Tag Archives: free

Cloth Diapers Giveaway

Five months!!


I’ve been cloth diapering for five months now!  I’m loving it so much and I feel so dumb for hesitating before finally diving in!  That photo was one of the first 3 BumGenius 3.0 diapers I bought, “just to try.”  Little did I know I would end up addicted!

I’m really excited about my current giveaway, and I’m reading all of your comments.  I’m already looking into reviewing some of the suggested products.

Next month marks what I’m calling my six month “clothiversary;” in honor of that milestone, I’m planning more giveaways!

Please stay tuned, and invite any friends who might be interested in following my blog or facebook page.

You guys, my readers, make it possible for me to do even more reviews and giveaways!  Thank you!

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Cloth Diapers Giveaway

Huuuuuuge giveaway!

>This is the best diaper giveaway I’ve ever seen!  Diaper Junction is giving $300 worth of cloth diaper products.  The winner gets to choose!  That is enough $ to be able to CD full time!

Win a SMACKER Giveaway: $300 SMACKERS to spend at Diaper Junction!

Go enter!  Go go go!

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Whine whine whine

>I’m still disappointed that I didn’t win any of the FFS drawings on hyenacart AND I missed the sale on the two diapers I wanted!  Boooooo!!

The Eli Monster giveaway is still going on.  I’m drooling over the diapers!

I reaaaalllyyyy want to win, but I guess it would be OK if someone who reads my blog won.  *sigh*  If you win, you owe me one.  Hee hee.  So head on over and enter!!
On the up side, I was running some numbers the other day, as I always do.  Using my “stock up prices” for disposable diapers and wipes, the diapers I have purchased have more than half paid for themselves.  The wipe making accessories have MORE than paid for themselves in their entirety, even though I have only actually used 3 cubes!
Photo copyright The Eli Monster
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All In One Diapers Cloth Diapers Fitted Diapers Giveaway

Huge Diaper Giveaway!

>The Eli Monster is giving an awesome diaper package away!

It includes:

  • 3 diapers
  • 3 inserts
  • Medium wetbag
  • 12 cloth wipes
  • Sample of diaper pail dust

Click here for all the details and to enter.

This would be an awesome way to get your feet wet with cloth diapering, add to your stash, or just try something new!

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Cloth Diapers

Free Sample of Grandma El’s Diaper Rash Remedy & Prevention

>Click here to request your sample of Grandma El’s Diaper Rash Remedy & Prevention.

This stuff is miraculous, zinc free and cloth diaper safe!

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