This is intended to be humorous and isn’t a dig at anyone, regardless of how many children they have or want to have. My youngest child is now 3 1/2, is registered for preschool this fall and well on his way to using the potty. I’m a little conflicted about him not being a baby anymore and that he will be my last. However at this point my memory isn’t clouded by Momnesia, which was the cause of babies #2 and 3 (and beyond for some people). Momnesia? Let me explain.
Being a Mom in the era of social media can be a mixed bag. Everywhere you turn, someone is pointing their avocado at you. On the flip side, Pinterest perfect birthday parties and so called “sanctimommies” are often balanced out by breastfeeding support and cloth diapering help. I wouldn’t have made it through breastfeeding my first child without the advice of an online group and KellyMom.
I joked on my Facebook page that my phone wants me to become a hermit because anytime I go near my calendar, the call is dropped. Well, I think I fixed the issue (knock on wood!) so I thought I’d share in case anyone else is having this problem.