I’m participating in the Flats and Handwashing Challenge hosted by Dirty Diaper Laundry. This is the third annual flats challenge, designed to bring awareness to diaper need and how cloth diapers can solve the problem. Since I did this last year, it’s not a total shock.

First, don’t ever leave the sink running and leave the room, even for 5 seconds. If you suffer from mom brain like I do, it takes fewer than 5 seconds to forget what you were doing. Oops.
Last year, the most difficult thing for me was the wringing. Partly the blisters (gloves are helping with that) and partly finding a time where my son wasn’t attached to me/I had two arms. I hoped it would be easier now that he’s older, but that still seems to be the toughest part. He doesn’t nap unless nursing/held. Last night I was sweating, wringing diapers out and all three of my kids were hanging on me and/or demanding something. I wanted to throw in the (flour sack) towel for a minute!
I am working quite a bit more than I was at this time last year, so time is really a commodity for me, but other than the time issue, this isn’t too bad. Since I work from home it is considerably easier than it would be (in my opinion) for a Mom who worked outside the home & only had a few hours per evening to do everything she needed to do around the house.
Blisters! Ouch… I’m glad the gloves are helping 🙂 I’ve got 4 kids at home right now and I’m so thankful my husband is willing to entertain them while I wash diapers here and there 🙂