If you’re new to the cloth diaper giveaway roundup, every Friday I list cloth diaper, accessory & baby wearing giveaways that I’ve found throughout the week!
If you’d like me to list your cloth diaper, accessory, baby wearing (etc.) giveaway next week, send a link and description to maria at change-diapers.com, or Fill out my contact form for readers. Giveaways that require the winner to pay anything, including shipping, cannot be added to the roundup. Please do not submit this type of giveaway, and please let me know if I have inadvertently added one.
*giveaways that have been listed in a prior week’s roundup
RC Entries collected via Rafflecopter Form
GD Entries collected via Google Docs Form
GT Entries collected via Giveaway Tools Form
WB Entries collected via Woobox Form

My Bummis BeautifulBASIC Cloth Diaper Set Giveaway ends 9/27
*Prizes from Cloth Diapers Inc. No set end date, prizes given every 250 fans & grand prize at 10k fans, Mandatory Facebook “like” WB
*Bumgenius 4.0 from The Boho Momma (ends 9/14) Form Entry
*Boba Air Carrier from Mommy’s Favorite Things Mandatory Facebook “like” (ends 9/14) Open worldwide RC
*Boba Wrap, Carrier or Air Carrier from Your World Healthy and Natural Mandatory Facebook “like” (ends 9/14) Open worldwide RC
*Boba Carrier from Ice Fairy Two mandatory Facebook “likes” and two Twitter follows and blog follow (ends 9/14) Open worldwide RC
*Boba Wrap, Carrier or Air Carrier from Mudpies & Tiaras Mandatory Facebook “like” (ends 9/14) Open worldwide RC
*$470 Package from Going Green With The Grizls (ends 9/14) RC
*Wet Bag from Baby Books & Signs (ends 9/14) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC
*Mama Cloth from So Easy Being Green (ends 9/14) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC
*Mama Cloth from Mama Papa Barn Mandatory GFC follow (ends 9/14) RC
*Diaper & Butt Balm from Housewife Mama (ends 9/14) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC
*Wet Bag & Other Prizes from Whey Beyond… (ends 9/14) RC
*Wet Bag, Wipes & Case from My Cloth Diaper Stash (ends 9/14) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC
*Dinkledooz Diaper & Wipes from Housewife Mama (ends 9/14) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC
*Fuzzibunz Diaper or $25 Tender Bottoms GC from My Cloth Diaper Stash (ends 9/14) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC
*Smart Snugs Diaper, Fuzzibunz Diaper, Wool Soaker, Lanolin & Teething Necklace from To Make A Nest Mandatory Facebook “like” (ends 9/14) RC
*2 Diapers from Surf Mommie Mandatory Facebook “like” (ends 9/14) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC
*$25 Party in my Pants Pads GC from Cloth Diaper Addiction Mandatory blog follow (ends 9/14) RC
*Boba Baby Carrier, Wrap or air Carrier from Cinnamon Hollow Mandatory Facebook “like” (ends 9/14) Open worldwide RC
Zookies Cover & Wipes from Sisters in Cloth (ends 9/14) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC
Fuzzibunz Elite from Irrestistably Green and Ashley Suzanne (ends 9/14) RC
Softbums Diaper (ends 9/14) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC
Thirsties Duo AIO from Eden’s Baby & Ashley Suzanne (ends 9/14) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC
Boba Wrap, Air Carrier or Carrier from The Not So Secret Confessions… Mandatory Facebook “like” (ends 9/14) Open worldwide RC
*Balm Cloth Diaper Essentials Kit from Trying To Go Green (ends 9/15) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC
*12 Kawaii Diapers & Wet Bag from Kerrific (ends 9/15) RC
*11 Diapers & 2 Wet Bags from Parenting Patch (ends 9/15) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC
*$20 Tender Tushies GC from Just Add Cloth (ends 9/15) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC
*Greenchild Creations Diaper from Marlie & Me (ends 9/15) Open worldwide RC
*$15 ClothDiapersInc GC from My Photopage (ends 9/15) Open worldwide RC
*Super Undies Trainers from Happy Mothering (ends 9/15) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC
*Pail Liner, Wet Bag & Baby Legs from Ashley Suzanne (ends 9/15) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC
*Training Pants from Kangaroo Mama (ends 9/15) GT
*Thirsties Fab Wipes & Booty Love or Woolzies Dryer Balls from Mama Papa Barn Mandatory blog subscription (ends 9/15) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC
*Sunbaby Diaper & Wool Dryer Balls from A Restful Place (ends 9/15) RC
*Hemp Doublers from Why We Love Green (ends 9/15) RC
*$25 KBTM GC, Dinkledooz Diaper & Balm Essentials Kit from The Not So Secret Confessions… (ends 9/15) RC
*Woolzies Dryer Balls from Mommy of One and Counting (ends 9/15) Open worldwide RC
*Bumgenius Freetime from Beautifully Bella Faith (ends 9/15) RC
*Swaddlebees Capri & Balm Essentials Kit from Sew Fatty (ends 9/15) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC
*Knickernappies Diaper & Wet Bag from Zephyr Hill (ends 9/15) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC
*Glow Bug Diaper, Twinkie Tush Diaper & Stink Pot Detergent from Eco Crazy Mom (ends 9/15) RC
*Nifty Nappy Diaper & Monkey Naturals Diaper Cream from According to Jenny (ends 9/15) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC
*Diaper, Diaper Cover, Snappi & Wipe Spray from Dani Sue Dreams Two mandatory Facebook “likes” (ends 9/15) RC
*Night Time Fitted Diaper from Momma T and Baby E (ends 9/15) RC
*CJ’s Wipe Spray, BUTTer Samples and Rockin Green Pail Powder from So Easy Being Green (ends 9/15) RC
*2 Cloth Diapers from Don’t Mess With Mama (ends 9/15) RC
*Dinkledooz Diaper & Wipes from Teen Toddler Newborn (ends 9/15) RC
Imse Vimse Mama Cloth from the Mom’s Milk Boutique Blog (ends 9/15) RC
*Kawartha Cloth Diaper from Green Mama Jama Mandatory GFC follow and two Facebook “likes” (ends 9/16) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC
*Slightly Befuddled Wet Bag or Pail Liner from First Time Mom (ends 9/16) RC
*Rearz Diaper from Manager to Mom (ends 9/16) Open worldwide RC
Bumgenius Freetime & Detergent (ends 9/16) RC
*Woolzies Dryer Balls from Mudpies and Tiaras (ends 9/17) RC
*$25 Lunapads GC from Sisters in Cloth (ends 9/17) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC
*Lunette Cup from Cloth Diaper Geek (ends 9/17) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC
Wolbybug Wet Bag from I Love Cloth Diapers (ends 9/17) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC
*Water Wrap Carrier from Mommy of 1 and Counting (ends 9/18) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC
*Molly’s Suds from Life with my Littles Mandatory GFC follow (ends 9/18) RC
Softbums Shell Mandatory Faceook “like” (ends 9/18) RC
*Thirsties Fitted & Cover from Sisters in Cloth (ends 9/19) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC
Red Barn Diaper from Sisters in Cloth (ends 9/19) Open worldwide RC
Thirsties Newborn AIO from A Year with Mom and Dad (ends 9/19) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC
*Sloomb Newborn Longies & Fitted from Abby’s Lane (ends 9/20) RC
2 Econobum Trial Packs from Diaper Junction (ends 9/20) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC
*Jungle Roo Diaper from The Boho Momma (ends 9/21) Form entry
*Swaddlebees Simplex from JaMonkey (ends 9/21) RC
Lovely Pocket Diaper from Eco Baby Mama Drama (ends 9/21) RC
3 diapers (Swaddlebees, Blueberry and Bottom Bumpers) and a sample pack of CD friendly detergent. from Bubbalooch & It’s a Vol (ends 9/21) RC
*$579 Prize Package including Super Undies Trainers (ends 9/22) RC
April’s Baby Newborn Cover from Sisters in Cloth (ends 9/22) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC
Willow Store Wool Dryer Balls from Mary’s Cup of Tea Mandatory Facebook “like” (ends 9/22) RC
Laundry Tarts from Life With My Littles Mandatory GFC follow (ends 9/23) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC
$15 Sweetbottoms GC from Sisters in Cloth (ends 9/23) Open worldwide RC
*Charlie Banana Diapers & Laundry Soap from Mommy of Two Little Monkeys (ends 9/24) RC
Thirsties Duo AIOs and Booty Love from Dirty Diaper Laundry (ends 9/24) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC
Fuzzibunz Diaper from Organic Eco Baby (ends 9/24) RC
*The Balm from Baby Giveaways Galore (ends 9/25) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC
*Itti Bitti Tutto from Our Kids Moms (ends 9/26) RC
*Itti Bitti Tutto from Mommy of Two Little Monkeys (ends 9/26) RC
Monkey Baby Rash Cream from Cheerful Homemaker (ends 9/26) RC
*Charlie Banana Diaper & Babylegs from Cozy Bums and Cloth Diaper Addicts Two mandatory Facebook “likes” (ends 9/29) open to Canadians only RC
$25 Cloth Diaper GC from Padded Tush Stats (ends 9/29) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC
Ergo Baby Carrier from Welcome to the Motherhood (ends 9/29) RC
*$210 Package from My Cloth Diaper Stash & Kissed by the Moon (ends 9/30) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC
*Imse Vimse Training Pants from Padded Tush Stats (ends 9/30) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC
*Bummis Wrap from Padded Tush Stats (ends 9/30) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC
*Happy Green Life Detergent from Padded Tush Stats (ends 9/30) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC
*Wolbybug Cover & Wet Bag from Just Add Cloth (ends 9/30) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC
Glow Bug Diaper from We Don’t Have it All (ends 9/30) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC
Knickernappies Diaper from Petite Bottoms & Dibs (ends 9/30) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC
Thirsties Duo AIO from Happenings of the Harper Household (ends 10/12) RC
You may enter any “family friendly” giveaway in the linky below. The form Blog name – Giveaway Item – Ending date works well. Please at least include the item and end date, and link directly to the giveaway.
View my where I list my giveaways post, to find more places to link up your giveaways!
I would really love to win a diaper for my 18 pound one year old!