follow (ends 11/20)

Rethink Crafts Diaper Cover from Sugar Pop Ribbons Mandatory GFC follow (ends 11/12)

Doopsy SD Diaper from The Cloth Diaper Report (ends 11/8)

Sage Diaper from The Cloth Diaper Report Mandatory comment goes on the sponsor’s blog (ends 11/8)

Mother-Ease Diaper & Cover from This Mama Loves Her Bargains (ends 11/19)

$10 Abby’s Lane Gift Card from Cloth Diaper Addiction Mandatory GFC follow (ends ?)

Apple Cheeks Little Bundle from Mama B Mandatory GFC follow (ends 11/17)

Talulah Bean Mama Cloth & Clutch from Biehl Adventures and Earth Angels Diaper Co. (ends 11/9)

BabyKicks 3G Bumboo Pocket Diaper from A Mom’s Take (ends 11/12)

Katydid Cloth Diaper from The Cheap and Choosy (ends 12/2)

$100 Diaper Junction Gift Cerfiticate from The Cloth Diaper Report (ends 11/12)

Kissaluvs Marvels AIO from Hip Tips For You Mandatory product review OR Facebook Comment (ends 12/1)

Nifty Nappy Woolie Wrap from Biehl Adventures (ends 11/10)

Mother-Ease AIO from Mama to 4 Blessings Open to the U.S. and Canada, Mandatory GFC follow (ends 11/18)

Go Green Pocket Diaper from Luvs Jurn (ends 11/17)

Planet Wise Hanging Wet/Dry Bag from Chubby Cheeks Thinks (ends 11/18)

$25 Gift Card to Thanks Mama from Luvs Jurn (ends 11/18)

AppleCheeks Diaper from BellaLojo Baby and The Cheap and Choosy (ends 11/4)

DyPeas Pocket Diaper from Familylicious Reviews Mandatory GFC follow (ends 11/14)

Giveaways still running from last week:

Kangadu Upcycled Wool Soaker from Crunchy Beach Mama Mandatory Facebook Like, comment and GFC follow (ends 11/9)

Happy Heinys Diaper from Sugar Pop Ribbons Mandatory GFC follow (ends today, 11/5)
BabeeGreens Diaper from Familylicious Reviews Mandatory GFC follow (ends 11/14)
Organic Moby Wrap from Eco-Friendly and Frugal Mandatory GFC follow (ends 11/9)
GoGreen Pocket Diaper from The Small Town Mom Mandatory GFC follow (ends today, 11/5)
You may enter any family friendly giveaway in the linky below. The form Blog name – Giveaway Item – Ending date works well. At a minimum, please include the item and end date, and link directly to the giveaway.

Please view my post on where I list my giveaways to find more great places to link up!

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Friday Giveaway Linky Giveaways Linky

Weekly Friday Giveaway Roundup for October 29th, 2010



Each Friday, I will post cloth diaper and babywearing giveaways that I’ve found, or that readers have submitted. The post will be accompanied by a linky where you may enter any family friendly (no “adult” products please!) giveaways, they do not need to be diaper related.

If you have a cloth diaper/accessory/babywearing giveaway you would like to be listed in the next giveaway roundup post, please email a link, blog name, giveaway title, end date and photo (if applicable) to maria at change-diapers dot com. I want to keep the featured giveaways to cloth, accessories & babywearing only please.

This week’s giveaway finds:

Kangadu Upcycled Wool Soaker from Crunchy Beach Mama Mandatory Facebook Like, comment and GFC follow (ends 11/9)

Sage Diaper from The Bragging Mommy (ends today, 10/29)

Bummis fleece liner from Goodbye Disposable, Hello Cloth (ends 11/7)

$10 Gift Certificate to from Natural Baby Giveaways (ends 11/10)

$25 Diaper Junction credit from Children Teaching Mama (ends 11/16)

Happy Heinys Diaper from Sugar Pop Ribbons Mandatory GFC follow (ends 11/5)

Thirsties Duo Wrap & Stay Dry Insert from Baby Dickey’s Giveaways (ends 11/6)

Thirsties Duo Wrap & Stay Dry Insert from This Mama Loves Her Bargains (ends 11/13)

Flip Diaper from It’s Me Melbie and Doable Diapers (ends 11/8)

Planet Wise Hanging Wet/Dry bag from This Mama Loves Her Bargains (ends 11/7)

Nifty Nappy Fitted from Biehl Adventures (ends 11/1)

YoYoo Diaper from Dirty Diaper Laundry and Snaps and Snails (ends 11/8)

Wool Dryer Balls from The Cheap and Choosy and Tree Huggin’ Mama (ends 11/25)

Bambino Mio Diaper Trial Pack from A Mom’s Take (ends 11/5)

Babee Greens One Size Organic Fitted from The Cloth Diaper Report (ends 11/3)

gDiapers from This Mama Loves Her Bargains (ends 11/14)

BabeeGreens Diaper from Familylicious Reviews Mandatory GFC follow (ends 11/14)

Organic Moby Wrap from Eco-Friendly and Frugal Mandatory GFC follow (ends 11/9)

GoGreen Pocket Diaper from The Small Town Mom Mandatory GFC follow (ends 11/5)

Disana Wool Cover from The Cheap and Choosy and Abby’s Lane (ends 11/25)

$10 Abby’s Lane Gift Certificate from This Mama Loves Her Bargains (ends 11/15)

Babykicks 3G Bumboo Pocket Diaper from Loves Jurn (ends 11/11)

Kissaluvs Fitted from Your World: Healthy and Natural (ends 11/12)

Bum Essentials Diaper from This Mama Loves her Bargains (ends 11/16)

Nicki’s Diapers Best Bottom Giraffe Print Mandatory GFC follow (ends 11/3)

Applecheeks Little Bundle from Chubby Cheeks Thinks (ends 11/11)

Super Undies Potty Training Pants from Chubby Cheeks Thinks (ends 11/11)

Giveaways still running from last week:
Tidbit Couture Wool AI2 Diaper Cover Set from Wishing Penny Mandatory GFC follow (ends tomorrow, 10/30)
Bummas Wipes from Your World: Healthy and Natural  (ends today, 10/29)

$20 credit to Wee Little Changes from Children Teaching Mama (ends 11/3)

$10 Gift Certificate to Abby’s Lane from Monkey Tales mandatory GFC follow (ends 11/18)

Thirsties Duo Wrap and Hemp Prefold from The Small Town Mom (ends today, 10/29)

Mother-Ease Fitted and Cover from A Mommy’s Blessings Mandatory GFC follow (ends today, 10/29)

Boba 2G Classic Carrier from Giveaways and More (ends tomorrow, 10/30)

Boba Organic Baby Carrier from A Mom’s Balancing Act (ends 11/7)

Boba Classic Baby Carrier from Jolly Mom (ends 11/2)

Ergo Baby Carrier from Homegrown Families Mandatory Facebook Like, comment and GFC follow (ends 11/10)

Ergo Baby Carrier from Familylicious Reviews Mandatory GFC Follow (ends 11/14)

Rethink Crafts Diaper Cover from Life of a Slightly Crunchy SAHM of Drama Queens (ends 11/7)

The Baby Store Plus $25 Gift Card from Children Teaching Mama (ends 11/6)

Doopsy SD Diaper from Dirty Diaper Laundry (ends 11/1)

Thirsties Duo Wrap and Hemp Prefold from Cakeblast (ends 11/5)

Planet Wise hanging wet/dry bag from Monkey Tales Mandatory GFC follow (ends 11/18)

AMP Duo Diaper from Chubby Cheeks Thinks (ends 11/4)

Mother-Ease Fitted and Cover from A Mom’s Take (ends 11/5)

Bum Essentials AI2 from Mama to 4 Blessings Mandatory GFC follow (ends 11/4)

fleece diaper covers
amber teething necklace
Kissaluvs Marvels AIO from Shining to Save (ends tomorrow, 10/30)

You may enter any family friendly giveaway in the linky below. The form Blog name – Giveaway Item – Ending date works well. At a minimum, please include the item and end date, and link directly to the giveaway.

Please view my post on where I list my giveaways to find more great places to link up!

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Friday Giveaway Linky Giveaways Linky

Weekly Friday Giveaway Roundup for October 22nd, 2010



Each Friday, I will post cloth diaper and babywearing giveaways that I’ve found, or that readers have submitted. The post will be accompanied by a linky where you may enter any family friendly (no “adult” products please!) giveaways, they do not need to be diaper related.

If you have a cloth diaper/accessory/babywearing giveaway you would like to be listed in the next giveaway roundup post, please email a link, blog name, giveaway title, end date and photo (if applicable) to maria at change-diapers dot com. I want to keep the featured giveaways to cloth, accessories & babywearing only please.

This week’s giveaway finds:

The Cloth Diaper Whisperer

a year of fluff cloth diaper event

More giveaways coming during my “Year of Fluff” event!

kissaluvs 0 fitted

My Kissaluvs Fitted Giveaway ends tomorrow, 10/23

wee bonnie botts aio

My Wee Bonnie Botts Giveaway ends 10/26

eli monster aio

My Eli Monster Giveaway ends 10/27

Plump O/S AI2

My PLUMP giveaway ends 10/28

Mom’s Best Bests is giving away an American Girl Felicity Doll ending 11/18.  This is totally un-diaper related and most of you have no interest, but I want to get an extra entry for blogging about the giveaway.  Anyway, if you have a little girl she will be big someday, hard as that is to believe, so you might want to enter and hang on to the doll if you win.  But you better not win, because that would mean I didn’t.  Hee.  Sorry folks.  moving right along!  🙂

Tidbit Couture Wool AI2 Diaper Cover Set from Wishing Penny Mandatory GFC follow (ends 10/30)

Bummas Wipes from Your World: Healthy and Natural  (ends 10/29)

$20 credit to Wee Little Changes from Children Teaching Mama (ends 11/3)

$10 Gift Certificate to Abby’s Lane from Monkey Tales mandatory GFC follow (ends 11/18)

Thirsties Duo Wrap and Hemp Prefold from The Small Town Mom (ends 10/29)

Mother-Ease Fitted and Cover from A Mommy’s Blessings Mandatory GFC follow (ends 10/29)

Boba 2G Classic Carrier from Giveaways and More (ends 10/30)

Boba Organic Baby Carrier from A Mom’s Balancing Act (ends 11/7)

Boba Classic Baby Carrier from Jolly Mom (ends 11/2)

Ergo Baby Carrier from Homegrown Families Mandatory Facebook Like, comment and GFC follow (ends 11/10)

Ergo Baby Carrier from Familylicious Reviews Mandatory GFC follow (ends 11/14)

Rethink Crafts Diaper Cover from Life of a Slightly Crunchy SAHM of Drama Queens (ends 11/7)

The Baby Store Plus $25 Gift Card from Children Teaching Mama (ends 11/6)

Sprout Change Super Saver Starter Kit from Baby Making Machine and The Willow Store (ends 10/27)

Doopsy SD Diaper from Dirty Diaper Laundry (ends 11/1)

Thirsties Duo Wrap and Hemp Prefold from Cakeblast (ends 11/5)

Snap EZ Trainers from The Cloth Diaper Report (ends 10/28)

Planet Wise hanging wet/dry bag from Monkey Tales Mandatory GFC follow (ends 11/18)

Bummas Wipes from Biehl Adventures (ends 10/28)

AMP Duo Diaper from Chubby Cheeks Thinks (ends 11/4)

Mother-Ease Fitted and Cover from A Mom’s Take (ends 11/5)

Bum Essentials AI2 from Mama to 4 Blessings Mandatory GFC follow (ends 11/4)

Giveaways still running from last week:

fleece diaper covers

3 diaper covers by Zizzies and Izzies from Rachel’s Reviews and Giveaways (ends 11/4) Mandatory GFC follow

amber teething necklace

Bouncing Woolies Dryer Balls from Happily Southern (ends tomorrow, 10/23) Mandatory Facebook like, Facebook wall comment AND Twitter like so this will turn many off, but it means your odds should be pretty good!
Ergo Baby Carrier from The Marci Factor (ends 10/28) Mandatory GFC blog follow and Ergo Facebook like

Kissaluvs Marvels AIO from Shining to Save (ends 10/30)

$10 Gift Certificate to Snuggle Hugs from Snuggle Hugs & The Cloth Diaper Retailer Cooperative (ends 10/30) – rules are a little confusing, looks like they are allowing entries on Facebook as well?
Ergo Baby Carrier from Connected Mom (have to follow the blog and/or join their community) (ends…?  10/31??)

You may enter any family friendly giveaway in the linky below. The form Blog name – Giveaway Item – Ending date works well. At a minimum, please include the item and end date, and link directly to the giveaway.

Please view my post on where I list my giveaways to find more great places to link up!

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