September is #JPMABabySafetyMonth, which is sponsored every year by the Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association (JPMA). The goal of this event is to bring awareness to baby safety issues, as well as the safe selection and use of baby products.
MAM has been creating baby products for the past 40 years, to make life easier and keep babies safe. Here are some great tips from MAM and top baby registry site GuGu Guru for things we can all do to protect our babies.

Pacifier use has been shown to reduce the risk of SIDS (find out more here: http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/116/5/1245). Consider using a pacifier when putting baby to sleep, but remember that you should not re-insert a pacifier after your baby falls asleep. Check out the AAP guidelines for pacifier usage here: http://bit.ly/AAPInfantSleepSafety

Cold Mist Humidifiers are a safe and natural way to thin baby’s mucus when congested and alleviate symptoms that may be preventing them from getting a good night’s rest, such as dry skin, bloody noses, sore throat, and dry cough. For more information from our friends @craneusa on Cool Mist Humidifiers visit www.crane-usa.com.

There are two main components to car seat safety according to our friends @thetotsquad: fitting the seat into your vehicle, and fitting your child into the seat. A correctly installed car seat should not move more than 1″ in any direction when testing tightness at the belt path. Always make sure you have the right seat for your child’s age and measurements and ensure the harness is tightened so that you cannot pinch the material over the child’s shoulders. For more information visit: www.thetotsquad.com.

Keep the wifi products in your nursery (baby monitor, sound machine, etc.) secure from web intruders with these three tips from our friends @myevoz:
1. Do NOT use wifi products that have default credentials.
2. Do NOT use wifi products that run extra programs, otherwise know as “”backdoors””
3. Only use wifi products with secure encryption.
Lastly, be mindful of cords! Anything that plugs into an outlet should be placed at least 3 ft (0.9 m) away from your child. For more information visit www.myevoz.com.

Always keep baby visible and kissable! Our friends @babyktan say that eeping your little one’s head at a kissable height when in the carrier means that you can monitor their airway (and snuggle – it’s a win-win!). For more information visit www.babyktan.com.

Keep it clean and simple when setting up your crib. Here are a few tips for creating a safe sleep environment for baby from our friends @colgatemattress:
1. Remove anything with a soft surface from the crib, including stuffed animals and blankets. These items can block baby’s airway during sleep.
2. Provide a firm mattress with a fitted sheet.
3. Lay your baby on his or her back at bedtime and nap time.
For more information visit www.colgatekids.com

Stuffing is a choking hazard. Our friends @mouselovespig recommend to always double check the seams of soft toys to make sure that no stitches have popped loose. For more information visit www.mouselovespig.com.

Remember the ABCs of Safe Sleep: Alone | Back | Crib.
We recommend an easy-to-use swaddle, like Love To Dream’s Swaddle UP™, from birth so you don’t have to worry about baby breaking out of a swaddle blanket. Choose a size according to baby’s weight, not age. Stop swaddling as soon as baby shows signs of rolling and transition to an arms-free sleep product, like the @lovetodreamUSA Swaddle UPTM 50/50 Transition Bag.
For more information visit www.lovetodream.com.
Visit  https://www.facebook.com/MAMbabyUSA for more information.
Be sure to share these tips with your friends!
Car seat tips and reminders are always appreciated. With children changing and growing all the time, it’s important to stay on top of the recommendations!