Cloth Diapers

OK maybe later

>I had decided on one size pocket diapers, where the rise and the inserts snap down to size, to fit babies starting around 8 pounds, potentially through potty training.  Specifically, the BumGenius 3.0s

Some reviews indicated that the diapers didn’t quite take their children through potty training, but since my wee little bit of a thing was only twenty something pounds when she potty trained, I figured we’d be fine.

Since my daughter was a wee 6 1/2 pounds at birth, I assumed I wouldn’t be able to use the one size diapers right away.  Plus I wasn’t sure about throwing in a cloth diaper curveball into the whole new mother-o-two game.  If only I knew what I know now, but oh well, water under the bridge right?

So, with the new customer hook of $10 off, combined with $5 off, combined with free shipping and manufacturer coupons, I ordered a case of wee little newborn diapers for the wee little baby I was expecting (ha!)

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Maria is an aspiring "fit mom" of 3 children, writing about cloth diapers, going green, and her life as a single mom. Maria works with many companies within the cloth diaper industry and beyond, providing social media management, product development, and other services.

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