I always thought I’d want to be a stay at home Mom. This is simply my thoughts & experience. It isn’t intended to lift up or put down any group or type of moms. As careful as I think I was writing this, I’m sure someone will still feel insulted or offended. If you are, please know that was not intended. When I stayed at home with my daughter, I loved having the time to take her for walks, play outside and do things with her, but I always felt something was missing.
Post contains affiliate links. If you click through and make a purchase I will receive a small commission. Products pictured/mentioned were purchased by me and I was not asked to mention them nor was I compensated to do so. We’ve handled the “birds and the bees” talks as an ongoing conversation, age appropriate and only answering what was asked. My daughter was 3 when we found out we were expecting her brother, and we purchased It’s Not the Stork in anticipation of all her questions. To my surprise, she ended up asking 10,000 questions about death, not birth! If I remember correctly, it began when she asked about Beethoven after we listened to some music, and got pretty deep!
I’ve been dying to caption this photo of my little guy, and it was just perfect for my post on “Daddy friendly diapers” as a Kelly Wels Ambassador. Hee-hee!
He’s also thinking “I’m not going to end up on that People of Wal-Mart site, am I? Are these PJs or clothes? Am I overdressed?”
Post contains affiliate links. We all took health class, right? Making a baby is so easy you can do it by accident. Yeah…not so much. I used to think when I was ready to have babies, I’d have babies, but it wasn’t that easy! This post has been on my “to write” list for years and I’m finally writing it. Based on the subject, there will be a bit of “TMI,” there’s no getting around it, so you are forewarned!
I purchased these items myself however, this post contains affiliate links. When I found out The Honest Toddler was publishing a book, I immediately pre-ordered two. One for me and one for you. I knew it would be awesome, and I was right!