Category : Linky

Giveaways Linky

Where do I list my giveaways?

Whether you’re a company interested in having me promote a giveaway for your product, or you’re a new review blogger wondering where to list your giveaways, you may be interested in this information. Bloggers, check out my favorite affiliate programs.

I have my own weekly Friday Giveaway Linky where I re-state my current giveaways.  I added my linky to the Post Your Giveaway Linky site as well.  I always have a list of links to my current giveaways in the upper left corner of my blog, so new visitors can find them easily.

Sweepstakes Listings
Contest Girl

Blogger Networks
Pitch it to Me

Blog Linkies

I return to blog linkies that are up in the morning, don’t hose up my computer (some blogs are so “busy” that my computer repeatedly freezes) and where the linky posts are easy to find (and are posted regularly).  I update this list about once per month and remove blogs who have not posted their linkies within the past month, update links etc.  (last update the week of 11/18)

You can follow each blog, so you can simply click through to their linky post as it appears in your reader.  I follow more blogs than I can sometimes keep up with, so I just bookmark this list and go through it daily.  If I find that the giveaway linky hasn’t been posted 2 weeks in a row, I remove the link from my list.  I also try to update the links to go directly to the linky posts, but people are sometimes inconsistent with the labels they use from week to week!

I also have auto-complete turned on, in order to make filling the linky fields out a bit faster.  Keep your auto-complete up to date with only your current giveaways to lessen confusion and errors (been there!)

If available, the below links go to a search or label for the giveaway linky, rather than the homepage (saves time!)

If you have a linky you’d like me to add, please let me know!

Multi-Testing Mommy Canada friendly giveaways (links are deleted as they expire)
Tightwad in Utah (giveaways ending in less than a week, with 200 entries or less only.)
Living Montessori Now (refreshed on Sunday)


Nerd Family Things

Bless Their Hearts Mom




Contest Corner
Mom Saves Money

On Twitter of course, using #giveaway #win and #clothdiaper hashtags.
On my Facebook Page

I’ve had excellent luck with targeted Facebook ads.  I’m very specific in who I target (based on current associations or interests), I use a small daily budget, and I limit my ads to 5 days or less.  I find I get the most clicks within the first few days, and I get the most for my money by bidding per 1,000 impressions (vs clicks.)  Most importantly, have an eye-catching title and photo, with an interesting and relevant blurb.  You want people to stay, read and enter, not just click!

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