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NICU Mom: Labor

It has been a while since my introductory post and I apologize for that. I unexpectedly had to be induced six weeks early due to my placenta not working properly. Not a lot of parents share details of their NICU and post NICU experiences, but I would like to.

I was admitted into the hospital in April. I had to receive two steroid injections that would help my little one develop his lungs before entering the world. The shots are not that bad honestly. The worst part was my husband making faces at how big the needle was! So pro-tip: Don’t watch your husband’s face! About 24 hours after my first dosage, I recieved my second and then started pitocin.

Pitocin – we have all heard the negative reviews of the contraction inducing medication. Honestly, it was not bad for the first few hours. I was talking with ease with my husband, his parents, and my parents. My doctor decided to break my water when I was not making progress past 2 CM dilated. That is when the pain skyrocketed.

I wanted a natural birth, but an hour after my water was broken my husband and I opted for the epidural. I was hyperventilating during my contractions and I could not find better positions to ease the pain since my little one had to stay on the monitor. Honestly, I was so disappointed in myself. I questioned if I could have made it without the medication. At the end of the day, I did what was best for my little guy. If I had to have a C-section it would have been incredibly stressful on him.

I was able to sleep after having the epidural. During the night I thought it was wearing off so the nurse helped me switch how I was laying and gave me some more time before calling the anesthesiologist. When she checked me, I was a whopping 7 CM dilated! Everything happened quickly after that. I reached 9 CM within the hour.

I only completed three sets of pushes before I heard my little ones cries. I probably owe the fast delivery to him being only 3 lbs and 9.8 oz. I still felt the intense pressure from pushing and I felt like I was being torn in half. I received a small tear that required one stitch. His cry was the best sound I have ever heard in my life. It was amazing.

The NICU team took him from my stomach and started their evaluation after my husband cut the umbilical cord. They placed my little in my arms for a short minute before they took him out of the room. He had to go back to the NICU, which we knew that before being induced.

That is my labor and delivery story so far. I will go into detail about my stay at the NICU and the hardships of him coming home. If any of you wish to ask questions, please feel free to do so!

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I am expecting a little bundle of joy at the end of May! I am brand new to the cloth diapering world and I am excited to share my experiences with you all.

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