Mailbox Mondays

Mailbox Mondays 10/11/10


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Every Monday I will answer user submitted questions. They don’t have to be about cloth diapering! I’ll always answer questions via email, but if you would like your question to be answered in a Mailbox Mondays post, send an email with the subject “Mailbox Mondays” to Maria at change-diapers dot com.

I’m looking for MM submissions for late October and beyond!

Rebecca says:

Hi Maria-

I’d love to hear your thoughts about one size diapers. Are they really worth it? Can you get them to fit well? I am using sized diapers right now.

This is a great question!  When I was expecting my daughter (about 6 years ago, wow!) an acquaintance gave me information on cloth diapers.  I did some research and settled on FuzziBunz sized pocket diapers.  When I started adding it up though, it seemed awfully expensive.  I didn’t know what I know now, and I didn’t know how to get the information.
I was assuming I would need 25 or so diapers in every size: extra-small, small, medium, large, extra large etc.  That would put the cost to cloth diaper equal to, or greater than, disposables.  That, combined with feeling overwhelmed at the idea of washing diapers in addition to learning to care for and breastfeed a newborn, made me forget the idea altogether.
Now, I know that I could have used Extra-Small and Mediums alone and been just fine!  In fact, my daughter could probably fit in a medium FuzziBunz now at 5 1/2!
With my son, I decided on one-size diapers.  He is also tiny like my daughter, and is still in mediums.  I only have a few sized diapers, but I like them since they are so trim.
I am able to get a good fit with one-size diapers, and they really aren’t that bulky.  Most don’t fit well until 10-12 pounds though (there are exceptions to that) so if you cloth diaper from birth, you will still need to buy something else for the newborn stage.
I’ve also heard several people say that one-size diapers didn’t really fit their larger babies through potty training, so they had to buy some larger diapers later on.
I guess it’s really just a toss up based on what you prefer.  There are also a few companies (like Thirsties) that make two size diapers, so you can get the best of both worlds.  The size 1 and size 2 should truly take a child from birth to potty training with 3 size adjustments each.
I hope all of this made sense, I tend to talk in circles sometimes!  🙂

A question about “the other cloth”:

Hi, I was wondering if anyone else in your family uses cloth wipes (i.e. Mama cloth)?

Initially, the idea freaked me out a little bit.  The more I read, the more interested I was.  I’ve looked at WAHM made mama cloth (like the ones made by Addicted) and it looks great!  Cute designs, luxurious materials; definitely better than the alternative.  I hate the crinkly paper feeling, the trash etc.  Hopefully I will get to try some soon (which sounds weird to say!)
Family cloth: I would definitely do family cloth for #1, I’d love  to find some soft, affordable wipes to use, and maybe a smallish wetbag to keep in each bathrooom for them.  I’d be a little afraid they’d get thrown in the potty by accident though, and I’m not brave enough to use them for #2 yet!
Reusable Tissues: Better for Grownups has some awesome reusable tissues that I can’t wait to try, once I have the money to spend!

What do you guys think?  Do you use sized, or one-size diapers?  Ever used any “other” cloth?

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Maria is an aspiring "fit mom" of 3 children, writing about cloth diapers, going green, and her life as a single mom. Maria works with many companies within the cloth diaper industry and beyond, providing social media management, product development, and other services.
  • October 11, 2010 at 8:00 pm

    >Hi, I'm a new follower!Please consider following me back at my new blog and entering my Starbucks and cloth diaper giveaways!

  • October 11, 2010 at 4:40 pm

    >I started with sized, but then got one size. My girl went through a chubby faze around a year and she is 'fairly tall' so she would undoubtably be swallowed in larges, but they would work, if that makes sense, when the BG mediums seemed too she could probably get back into the mediums because she slimmed down

  • October 11, 2010 at 4:24 pm

    >I started off with Sized Fuzzibunz because I had read reviews saying One-Size are bulky. After a month or two I was able to purchase some One-Size FB and I actually like them better that the sized! They are trimmer between the legs and the inserts aren't as wide. My daughter is tiny though, at 9.5mo and a little over 14lbs. I have other Sized and One-Size dipes too…Bottombumpers I have Mediums and they are very trim but go up pretty high, LIttle Boppers is a One-Size and I LOVE it, I also have a Blueberry Minky and Swaddlebeez Econappi that are One-Size which I use only for night time because of how wide they are between the legs and she is still on the smallest setting, I have Rumparooz too which is One-Size but a lot less bulky. The One-Size Fuzzibunz are great for smaller babies because its an elastic sizing making them less bulky between the legs than a snap down rise.So really, I think it depends on the diaper and how it is made One-Size. You'll really never know what you like better until you try multiple dipes out. There are things I like and dislike about all of the dipes we

  • October 11, 2010 at 4:05 pm

    >I use "mama cloth" for liners… Especially since (embarrassing alert) I have a little "leakage" when I cough ever since my son was born. I made a bunch of them using a pattern I found online. Its way more comfortable than wearing paper liners. I don't use it for wipes though.

  • October 11, 2010 at 3:53 pm

    >~OTHER CLOTH~I personally use Mama cloth!! feminine pads and wipes. but NOT for #2! I'm not that Brave! I am Highly sensitive to cotton and any other paper product and I break out in a HUGE rash (not unlike a Raging Yeast infection) if I use toilet paper or feminine products. But I'm the only one who uses them. I'd be worried about my whole fam using the same wipes……. what if they don't get cleaned well enough and you share some nasty bacterial infection…… or yeast infections……. i don't think i could handle that!

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