Post contains referral links. If you sign up using my links, I may receive a referral point award. Dealspotr is different than other coupon and deal sites. It’s crowd sourced and has a ton of deals and coupons available. With over 30,000 members, offers are added, edited and “policed” daily.
I was able to submit my own cloth diaper deal and customize my own “feed” to show only deals for products I’m interested in. Sort by category, search for what you’re buying, or even look at hot deals or look at the most helpful people in the community. When you “spot” a deal, it upvotes it. The most popular deals are listed in the “hot” section. If you were the original poster of that hot deal, you earn even more reward points. (I’ll get to that in a second!) Want to know if a store has a deal or coupon? You can sign up for email alerts.
I love that when submitting the deal, you have to include a screen shot of the deal (the email you received etc) as well as one of your cart showing that the deal works. This way you don’t have to wade through coupon codes that don’t work. I can’t tell you how many times I had to try multiple coupon codes listed on sites because they were expired, didn’t work or my order didn’t qualify (but the details of the offer weren’t listed). I also like that I know it’s OK to use the offer. Offers can be flagged and removed from the site, and with the extra verification of screen shots, single-use offers or limited offers (that aren’t supposed to be shared) won’t be posted.
The best part is that not only do you save money, but Dealspotr rewards you with points when you help the community. Points add up quickly to free gift cards! If you add a deal for a requested shop, you receive bonus points, referring friends earns you points, and you can easily earn a $10 gift card your first day of using Dealspotr. You don’t have to buy anything to earn rewards. Unlike cash-back sites that give you points or rewards for your purchases (and you have to wait for them), Dealspotr rewards you for helping others save. If you’re looking for a way to earn a little bit of money, spend a few minutes on Dealspotr while you drink your coffee and you could earn a significant amount.
I always check deal & coupon sites before making a purchase but never one where I can be rewarded for participating. I’ve been tooling around the site and I find it just as easy to use (if not easier) than other deal and coupon sites.
If you own a store, join and add your sales and coupons. Since people can browse by category, they are more likely to find you and make a purchase, than on a site where you have to search for specific stores to find deals.
If you’re a blogger, you can become an influencer! Sign up here and enter access code H1nTTBoY. As an influencer, you can earn even more points and easily earn a $20 gift card your first day.
Sign up for Dealspotr using my referral link and receive bonus points at sign up.
How often do you shop online? Do you look for coupon codes before you shop? What’s your favorite site to use to find them?