Category : Motherhood

Motherhood Personal Posts

You Won’t Catch Me Judging You!

If you’ve been around a while, you know that I’m a home-birther (to the extreme), a baby wearer, a cloth diapering advocate, I make my own baby food, I breastfeed into toddler-hood, I rear faced by daughter until 4, harnessed until nearly 7, and I’m newly a co-sleeper. My goal is for every mom and mom-to-be to be fully informed, but you won’t catch me judging a scheduled c-section, disposable diapering, Gerber using mom with a crib sleeping baby. Why? Because I’ve been judged, and it sucks!

Frankly, I’m used to being judged for breastfeeding, co-sleeping, baby-wearing, cloth diapering and the like. I’m getting used to being judged for not being “green enough” in that I still use mainstream personal care products for myself, and I use Tide on my cloth diapers.

However, a few years ago I had an experience that still sticks in my craw. I’ll try to keep it short.

If you have never had a child who would.not.sleep, you may not entirely understand this. Rewind to August 2009. My son was 3 months old, and my daughter was 4 1/2 and attending preschool 3 days a week, 2 1/2 hours each day. The preschool was about 15 minutes away, and I had to park, get the kids out, walk into the building to sign her in, and leave. 5 minutes max. At that point, my son would only “nap” if he happened to doze off nursing, and every darn time I tried to put him down, he’d wake up. Shamefully, I even tried the swing (sometimes worked at night in the beginning) but as soon as I tried, he’d be wide awake.

The one time he’d fall asleep was in the car, so pretty much every time, he’d be asleep before we’d gotten to the preschool. These days, I can unbuckle him, carry him inside and set him on the couch. Back then, as soon as I unbuckled the chest clip, he was wide awake. Forget actually transferring him anywhere. So, I’d have to unbuckle him, wake him up, take my daughter inside, then deal with the fact that he absolutely did not want to get back in that doggone car seat, buckle him up, listen to him scream for 15 minutes, then get him home and calmed down.

Although I realize that car seats are for riding in the car, I took advantage of the infant seat and attempted to gingerly carry him into the building and back. Unfortunately for me, there was too much jostling involved and he woke up (I tried twice.) So, it was either unbuckle him and have to carry both him and the seat back up the steps and through the parking lot, then buckle him again, or leave him in the seat for less than 5 minutes. I left him in the seat.

So keep in mind that I tried this twice before I ended up just putting the sleepy wrap on before we left the house, putting him in, carrying him down, walking back to the car, taking him out and buckling him back up. There was another Mom (there were only 8-10 kids in the class) that wasn’t always the one to drop her daughter off, and wasn’t always there when I was dropping mine off (there was about a 10 minute window to drop kids off) who seemed to always be around when I had my son in the car seat, but never when I was carrying or wearing him.

Well, this same Mom was also a member of a MOM’s club I joined (another long story on why I joined & why I left.) To make a long story short, my non-napper was also not a fan of sitting still at that age, and tired very quickly of walking around & around the same room. He was great at the grocery store, but miserable when trying to visit family, or when attending MOM’s club events or meetings. If he was awake, I was left trying to keep an eye on my daughter while bouncing and walking him around, anything to keep him from screaming, until we finally had to leave, with my daughter usually upset and me about at the end of my rope.

Can you see where this is going yet? Twice, my son was asleep when we got to events. Once, I popped the seat out and put it in the stroller and let him sleep. I guess because it was rolling smoothly instead of jostling, he stayed asleep for quite a while. Another time I carried the seat inside the host’s house (and it was this mom of course!) and let him sleep for a few minutes before he woke up.

Other than that, I moved him in the seat once or twice while he was sleeping during a visit to my parents and maybe twice when he fell asleep as he was tagging along to my daughter’s playdates. The rest of his waking (and many of his sleeping, LOL) hours were spent either held, or in the sleepy wrap.

I saw the mom another time and she says “Oh! This is the first time I’ve seen him out of his ‘bucket!'” OK, it sounds innocent enough as typed, but believe me, the intent and tone behind her words was there, and it was not just me being sensitive. The inference was that I was one of “those” moms that just toted the kid around in the “bucket” like some sort of luggage.

It is really unsettling to be judged for doing/being something/someone you’re not! Gosh darn it, I am not a baby bucket carrier! Them’s fightin’ words! (to be said like Sandy from Spongebob.)

So, if I see you toting your child around, awake and bouncing against your knee in that “bucket,” I’m gonna smile. I might even tell you he’s cute. But I’m not going to judge you, because I have no idea if that bottle is filled with breastmilk, if you were unable to breastfeed, if your babysitter put that sposie on your baby…and frankly, it’s none of my darned business. 🙂

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Breastfeeding Motherhood Personal Posts

My “Not on the Growth Charts” Children

I wanted to write about my experiences with “underweight” (according to the CDC’s growth charts) kids, in hopes that it may help another mom. Lots of disclaimers are necessary!

First, I’m not a doctor, nor do I play one on the internet. My experiences and opinions should not be taken as medical advice. The closest to medical advice that I will offer is this: if a doctor suggests that you should supplement/discontinue breastfeeding solely based on your child’s place on the growth chart, in the absence of any symptoms or medical conditions…seek help from a lactation consultant (or three) and get a second opinion.

Second, this post talks about babies not on the growth charts and how it can affect a breastfeeding relationship. I realize that formula fed babies aren’t necessarily “big” and can have growth chart issues too. However, this post is about my personal experiences.

Last, there’s no judgement from me if you switched to formula at your doctor’s advice (or for any reason.) Just like some c-sections are necessary, there are situations where formula is necessary too. (Hypoplastic breasts, prior breast surgery, chemotherapy etc.) However, so many women are “booby trapped” by being given inaccurate information by the medical providers they are supposed to be able to trust. The rate of women who are told “you’re not making enough milk, your milk isn’t enough, your milk isn’t fatty enough, your pelvis isn’t big enough” and so forth is far higher than the number of women for whom this is true! Finding out that your switch to formula wasn’t necessary is about as hard a pill to swallow as finding out your “emergency c-section” was because your OB wanted to go home. Just like I don’t assume all c-sections are unnecessary, I’m not assuming that all formula use is unnecessary. That said, I also respect a woman’s right to choose, even if that choice isn’t one I’d make. So if you had a scheduled c-section or formula fed from day 1 by choice, I am not judging you (not my biz-ness!), and that’s not what this post is about, ok?

I’ve remarked before that I don’t know how our mothers did it without the internet. I don’t mean listening to what some schmuck (me) says, but having actual medical journals and details of studies right at your fingertips. It’s amazing and I don’t know what I’d do without it! Back in 2005 when I had my daughter, I was a member of a breastfeeding group on I credit those women (along with my stubbornness) for my breastfeeding success. Without them, I would have failed, as I was set up to by pediatricians and hospital staff.

This story begins with my miserable first birth experience, which culminated in an epidural, and me so swollen, I was sure I would pop. IV fluids given during labor can artificially inflate baby’s birth weight, leading to “alarming” weight loss in the first 24 hours. A loss of 5-7% of birth weight is physiologically appropriate for a newborn, sometimes up to 10%. When my daughter had lost about 5% in that first day, I was immediately bullied to give formula. I was even told by a nurse that “the doctor would make” me if I didn’t. We tried, she wasn’t interested. The only photo I have of my husband with her in the hospital is the one where he is trying to feed her formula. I can’t stand to look at that picture to this day, 7 years later. Not because I think formula is “evil,” but because it represents my complete failure to stand up for myself and our daughter during that entire experience.

Whether the baby loses 1% or 10%, it’s important to use the lowest weight when assessing subsequent weight gain. Depending on the source, it’s expected that a breastfed baby will gain between 4 and 8 ounces per week in the first few months.

Dr. Jay Gordon urges parents and Doctors to “look at the baby, not the scale,” which I will talk about more in a bit. Even if your baby is gaining “enough” weight per week, he or she may not be on the CDC’s growth charts, as mine weren’t. Interestingly enough, even the CDC recommends that health care providers use the WHO growth standards for children up to age 2.

They state:

The WHO standards establish growth of the breastfed infant as the norm for growth.

Breastfeeding is the recommended standard for infant feeding. The WHO charts reflect growth patterns among children who were predominantly breastfed for at least 4 months and still breastfeeding at 12 months.

The WHO standards provide a better description of physiological growth in infancy.

Clinicians often use the CDC growth charts as standards on how young children should grow. However the CDC growth charts are references; they identify how typical children in the US did grow during a specific time period. Typical growth patterns may not be ideal growth patterns. The WHO growth charts are standards; they identify how children should grow when provided optimal conditions. [Emphasis mine. Imagine using the “typical” American as the benchmark for health.]

The WHO standards are based on a high-quality study designed explicitly for creating growth charts.

The WHO standards were constructed using longitudinal length and weight data measured at frequent intervals. For the CDC growth charts, weight data were not available between birth and 3 months of age and the sample sizes were small for sex and age groups during the first 6 months of age.

Imagine that.

Edit: about a week after I posted this, the AAP came out with a new, more strongly worded statement about breastfeeding, in which they say “infant growth should be monitored with the World Health Organization (WHO) Growth Curve Standards to avoid mislabeling infants as underweight or failing to thrive.” YAY!

So what happened to us was what happens to so many other families. My daughter was meeting all expected milestones, was healthy, nursing well, having tons of wet and dirty diapers, but fell off the CDC’s growth charts. We were going to one of those offices where a dozen or more pediatricians practiced, and you saw whomever was available, for the most part. If you needed a last minute appointment, you usually got the most rotten doctor, since they were the only one not booked solid. We saw a doctor who graduated med school in 1972 (I looked it up) and probably hasn’t read a study or paid attention at a seminar since then. He immediately told us to stop breastfeeding, give formula and oh, put some cereal in the bottle too. Believe it or not, DH & I both went to this same practice as kids & saw this doctor!

What did I do? Smile, nod and get the heck out of there. Over the next several months, though she had no symptoms aside from being genetically small (her dad is around 5′ 7″ max and I am not quite 5′ tall, hovering around 100 lbs or less when not pregnant/postpartum) she was put through a battery of blood and urine tests. All are normal. Surprise.

We eventually got an appointment with the doctor who is now our current pediatrician (he left the practice & we followed him…cue creepy stalker music.) Though he graduated med school in 1980, just 8 years after jerk-o/idiot doc, he has kept up on AAP guidelines (which are unfortunately usually behind) and reads studies and attends seminars regularly. He is pro-breastfeeding & conservative in treating patients.

With his help, we did additional testing for things that may have been causing slow weight gain, without showing symptoms, and fortunately she was fine. We did some extra weight checks and tracked her individual growth curve (you can do this too by creating an interactive growth chart.) Aside from one visit where she appeared to “dip,” she rode her own curve just under the growth chart. The doctor wasn’t too concerned about the dip, since a few ounces makes a big difference, and a few ounces is easy to gain or lose with drinking/urination.

All along, he told me he had the feeling it was simply genetic, but of course, he doesn’t want to miss something, hence the testing.

Finally, at age 2 1/2 she barely got on the growth chart & has been hanging around the 3% ever since. He has told me that he’d “take IQ over weight any day,” referring to my daughter’s impressive verbal/reading/writing skills. (Proud mama here.)

When my son was born around 8 pounds, we were hopeful that he would stay “big”, and we could avoid all the weight checks. Unfortunately, he followed exactly the same patterns. Fortunately the doctor was quite conservative in tests & weight checks and he finally got on the chart at age 2!

When I was still expecting baby #3, we discussed the issue and he said that at this point, with the history, he’s convinced it’s genetic. As nice as it would be to have a baby “on the chart,” he wasn’t expecting it. My son was born at 6 lb 12 oz, down to 6 lb 5 oz at 3 days old (we’re not completely sure on all this because of some scale issues!) then up to 7 lbs at a week, 8 lbs at a month and 9 lb 10 oz at 2 months, or…the 25%, yay! He told me that he doesn’t necessarily expect him to be a big baby, and I don’t think he’d be surprised if he started falling down on the charts, but for now it’s a victory.

Even though I eventually found a supportive doctor, the doubt always crept in, and as great as he is, he said several things that contributed to that. First, he often asked an open ended question along the lines of “how do you feel about your milk supply.” Uh, well I felt fine until you asked, now I’m paranoid! He mentioned pumping output (a baby extracts milk much more efficiently than a pump, and some women simply can’t let down for a pump at all.) He also asked about feeling letdown. Not all women feel their letdown, and it often becomes less pronounced as baby gets older. Even questions of “does baby seem satisfied” can be a slippery slope, since a baby may nurse constantly and get a bit fussy while working on increasing supply during a growth spurt.

So what should be asked? Initially, make sure the baby is latched well. Is there pain? Has the mother seen a lactation consultant? Once milk has come in, can you hear the baby swallowing? Is the baby having wet and dirty diapers appropriate for his/her age? Is baby alert (as appropriate for age) and meeting milestones?

I knew my daughter (and son too) was fine, but I was still paranoid and wanted to get her on those gosh darned charts!! We tried Pediasure when she was a toddler (just filled her belly so she didn’t want to eat and whew, made nasty diapers.) We tried high fat foods like avocado, cream cheese etc. It didn’t help. Dr. Sears saysActive babies with persistent, motor-driven personalities who always seem to be revved up usually burn more calories and tend to be leaner.” We have videos of our daughter at just a few weeks old, constantly moving as if she were swimming in an invisible pool. Even now at age 7, she does.not.stay.still.

He also saysVarious studies have shown that breastfed infants consume fewer calories and a lower volume of milk than formula-fed infants. This doesn’t mean that their mothers aren’t producing enough milk. Instead, it’s an indication that breastfed infants have an amazing ability to self-regulate their calorie intake according to their individual needs. This ability to determine for themselves how much they eat is probably one of the reasons that infants who are breastfed are less likely to have problems with obesity later in childhood.” (Emphasis mine.)

She weighs the perfect amount for her. She looks an awful lot like my husband did at that age; all knees and elbows! She has always been “tall for her weight,” which made her look even more slender. My son is more proportionate, so he looks chubbier.

For some reason, people think it’s OK, or appropriate to make rude remarks about a baby’s size. I’ve had strangers ask how much they weighed at birth, asked if they were preemies, implied that I was starving them and so forth. It’s so fun to hear “she’s so small” said with a look of disgust (not.) People still make remarks about my daughter being “so skinny” which infuriates me. It wouldn’t be OK to say something like that if she were overweight, so why is it OK to damage her self-esteem and body image with “too skinny” comments? She has always been a great eater, except when there was something more interesting going on. Therefore, any time we would have visitors (or visit someone) she would want to play, not eat. That meant more lovely comments about “no wonder she’s so skinny, she doesn’t eat.” I’d try to explain that she ate great at home blah, blah but no one believed me! (We also eat a diet that’s far healthier and more balanced than the average American diet. I’m sure I could fatten my kids up if I overfed them fatty ground beef, fast food, potato chips and Tastycakes instead of fruit, veggies, beans & lean meat!)

Though I’ve never had a “big” baby, I imagine people are similarly rude in that case. My daughter has been friends with a little girl since they were in 3-year preschool together. When I met her, she was a perfectly normal looking little girl, but her mom showed me a picture of her as a baby. No lie, she looked like the Michelin man. I have never seen a chubbier, more roly poly baby in my life. She was 100% breastfed, and slimmed down when she became mobile. She got equally rude comments when her daughter was “too big” and her milk must be “no good.” My BFF has “top of the charts” babies, but they look totally healthy & are proportionately tall. I thought it was ironic that she was stressing about her 90 whatever-th percentile breastfed baby gaining “too much”, while I was worrying about my <3% breastfed baby!

In conclusion, before you turn to formula, look at the whole picture, not just the chart. I wish I could clone my pediatrician and send him to all of you. He isn’t perfect, but he is fantastic. When he told us he was leaving the big practice, I was terrified that he was going to tell me he was retiring! (He’s not allowed until all my kids are grown up.) He is fairly supportive of breastfeeding (I keep extended bf’ing and night nursings to myself, LOL) and has made comments about how great breastfeeding is, that it’s the best thing I can do, keeps them healthy etc. He’s open to alternative vaccination schedules, was wonderful about my home birth, and continues to educate himself. When we were concerned about my son’s verbal skills, he suggested a baby sign language class, adding that 10 years ago, he would have told me that signing would hinder his verbal development, but recent studies show the opposite! He was even telling me about a seminar he attended about how they do the PKU testing.

At the same time, he’s very diplomatic. If you formula feed by choice, he won’t make you feel inferior. We didn’t even know his stance on circumcision until we asked. (We’d already researched & made our choice, but thought it was important to have a doctor on the same page.) He passed along the AAP’s stance on vitamin D supplementation in breastfed babies, but tells us not to sweat it if we choose not to. He doesn’t think babies or children with balanced diets need multivitamins, but will support you if you decide to use them.

So, phew. This ended up a mile long but I sincerely help it helps someone! I’m not a “militant” lactivist, but I do wish that women had all the information about breastfeeding and formula and had the support to succeed.

Has anyone else dealt with a top or bottom of the charts baby? How did your doctor handle it?

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Mailbox Mondays Motherhood Pregnancy

Mailbox Mondays 2/6/12 – Bedrest with Other Children?

Bedrest with other children via @chgdiapers

Is something on your mind? Have a question for me? Every Monday I take a reader submission, and ask my other readers for their input as well.

Questions don’t have to be cloth diaper related, just email maria at with “Mailbox Mondays” in the subject, or fill out my contact form for readers, which you will always be able to find on my Contact Page.

Rebecca says::

Hi Maria,
Here’s a Mailbox Monday Question. What do people do with their other children when put on bedrest? I’m scared I may end up on bedrest as my BP is increasing and I have a toddler to take care of. We don’t have family around who can help during the day either and I feel bad relying on other people alot.

Hi Rebecca! I hope the rest of your pregnancy goes smoothly and that you are not put on bed rest! Unfortunately, if you are, I think you’re going to have to rely a lot on other people.

You can ask your husband/partner help you prepare pre-bagged snacks and lunches for yourself and your little one, along with pre-filled sippy cups. Depending on your child’s age, s/he might enjoy helping you by getting things for you or him/herself.

Get tote bags of activities you can do together while you’re lying down, such as coloring books with washable crayons, books and so forth. I don’t see anything wrong with cuddling up and watching some Sesame Street with your little one too!

It will also really depend on how strict your bed rest is and your child’s age. Sometimes changing a diaper is easier than helping a child use the potty, or cleaning up an accident.

If neighbors and/or people in your community are able to bring you a meal, or come empty your dishwasher for you, let them! As hard as it is to accept the help, it’s what’s best for you and your baby. Of course, if you are financially able to hire someone to help with your toddler and/or the cleaning, that would be a dream come true!

Has anyone been on bed rest while you had other small children? How did you handle it?

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Motherhood Personal Posts

Stressful Situations Bring out my Best Mom Qualities (Sometimes)

This post is inspired by Sarah at For the Love of Naps’ post about Finding JOY during a car appointment gone bad.

She wrote about a quick oil change appointment turning into 4ish hours of waiting with 2 kids at a car dealership, and having the best of her come out, with patience arriving from places she didn’t know existed.

The post really struck a chord with me because I almost felt like I could have written it myself. We spent pretty much two full weekends in October hunting for a new (to us) car for my hubby, and I spent a lot of time in car dealership waiting rooms with the kids.

Some dealerships had toys, which was fan-freaking-tastic, but my kids actually spent a half hour or more playing with a fire hydrant outside of one, pretending it had hoses and they were putting out fires! I admit that I did a little bit of e-mail checking and Tweeting from my phone, but it was actually nice to just sit and focus on my kids, with nothing else to do.

After the first dealership, I made sure I had some ones in my purse for bribes snacks from the snack machines when the going got a little tough (hee hee!) Aside from a few moments, the kids were actually quite good and quite patient, and sometimes I think their behavior is a reflection of my attitude. When I’m exasperated & short, they act up, making me more exasperated and short with them. When I can find that patience from places I didn’t know existed ( 😀 ) they tend to be better behaved.

While I was very glad when the car purchase was done, I missed being able to sit and watch my kids, and just drink the moment in. When I’m at home, I’m stressed about a long list of things I need to do. I’ve tried really hard to let things go, but it’s just not in my nature. When I started writing lists, I was able to stop obsessing quite as much, but I still tend to constantly be thinking about laundry, dishes, trash, bills, vacuuming, mopping, etc. etc. It is very, very difficult for me to just sit and play with my kids, even when making a conscious effort to focus on only them, and not the 10,000 things I need to be doing.

I think this is why I really enjoy taking them to the park. Even though it’s only recently become slightly less stressful (trying to keep my eyes on both kids & keep my son from getting hurt since he’s still pretty little), they are just so full of excitement, and the dishes are too far to call my name!!

I’ve told myself time and time again that I am not going to look back on my children’s childhoods and think “Gee, I wish I had done more laundry!” Sometimes I feel like I am wishing my kids’ childhoods away when I am overwhelmed and counting the minutes until bedtime. Thank you Sarah for reminding me to find the joy in the little things!

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Motherhood Personal Posts

How Did You Know Your Family Was Complete?

I know I sound crazy even thinking about this while typing 1-handed and holding my newborn son…

When I was pregnant with my second child, I just knew I didn’t want him to be my last. Throughout the pregnancy, labor, even a few minutes after he was born. I couldn’t imagine not doing it all again. Morning sickness, swelling, heartburn, hips so sore I had to crawl to the bathroom at night…still wanted to do it again!

This pregnancy, the whole time I was asking myself “why did I think this was a good idea again?” Every time one of my kids had a tantrum, every night that I tossed & turned. I still cherished every kick, don’t get me wrong. I just felt like I realllyyyyy didn’t want to do this again.

I don’t know if I want more children. I certainly wouldn’t be devastated if it happened, but since there are almost 7 years between my oldest & youngest, I feel like I’ve been doing the “baby thing” forever already.

Yet, holding my son and looking at his sweet face, I feel a twinge thinking that we may never have another little baby again, and everything that goes along with that.

I’m guessing these are normal feelings in the postpartum haze, and that at some point in the future, I’ll know for sure.

I just wondered how those who are “done” knew for sure that their family was complete.

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