Mailbox Mondays

Mailbox Mondays 8/30/10



Every Monday I will answer user submitted questions. They don’t have to be about cloth diapering! I’ll always answer questions via email, but if you would like your question to be answered in a Mailbox Mondays post, send an email with the subject “Mailbox Mondays” to Maria at change-diapers dot com!

Please note: My intent is to get a queue of questions for the next several months, so it may be some time before your submission is posted. If you would like me to email my response so you don’t have to wait until your question is posted, let me know!

Kelly says:

Detergent question- i’m sure you get tons of these, but i’ve been wondering… I was using RnG hard rock but still had stinky microfiber so i decided to save myself some $ and use tide. our local stores only have original tide in the HE formula, but I have an older top loader (def. not high efficiency!) Can i still use this on my diapers? If so, any idea how much i should use?

wahm question- I’ve started getting into buying diapers from wahm on hyenacart. Do you ever do reviews or giveaways of those kinds of diapers? I’m always hesitant to try out a new brand w/o having heard an honest review. 🙂

Love your blog, thanks! ~Kelly
First Question:
Microfiber just tends to get the stinkies!  If your Rockin’ Green is otherwise working for you, try “Rockin’ a soak” followed by lots of extra rinses.  If the stink remains, try adding 1/4 cup of bleach to a full load of inserts (not the diapers, just the inserts!)  Once I found a detergent that worked for me, I rarely had any issues.  If I start to get a whiff of the weird microfiber stink, or ammonia, I will do a dab of bleach with the inserts.  It knocks it out before it gets bad; I do this about one per month.
As far as Tide goes yes, you can use HE detergent in a regular machine.  Use the same amount you normally would.  You will notice less suds than usual; that’s the main difference between HE detergent and regular detergent. 
I have an HE machine and soft water, and even using 1/4-1/2 of the LOWEST load line (1) of powdered Tide, I have to do some additional rinses to get it all out.  If you decide to try it, be very conservative in the amount you use.  If you need a bunch of extra rinses, cut it back even more.  If you don’t think your diapers are getting clean, add a little extra!
Second Question:
I love WAHMs!  I have done some reviews of diapers sold on HyenaCart.  Check out my Review Archive Page.  I think there are at least 10+ HyenaCart sellers there however, email me any time if you have a specific seller/product in mind that you’d like me to review.  Not all WAHMs are able or willing to do free or discounted products for reviews, but I will see what I can do for you!

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Maria is an aspiring "fit mom" of 3 children, writing about cloth diapers, going green, and her life as a single mom. Maria works with many companies within the cloth diaper industry and beyond, providing social media management, product development, and other services.
1 Comment
  • August 31, 2010 at 1:48 am

    >Thanks for answering my questions!! I started out using too much of the Tide. I'm currently using about 2 TBSP, but maybe that is too much, i'll have to watch the next rinse cycle more closely. Now, I'm off to browse through your archive!! Thanks!!!

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