Category : Linky

Friday Giveaway Linky Giveaways Linky

Cloth Diaper Giveaway Roundup for 10/21/11 (Plus Linky for All Giveaways)

Cloth Diaper Giveaway Roundup

Phew, it’s Friday again, and I know you want free cloth diapers! Each Friday, I list cloth diaper, accessory and baby wearing giveaways that I’ve found.

If you’d like me to list your cloth diaper, accessory, baby wearing (etc.) giveaway next week, send a link and description to maria at, or Fill out my contact form for readers.


My GoGreen Champ Diaper & Adapt-a-Snap (2 of each) giveaway ends 10/25 and is open to the U.S. and Canada RC

Boba Wrap

My Boba Wrap Giveaway ends 10/27 RC

Please view my “current giveaways” in the upper left sidebar to see all of my active Virtual Baby Shower giveaways, including those that aren’t cloth diaper related!

The Cloth Diaper Whisperer

This week’s giveaway is for two Bumgenius 4.0 cloth diapers!

*Prizes from Fuzzibunz (no set end date, ends at 25k fans) Entry is through Facebook app, must “like” them on Facebook to enter

*Itti Bitti Tutto from Bippy Baby (ends 10/21) RC

*Wool Liners from Babee Greens and Midwestern Moms (ends 10/21) RC

*Lovely Pocket Diaper from Measuring Flower Mandatory GFC follow (ends 10/21) RC

*Softbums Diaper from Mama on a Green Mission (ends 10/21) RC

*Softbums Diaper from Tales from the Nursery (ends 10/21) RC

*$25 Ultimate Green Store GC from Tales from the Nursery (ends 10/21) RC

Bumgenius Diaper Sprayer from Mom’s Milk Boutique’s Breastfeed Babywear Cloth Diaper Blog (ends 10/21) RC

*Swaddlebees Prefolds & Cover from Cloth Diaper Contests & Giveaways (ends 10/22) Open to the U.S. and Canada

*Glow Bug Diapers from Happily Domestic (ends 10/23) Open to the U.S. and Canada

*$25 EcoMom GF from Sapsmama Mandatory GFC follow (ends 10/23) RC

*Anna Carrie Baby Mei Tai Carrier from Mod N Natural Mandatory GFC follow and two Facebook “likes” (ends 10/23) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC

*Mother-Ease Diaper & Cover from Letters from Momma (ends 10/23) RC

*Itti Bitti Cloth Diaper from Simmworks Family Blog (ends 10/23) RC

Bummis Wrap Open to the U.S. and Canada (ends 10/23)

*Bummis Tini Fit (or store credit) from Sweetbottoms Baby Boutique and The Tree Huggin Mama Mandatory GFC follow (ends 10/24) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC

Cloth by Tel Diaper from Married with Diapers Two Mandatory Facebook “likes” (ends 10/24) Open to the U.S. and Canada GD

*Bella Bottoms Diaper from Coping With Frugality (ends 10/25) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC

Bunzuke Diaper from Dibs (ends 10/25) RC

*Grandma Els Diaper Rash Cream from New Age Mama Mandatory Facebook “like” (ends 10/26) RC

*Real Nappies Intro Pack from Tales from the Nursery (ends 10/26) RC

*$25 Ultimate Green Store GC from Mama on a Green Mission (ends 10/26) RC

*Thirsties Duo Wrap & Prefold from The Tree Huggin Mama Mandatory GFC follow (ends 10/26) RC

Incredibum Bamboo Wipes from The Gnome’s Mom (ends 10/26) RC

Fuzzibunz Elite Diaper from Doable Diapers Mandatory GFC follow (ends 10/26) RC

3 Diaper Rite Pocket Diapers from Diaper Junction (ends 10/26) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC

*Tender Tushies Diaper from Trying to Go Green Mandatory GFC follow and Facebook “like” and comment (ends 10/27) RC

*Wool Sprout Change Diaper from Eco Babyz Mandatory GFC follow (ends 10/27) RC

$10 Sandbox Lane GC from The Tree Huggin Mama Mandatory GFC follow (ends 10/27) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC

Happy Heinys Diapers from Kelly Wels Mandatory Facebook “like” (ends 10/27) RC

*Sunbaby Diapers from Just Add Cloth (ends 10/28) RC

*Butterfly Boutique Cloth Diapers from Happenings of the Harper Household Mandatory GFC follow (ends 10/28) RC

Thirsties Cover & Prefold from Dirty Diaper Laundry (ends 10/28) Open to the U.S. and Canada Open to the U.S. and Canada RC

Cutey Baby Diaper System from Measuring Flower Mandatory GFC follow (ends 10/28) RC

*GoGreen Diaper from Midwestern Moms Madnatory Facebook “like” (ends 10/29) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC

Grandma El’s Diaper Cream from Midwestern Moms (ends 10/30) RC

$25 Ultimate Green Store GC from Green Mama Jama Mandatory GFC follow (ends 10/30) RC

Bug on a Rug Fleece Cover from Surf Mommie Mandatory GFC follow (ends 10/30) RC

Earth Mama Angel Baby Bottom Balm from The Tree Huggin Mama Mandatory GFC follow (ends 10/30) RC

Bumgenius Elemental from Tip Toes & Cloth Diaper Addiction Two Mandatory Facebook “likes” (ends 10/30) GD

Oh Katy Diaper from Makobi Scribe Mandatory GFC follow (ends 10/31) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC

*Beco Baby Carrier from Peace Love & Poop Mandatory GFC follow and Facebook “like” (ends 10/31) RC

*Kissaluvs Diaper from Everything Birth (ends 10/31) Comment on blog to enter, winner will only be chosen is 4400 Facebook “likes” are reached by 10/31

WAHMies Wet Bag from Nature Bumz and The Tree Huggin Mama Mandatory GFC follow (ends 10/31) Open to Canada only RC

Thirsties Duo Diaper from Manager to Mom (ends 10/31) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC

EcoPosh Fitted from and Cloth Diaper Geek (ends 10/31) Open Worldwide RC

Itti Bitti Sweepstakes from Diapershops Mandatory Facebook “like” (ends 10/31) Woobox Form

*Mother-Ease One Size Cloth Diaper System from Beautifully Bella Faith (ends 11/1) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC

Planet Wise Sports Bag from My Swim baby and Formula Mom (ends 11/1) RC

Haute Green Swag Bag from Haute Mommy (ends 11/1) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC

*RearZ Wipes from Baby Giveaways Galore Mandatory Facebook “like” (ends 11/2) Open Worldwide RC

Applecheeks Diaper from Mommy and Me Giveaways Mandatory GFC follow (ends 11/3) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC

Omaiki Diaper from Everything Mom and Baby (ends 11/3) Open to Canadians only

Bummas Wipes from Inspired by Savannah Mandatory Facebook “like” and comment (ends 11/3)

Willow Store Dryer Balls from Mimi Loves all Eight Mandatory GFC follow (ends 11/5)

Fuzzibunz Diaper from Daily Mothering Mandatory GFC follow (ends 11/5) RC

Smartipants Diaper from The Jacobsen Family Mandatory GFC follow (ends 11/6) RC

Thirsties Duo Diaper from The Jacobsen Family Mandatory GFC follow (ends 11/6) RC

GoGreen Diaper from The Jacobsen Family Mandatory GFC follow and Facebook “like” (ends 11/6) RC

Bebe Bottom Wipe Spray from The Jacobsen Family Mandatory GFC follow (ends 11/6) RC

*Knickernappies Diaper from Wee Little Changes Mandatory GFC follow (ends 11/10)

The Willow Store Cloth Wipes from Green Mama Jama Mandatory GFC follow (ends 11/10) RC

Buns Up Baby Diaper from On Being a Mom Mandatory Facebook “like” and email subscription (ends 11/19) Open to the U.S. and Canada

Eco Sprout Detergent from Baby and the Chis (ends 11/19) RC

Monkey Toe Diaper from Baby and the Chis (ends 11/19) RC

6 Bumgenius 4.0 Cloth Diapers from Squishy Tushy (ends 11/20) RC

*giveaways that have been listed in a prior week’s roundup
RC Entries collected via Rafflecopter
GD Entries collected via Google Docs Form

You may enter any “family friendly” giveaway in the linky below. The form Blog name – Giveaway Item – Ending date works well. Please at least include the item and end date, and link directly to the giveaway.

View my where I list my giveaways post, to find more places to link up your giveaways!

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Friday Giveaway Linky Giveaways Linky

Cloth Diaper Giveaways – Roundup for 10/14/11 (Plus Linky for all Giveaways)

Cloth Diaper Giveaway Roundup

It’s Friday, which means it’s time for another Cloth diaper giveaway roundup! Every week, I list cloth diaper, accessory and baby wearing giveaways for you to enter.

If you’d like me to list your cloth diaper, accessory, baby wearing (etc.) giveaway next week, send a link and description to maria at, or Fill out my contact form for readers.

BumGenius XS Newborn AIO 1

My Bumgenius Newborn Cloth Diaper Giveaway ends 10/14 and is open to the U.S. and Canada RC

Bumgenius Cloth Diapers

My giveaway for 3 Bumgenius 4.0 Cloth Diapers ends 10/17 and is open to the U.S. and Canada RC


thirsties duo wrap

My Thirsties Duo Wrap & Duo Hemp Prefold Giveaway (ends 10/20) and is open to the U.S. and Canada RC

Please view my “current giveaways” in the upper left sidebar to see all of my active Virtual Baby Shower giveaways, including those that aren’t cloth diaper related!

The Cloth Diaper Whisperer

This week’s Fluff Friday is a Changing Diapers book and Bumgenius 4.0 Diaper giveaway (ends 10/20) RC

*Prizes from Fuzzibunz (no set end date, ends at 25k fans) Entry is through Facebook app, must “like” them on Facebook to enter

*GoGreen Champ Pocket Diaper from Measuring Flower Mandatory GFC follow (ends 10/14) RC

*Softbums Diaper from Crazy 4 Fluff Mandatory GFC follow (ends 10/14)

*Onya Baby Carrier from Everything Mom and Baby (ends 10/14) Open to the U.S. and Canada

*Palm Tree Diaper Cover from Cloth Diaper Outlet and Life with My Littles Mandatory GFC follow (ends 10/14) RC

*Fuzzibunz or Rumparooz Diaper from Changing Diapers & Padded Tush Stats (ends 10/15) GD

*Bummas Wipes from Girly Girl Giveaways Mandatory Facebook “like” (ends 10/16)

Smartipants Diaper from The Photog Nazi (ends 10/16) RC

Smartipants Diaper from Our Lives Intertwined Two Mandatory GFC follows and Networked Blogs Follow (ends 10/16) RC

*Mini Maestro Newborn Cloth Diaper Bundle from The Tree Huggin Mama Mandatory GFC follow (ends 10/17) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC

*Fuzzibunz or Rumparooz Diaper from Changing Diapers and West Coast Mama (ends 10/17)

*Glow Bug Diapers from Formula Mom (ends 10/17) Open to the U.S. and Canada

*United by Fluff Cloth Wipes from Dibs (ends 10/17) RC

Glow Bug Diapers from Formula Mom (ends 10/17) RC

*Action Baby Carrier from Dibs (ends 10/18) GD

*Tiny Tush Diaper from Job Description Mommy (ends 10/18)

*Fuzzibunz or Rumparooz Diaper from Changing Diapers and Eco Baby Mama Drama (ends 10/18)

Lil Miss Crafty Pants Wipes from Why Cloth Diaper Two Mandatory Facebook “likes” (ends 10/18) RC

Boba Baby Carrier Mandatory Facebook “like” (ends 10/18) RC

*$20 Haute Bottoms GC from Baby Giveaways Galore
Mandatory Facebook “like” (ends 10/19) RC

*$10 Zippy Doo Diapers GC from Emily’s Latest (ends 10/19) RC

*Envibum Diaper from The Tree Huggin Mama Mandatory GFC follow (ends 10/19) RC

Thirsties Fab Fitteds, Wrap & Booty Love (ends 10/19) RC

3 Fuzzibunz Perfect Size Diapers from Diaper Junction’s Cloth Diaper Blog (ends 10/19) RC

What’s on the Bum Diaper from Surf Mommie Mandatory GFC follow (ends 10/20) RC

$75 Snuggy Baby (slings, wraps etc.) GC from Mommy Loves Giveaways (ends 10/20)

Bumgenius & Thirsties Newborn Diapers from Kelly Wels (ends 10/20) RC

*Itti Bitti Tutto from Bippy Baby (ends 10/21) RC

*Wool Liners from Babee Greens and Midwestern Moms (ends 10/21) RC

Lovely Pocket Diaper from Measuring Flower Mandatory GFC follow (ends 10/21) RC

Softbums Diaper from Mama on a Green Mission (ends 10/21) RC

Softbums Diaper from Tales from the Nursery (ends 10/21) RC

$25 Ultimate Green Store GC from Tales from the Nursery (ends 10/21) RC

Swaddlebees Prefolds & Cover from Cloth Diaper Contests & Giveaways (ends 10/22) Open to the U.S. and Canada

Glow Bug Diapers from Happily Domestic (ends 10/23) Open to the U.S. and Canada

*$25 EcoMom GF from Sapsmama Mandatory GFC follow (ends 10/23) RC

Anna Carrie Baby Mei Tai Carrier from Mod N Natural Mandatory GFC follow and two Facebook “likes” (ends 10/23) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC

Mother-Ease Diaper & Cover from Letters from Momma (ends 10/23) RC

Itti Bitti Cloth Diaper from Simmworks Family Blog (ends 10/23) RC

Bummis Tini Fit (or store credit) from Sweetbottoms Baby Boutique and The Tree Huggin Mama
Mandatory GFC follow (ends 10/24) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC

Bella Bottoms Diaper from Coping With Frugality (ends 10/25) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC

Grandma Els Diaper Rash Cream from New Age Mama Mandatory Facebook “like” (ends 10/26) RC

Real Nappies Intro Pack from Tales from the Nursery (ends 10/26) RC

$25 Ultimate Green Store GC from Mama on a Green Mission (ends 10/26) RC

Thirsties Duo Wrap & Prefold from The Tree Huggin Mama Mandatory GFC follow (ends 10/26) RC

Tender Tushies Diaper from Trying to Go Green Mandatory GFC follow and Facebook “like” and comment (ends 10/27) RC

Wool Sprout Change Diaper from Eco Babyz Mandatory GFC follow (ends 10/27) RC

Sunbaby Diapers from Just Add Cloth (ends 10/28) RC

Butterfly Boutique Cloth Diapers from Happenings of the Harper Household Mandatory GFC follow (ends 10/28) RC

GoGreen Diaper from Midwestern Moms Madnatory Facebook “like” (ends 10/29) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC

*Beco Baby Carrier from Peace Love & Poop
Mandatory GFC follow and Facebook “like” (ends 10/31) RC

Kissaluvs Diaper from Everything Birth (ends 10/31) Comment on blog to enter, winner will only be chosen is 4400 Facebook “likes” are reached by 10/31

Mother-Ease One Size Cloth Diaper System from Beautifully Bella Faith
(ends 11/1) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC

RearZ Wipes from Baby Giveaways Galore Mandatory Facebook “like” (ends 11/2) Open Worldwide RC

Knickernappies Diaper from Wee Little Changes Mandatory GFC follow (ends 11/10)

*giveaways that have been listed in a prior week’s roundup
RC Entries collected via Rafflecopter
GD Entries collected via Google Docs Form

You may enter any “family friendly” giveaway in the linky below. The form Blog name – Giveaway Item – Ending date works well. Please at least include the item and end date, and link directly to the giveaway.

View my where I list my giveaways post, to find more places to link up your giveaways!

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Friday Giveaway Linky Giveaways Linky

Cloth Diaper Giveaway Roundup for 10/7/11 (Plus Linky for all Giveaways)

Cloth Diaper Giveaway Roundup

Cloth diaper giveaway time! Each Friday, I list cloth diaper, accessory and baby wearing giveaways from all over the blogosphere, so you don’t have to hunt for them.

If you’d like me to list your cloth diaper, accessory, baby wearing (etc.) giveaway next week, send a link and description to maria at, or Fill out my contact form for readers.

AMP Diaper

My AMP Sized Duo Cloth Diaper giveaway ends 10/11 and is open to the U.S. and Canada RC

Thirsties Duo Diaper

My Thirsties Duo Cloth Diaper Giveaway ends 10/13 and is open to the U.S. and Canada


BumGenius XS Newborn AIO 1
My Bumgenius Newborn Cloth Diaper Giveaway ends 10/14 and is open to the U.S. and Canada RC

Bumgenius Cloth Diapers

My giveaway for 3 Bumgenius 4.0 Cloth Diapers ends 10/17 and is open to the U.S. and Canada RC

The Cloth Diaper Whisperer

*Prizes from Fuzzibunz (no set end date, ends at 25k fans) Entry is through Facebook app, must “like” them on Facebook to enter

*GroVia Hybrid Trial Pack from Happenings of the Harper Household Mandatory GFC follow (ends 10/7) RC

*Buns Up Baby Diaper from Brookie’s Baby Bargains Mandatory GFC follow (ends 10/7) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC

Real Nappies Intro Pack from Ecomomical Me (ends 10/7) RC

Thirsties Duo Diaper from Breastfeed Babywear Cloth Diaper Mandatory GFC follow (ends 10/7) RC

*Real Nappies Cover & Prefold from Mama on a Green Mission (ends 10/8) RC Open Worldwide (outside U.S. pays shipping)

*Real Nappies Prefold & Cover from Formula Mom (ends 10/8) RC

*Bee Bop Baby Cover from Cloth Diaper Addiction (ends 10/8) GD

Earthsling from Mommy of 1 and Counting (ends 10/9)

*Knickernappies Diaper from Wee Little Changes (ends 10/9)

*Cloth Diaper Insert from Cotton Bottom Mama (ends 10/9)

*Rumparooz Lil Joey from The Green Nursery & The Tree Huggin’ Mama Mandatory GFC follow (ends 10/9) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC

*3 Bumgenius Freetime Diapers from Diaper Junction and Cloth Diaper Geek (ends 10/9) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC

*Fuzzibunz or Rumparooz Diaper from Changing Diapers and The Reynolds Mom (ends 10/9) RC

*Kiwi Pie Diaper from The Green Nursery and Life with my Littles (10/9) RC

*Thirsties Duo Wrap & Inserts from Crunchy Katie Mandatory GFC follow (ends 10/9) RC

*Bummis Prefold & Cover from Take Time to Smell the Rose
Mandatory GFC follow (ends 10/9) Open to the U.S. and Canada

Boba Baby Carrier from Everything Mom and Baby Mandatory Facebook “like” (ends 10/9) RC

*Fuzzibunz Diaper from Changing Diapers and One Little Mister (ends 10/10) RC

*Itti Bitti Tutto from Beautifully Bella Faith (ends 10/10) RC

*Pognae Baby Carrier from Thrifty Nifty Mommy (ends 10/10) GD

*Babykicks Diaper from Mama Dweeb
(ends 10/10) Open to the U.S. and Canada

Sew is Your Baby Diaper from Cloth Diaper Contests & Giveaways (ends 10/10) Open to the U.S. and Canada

*Rockin’ Baby Sling from Everything Mom & Baby (ends 10/11) Open to the U.S. and Canada GD

*Thirsties Duo Diaper from Formula Mom (ends 10/11) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC

*Babylegs from The Tree Huggin Momma Mandatory GFC follow and Facebook “like” (ends 10/11) RC

5 Cloth Diapers from Anderson’s Angels Mandatory GFC follow (ends 10/11) RC

Fuzzibunz Diaper, $20 Sandbox Lane GC & Rockin’ Green Detergent from According to Jenny Mandatory GFC follow (ends 10/11) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC

2 Thirsties Duo Diapers (ends 10/11) RC

*$10 Everything Birth GC from Fluffy Bums (ends 10/12) RC

*$20 Country Drawers GC from The Tree Huggin’ Mama Mandatory GFC follow (ends 10/12) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC

Earth Mama Angel Baby Bottom Balm from The Little Hedgehog
Mandatory GFC follow (ends 10/12) RC

Happy Heinys Diapers from Cloth Diaper Blog (ends 10/12) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC

*Swaddlebees Simplex Diaper from Sweep Tight (ends 10/13) RC

Best Bottom Diaper from The Tree Huggin Mama
Mandatory GFC follow (ends 10/13) RC

$15 Eco Mom GC from Mindfully Frugal Mom Mandatory GFC follow and Facebook “like” (ends 10/13) RC

$25 Diaper Daisy GC from Baby Dickey (ends 10/13) RC

Planet Wise Wet/Dry Bags from Kelly Wels (ends 10/13) RC

GoGreen Champ Pocket Diaper from Measuring Flower Mandatory GFC follow (ends 10/14) RC

Softbums Diaper from Crazy 4 Fluff Mandatory GFC follow (ends 10/14)

Onya Baby Carrier from Everything Mom and Baby (ends 10/14) Open to the U.S. and Canada

Palm Tree Diaper Cover from Cloth Diaper Outlet and Life with My Littles Mandatory GFC follow (ends 10/14) RC

*Fuzzibunz or Rumparooz Diaper from Changing Diapers & Padded Tush Stats (ends 10/15) GD

Bummas Wipes from Girly Girl Giveaways Mandatory Facebook “like” (ends 10/16)

Mini Maestro Newborn Cloth Diaper Bundle from The Tree Huggin Mama Mandatory GFC follow (ends 10/17) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC

Fuzzibunz or Rumparooz Diaper from Changing Diapers and West Coast Mama (ends 10/17)

Glow Bug Diapers from Formula Mom (ends 10/17) Open to the U.S. and Canada

United by Fluff Cloth Wipes from Dibs (ends 10/17) RC

*Action Baby Carrier from Dibs (ends 10/18) GD

Tiny Tush Diaper from Job Description Mommy (ends 10/18)

Fuzzibunz or Rumparooz Diaper from Changing Diapers and Eco Baby Mama Drama (ends 10/18)

*$20 Haute Bottoms GC from Baby Giveaways Galore
Mandatory Facebook “like” (ends 10/19) RC

$10 Zippy Doo Diapers GC from Emily’s Latest (ends 10/19) RC

Envibum Diaper from The Tree Huggin Mama Mandatory GFC follow (ends 10/19) RC

Itti Bitti Tutto from Bippy Baby (ends 10/21) RC

Wool Liners from Babee Greens and Midwestern Moms (ends 10/21) RC

$25 EcoMom GF from Sapsmama Mandatory GFC follow (ends 10/23) RC

Beco Baby Carrier from Peace Love & Poop
Mandatory GFC follow and Facebook “like” (ends 10/31) RC

*giveaways that have been listed in a prior week’s roundup
RC Entries collected via Rafflecopter
GD Entries collected via Google Docs Form

You may enter any “family friendly” giveaway in the linky below. The form Blog name – Giveaway Item – Ending date works well. Please at least include the item and end date, and link directly to the giveaway.

View my where I list my giveaways post, to find more places to link up your giveaways!

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Blog Hop Cloth Diaper Blog Hop Linky

Cloth Diaper Blog Hop for October 2011

cloth diaper blog hop

Copy and Paste Code

October already, wow! Monday begins the virtual baby shower event, but for now it’s cloth diaper blog hop time! If you always (or just sometimes) blog about cloth diapers, please link up! Please spread the word about this unique blog hop!

This hop is easy to participate in; you don’t have to blog about the hop or post the button. Of course, I’d love it it if you would blog, post the button, tweet and/or share on Facebook.

You don’t have to follow certain blog or leave comments. I hope you will stop by the other blogs, follow them if you like what they’re writing about, and leave a comment if you have something to say!

I love to read blogs, so I will follow anyone who links up!

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Friday Giveaway Linky Giveaways Linky

Cloth Diaper Giveaways – Roundup for 9/30/11 (Plus Linky for all Giveaways)

Cloth Diaper Giveaway Roundup

Fridays at mean cloth diaper giveaway roundup time. Every week, I list cloth diaper, accessory and baby wearing giveaways I’ve found for you to enter.

If you’d like me to list your cloth diaper, accessory, baby wearing (etc.) giveaway next week, send a link and description to maria at, or Fill out my contact form for readers.

bumgenius freetime

My giveaway for 3 Bumgenius Freetime Cloth Diapers, sponsored by Diaper Junction ends 10/6 and is open to the U.S. and Canada RC

The Cloth Diaper Whisperer

*Prizes from Fuzzibunz (no set end date, ends at 25k fans) Entry is through Facebook app, must “like” them on Facebook to enter

*GoGreen Diapers from Prengnancy and Newborn (ends 9/30) Daily form entry

*Babykicks 3G Pocket Diaper from Newly Crunchy Mama of 3 Mandatory GFC follow (ends 9/30) RC

*$30 Sew Crafty Baby GC from Grinning Cheek to Cheek (ends 9/30) Open to the U.S. and Canada

*Kawaii Diaper from Adventures in Fluff
(ends 9/30)

*Mini Maestro Diaper from Grinning Cheek to Cheek (ends 9/30) Open to the U.S. and Canada

*Cloth Diaper Package from Formula Mom
(ends 9/30) RC

*Rockin’ Green from The Photog Nazi Mandatory GFC follow (ends 9/30) RC

*GoGreen Champ Diaper & Adapt a Snap from Three Fabulous Mommies
Mandatory Facebook “like” (ends 9/30) RC

Mother-Ease Diaper & Cover from Funky Lindsay
(ends 9/30) GD

$100 Comfy Joey Slings GC from Nature Moms Two Mandatory Facebook “likes” (ends 9/30)

*Alva Baby Pocket Diaper from Midnight Mommy Mandatory GFC follow (ends 10/1) RC

*Little Bitty Things Wet Bags from Mommy of 1 and Counting (ends 10/1)

*Driline Baby Changing Pad Mandatory GFC follow (ends 10/2) open to Canada only RC

*Zippy Doo Diaper from Heart n Butterfly Mandatory GFC follow (ends 10/2) Open Worldwide

*Bitty Bee Newborn Diapers from Tree Huggin Mama Mandatory GFC follow (ends 10/2) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC

Dinkledooz Diaper from So Easy Being Green (ends 10/2) RC

Fuzzibunz Diaper from Doable Diapers Mandatory GFC follow (ends 10/2) RC

*Lollidoo Diaper from My This n That Life Mandatory GFC follow (ends 10/3) RC

*Bottombumpers Diaper from Healthy Baby Boutique and Life with my Littles Mandatory GFC follow (ends 10/3) RC

*Bumgenius Elemental from Little Love and Dibs Mandatory GFC follow (ends 10/3) GD

*Diaper Cover from The Little Green Bird and Dibs (ends 10/3) GD

*Little Bee Co Diaper from Tales from the Nursery (ends 10/3) Open Worldwide RC

*Happy Heinys Diaper from Maine Cloth Diaper Co & Sugar Pop Ribbons Mandatory GFC follow (ends 10/3) RC

Applecheeks Little Bundle from Diaper Deals Two mandatory Facebook “likes” (ends 10/3) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC

Sprout Change Diaper from Why Cloth Diaper Two mandatory Facebook “likes” (ends 10/4) RC

*3 Bottombumpers Diapers from Diaper Buddys and Beautifully Bella Faith (ends 10/4) RC

*Little Bee Co Diaper from Formula Mom (ends 10/4) RC

*Little Bee Co Diaper from Mama on a Green Mission (ends 10/4) Open Worldwide RC

*Best Bottom Diaper from Nicki’s Diapers Mandatory GFC follow and two Facebook “likes” (ends 10/4)

Fuzzibunz or Rumparooz Diaper from Changing Diapers and The Inquisitive Mom (ends 10/4) RC

Thirsties Duo Wrap & Prefold (ends 10/5) RC

*Pognae Carrier from Growing My Kids Reviews (ends 10/6)

*3 Bumgenius Freetime Diapers from Diaper Junction and Dirty Diaper Laundry (ends 10/6) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC

Baby K’Tan Carrier from Simple (ends 10/6)

Sweet Pea Diaper from Cloth Diaper Geek (ends 10/6) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC

Babyville Boutique Package from Happy Green Babies Mandatory Email Subscription (ends 10/6) RC

Cuteybaby Cover & Flushable Liners from Kelly Wels (ends 10/6) RC

*GroVia Hybrid Trial Pack from Happenings of the Harper Household Mandatory GFC follow (ends 10/7) RC

Buns Up Baby Diaper from Brookie’s Baby Bargains Mandatory GFC follow (ends 10/7) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC

Real Nappies Cover & Prefold from Mama on a Green Mission (ends 10/8) RC Open Worldwide (outside U.S. pays shipping)

Real Nappies Prefold & Cover from Formula Mom (ends 10/8) RC

Bee Bop Baby Cover from Cloth Diaper Addiction (ends 10/8) GD

*Knickernappies Diaper from Wee Little Changes (ends 10/9)

Cloth Diaper Insert from Cotton Bottom Mama (ends 10/9)

Rumparooz Lil Joey from The Green Nursery & The Tree Huggin’ Mama Mandatory GFC follow (ends 10/9) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC

3 Bumgenius Freetime Diapers from Diaper Junction and Cloth Diaper Geek (ends 10/9) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC

Fuzzibunz or Rumparooz Diaper from Changing Diapers and The Reynolds Mom (ends 10/9) RC

Kiwi Pie Diaper from The Green Nursery and Life with my Littles (10/9) RC

Thirsties Duo Wrap & Inserts from Crunchy Katie Mandatory GFC follow (ends 10/9) RC

Bummis Prefold & Cover from Take Time to Smell the Rose
Mandatory GFC follow (ends 10/9) Open to the U.S. and Canada

*Fuzzibunz Diaper from Changing Diapers and One Little Mister (ends 10/10) RC

*Itti Bitti Tutto from Beautifully Bella Faith (ends 10/10) RC

Pognae Baby Carrier from Thrifty Nifty Mommy (ends 10/10) GD

Babykicks Diaper from Mama Dweeb
(ends 10/10) Open to the U.S. and Canada

Rockin’ Baby Sling from Everything Mom & Baby (ends 10/11) Open to the U.S. and Canada GD

Thirsties Duo Diaper from Formula Mom (ends 10/11) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC

Babylegs from The Tree Huggin Momma Mandatory GFC follow and Facebook “like” (ends 10/11) RC

*$10 Everything Birth GC from Fluffy Bums (ends 10/12) RC

$20 Country Drawers GC from The Tree Huggin’ Mama Mandatory GFC follow (ends 10/12) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC

Swaddlebees Simplex Diaper from Sweep Tight (ends 10/13) RC

Fuzzibunz or Rumparooz Diaper from Changing Diapers & Padded Tush Stats (ends 10/15) GD

Action Baby Carrier from Dibs (ends 10/18) GD

$20 Haute Bottoms GC from Baby Giveaways Galore
Mandatory Facebook “like” (ends 10/19) RC

*giveaways that have been listed in a prior week’s roundup
RC Entries collected via Rafflecopter
GD Entries collected via Google Docs Form

You may enter any “family friendly” giveaway in the linky below. The form Blog name – Giveaway Item – Ending date works well. Please at least include the item and end date, and link directly to the giveaway.

View my where I list my giveaways post, to find more places to link up your giveaways!

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