Tag Archives: cloth

Cloth Diapers Giveaway

Five months!!


I’ve been cloth diapering for five months now!  I’m loving it so much and I feel so dumb for hesitating before finally diving in!  That photo was one of the first 3 BumGenius 3.0 diapers I bought, “just to try.”  Little did I know I would end up addicted!

I’m really excited about my current giveaway, and I’m reading all of your comments.  I’m already looking into reviewing some of the suggested products.

Next month marks what I’m calling my six month “clothiversary;” in honor of that milestone, I’m planning more giveaways!

Please stay tuned, and invite any friends who might be interested in following my blog or facebook page.

You guys, my readers, make it possible for me to do even more reviews and giveaways!  Thank you!

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Cloth doll diapers

>It’s not that difficult to find cheap, single layer flannel doll diapers, like the ones that come with American Girl Bitty Baby.

However, I’ve been suckered into buying my daughter a Baby Alive Whoopsie Doo Doll for her birthday next month.  I never intended to buy the baby alive diapers at over a buck a pop, but the preemie size disposables aren’t looking that attrative to me either.  Not just because I’m sure she will go through a pack the first day she has it, but it’s environmentally irresponsible and just not something I want to do.

Anyway, there are some sellers on Hyenacart that have really cute doll diapers.  They are much cuter and better made than the aforementioned American Girl diapers, but still only typically have two layers, and won’t hold up to a heavy wetting baby doll.

The maker of Heartland Dreams diapers offers doll diapers made by her 12 year old daughter, and said she could do a diaper with added material to make it a bit absorbent.  At $4 each, a handful of them would be a much better investment than sposies anyway!

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