I wanted a bento box that was large enough for my daughter’s entire lunch, with lidded compartments to keep wet & dry foods separate. Laptop Lunches are perfect! Don’t miss any posts! Subscribe to our new RSS Feed or subscribe via email.
The bento boxes come in tons of color combinations, and you can buy additional containers
separately. I love the black/avocado combination!
The boxes have a tray-like feel, which makes it really fun for kids, and easy to tote everything around neatly.
The box’s closure was a bit different, but my 7-year old didn’t have any trouble with it.
The set consists of an outer box and inner containers that can be placed in any way you like.
The containers are large enough to pack lunch even for a hungry adult.
The lidded containers were easy to open and close, and kept items where they belonged! The box even has a spot for utensils.
The only problem we’ve had is that it barely fits in her lunch box, and there’s no room for an ice pack. She can carry the box and her water bottle separately though, as long as nothing needs to be kept cold.
Laptop Lunches has several totes available that are designed to work with their boxes, and I really like the Dual-Compartment Lunchbox, Plum Blossom, but
I think it may be discontinued it is outof stock until mid-December.
My daughter was so excited the first time we used her new bento box! She was dying to use the eeny teeny dip container, so I gave her pretzels with honey mustard to dip them in. It is fun to come up with new ideas for her lunch, and the cool bento box makes her excited to eat it!
You can shop for Laptop Lunches online, and also find them at my affiliates Amazon.com and The Ultimate Green Store.
Like Laptop Lunches on Facebook, follow @LaptopLunches on Twitter, follow the Laptop Lunches Blog for weekly menus, and follow Laptop Lunches on Pinterest for lots of yummy ideas!
I received this item at no cost for review purposes. I was not otherwise compensated for this post, and all opinions are my own. This post contains affiliate links.
Thanks so much for the great review! Just wanted to give you a heads up that our Dual Compartment Totes will be back in stock by the middle of December, so be sure to look out for those as a great holiday gift :).
Awesome, can’t wait to buy one!!
Are those little sandwich bites?
Yes! I just use cookie cutters!