I actually bought this Bummis Swimmi swim diaper over the winter, when I thought we were going to do swim lessons at the YMCA (we didn’t.) Notice the strange color of the first few photos, that’s because there was snow on the ground reflecting light into the windows!
The small fits 9-15 pounds, medium 15-22 pounds and large 22-30 pounds.
I got the turtle print, since it’s all I could find in a medium. It is cute though!
Like other disposable and reusable swim diapers, the Bummis Swimmi is not absorbent, and is simply designed to catch solid waste. It has a polyester mesh lining, sandwiched nylon and a printed cotton outer. It has very easy to use hook and loop closures.
This is my little guy at about 17 pounds and 28″ wearing a medium.
There’s not much to say about it! It’s cute, fits well, easy to use and should do the “job” fine! I would use it under a swimsuit if your baby can open velcro!
Want your own? Win it. I’m buying a Bummis Swimmi for one lucky blog reader.
How to enter:
Do as many or as few of the following as you like. You can do one without the other, though I don’t know why you’d skip the first one. 😉
1. Just leave me a comment on this blog post to get an entry.
2. Follow my blog publicly, comment saying you follow to get an entry.
3. Fan (Whatever! Old dog/new tricks and all)
me on Facebook, comment saying so to get an entry.
Follow me on Twitter, comment saying so to get your entry. Just don’t “follow” me in a creepy way, heh.
5. Tweet this giveaway. Please include a link to this post and @chgdiapers. One tweet per day, comment with a link to your tweet to get your entry. You can use this tweet if you like: @chgdiapers has a #giveaway for a Bummis Swimmi reusable swim diaper http://bit.ly/aFZPbT (6/11)
6. Blog about this giveaway and link back to me.
I’ll accept entries until Friday, June 11th, 2010 at 9:00, P.M. EST. I will choose a winner with random.org’s true random number generator and email the winner. This giveaway is open to residents of the U.S. only.
Please be sure to leave your email address in your comment if it isn’t visible in your profile. If you win and I can’t contact you, I will choose another winner.
The winner will choose her size, print and an alternate print from
in stock prints. I will purchase the swim diaper for the winner and have it shipped directly to her. I reserve the right to make substitutions if necessary.
Please note that this review and giveaway is neither affiliated with nor sponsored, endorsed or approved by Bummis or Abby’s Lane LLC.
[…] been over a year since I posted my Bummis Swimmi review! I actually bought it the winter before when I thought we were going to do YMCA swim lessons, but […]
[…] Delora! I’ve used the Kushies Swim Diaper and a Bummis Swimmi, though there are a few others out there as well. I really liked the gusseting and tie closure of […]
>tweethttp://twitter.com/fancygrlnancy/status/15977920005bwneyes100 AT hotmail DOT com
>This would be so perfect for the summer. So cute.mightynaynay(at)cs.com
>I have twins in diapers! Please enter me 🙂
>Such a cute diaper on such a cute baby:)
>Following you on Twitter @Xizellebakergurl02[at]yahoo[dot]com
>Fanned you on Facebook @Alisha Lesagebakergurl02[at]yahoo[dot]com
>Following your blog via Google Friend Connect @Alisha L.bakergurl02[at]yahoo[dot]com
>I would love to be entered Thanks!bakergurl02[at]yahoo[dot]com
>http://twitter.com/simplymerrier/statuses/15965332428simplymerry at gmail dot com
>I follow you on Facebook.Jesskaufman at hotmail dot com
>I follow your blog.
>I really like that Swim Diaper. I need to purchase one for my son when we go on vacation in July. Thanks for the review/ giveaway I'm going to check them out.Jesskaufman at hotmail dot com
>I hope I win, my little girl would get lots of use out of the swim diaper.
>i like on twitter @mrstinareynolds
>i like on facebook (mrstinareynolds)
>i follow your blog
>Thanks for the chance I would love to try these !eaglesforjack@gmail.com
>That is actually adorable! 🙂 I bet it would fit better under a little girl's suit than most!Ellie W.fcorin13 at yahoo dot com
>following your blogsusansmoaks at gmail dot com
>i like you on facebook tony l smoakssusansmoaks at gmail dot com
>very cutesusansmoaks at gmail dot com
>I tweetedhttp://twitter.com/Brebysmommie/status/15909829952
>I follow you on twitter as Brebysmommie
>I like you on FB
>I follow you via GFC
>Great idea. I'd save so much not buying swimmers. Pick me!
>tweethttp://twitter.com/fancygrlnancy/status/15904389365bwneyes100 AT hotmail DOT com
>http://twitter.com/simplymerrier/statuses/15902847635simplymerry at gmail dot com
>I liked your page on facebook!!!
>This would be great this summer, since i really hate spending the money on disposable swimmies! And i cant find these anywhere in local stores!
>i really want one swim diapers are expensivegothicdaymares@aol.com
>That bummis swim diaper is so cute!
>Tweet! http://twitter.com/LisOfTo/status/15893205702LMFriedli @ gmail.com
>Twitter follower soluckyducky
>FB fan sarah linette
>Blog follower
>We've just been using an old cover. This would be awesome!
>http://twitter.com/trvlgrl121/statuses/15889047084SHull2319 at gmail dot com
>I tweeted!rebeccaw2005@hotmail.comhttp://twitter.com/beccaann38/status/15889005496
>following with google friend connect!
>I follow your blog via gfc-rebecca williamsrebeccaw2005@hotmail.com
>just liked you on facebook as well!
>ooh it's cute! I'd love to win!
>I'm following you on twitter-beccaann38rebeccaw2005@hotmail.com
>I've been wanting to try this! We go swimming alot!rebeccaw2005@hotmail.com
>please enter me, I would love it for my potty training toddler and the baby I'm expecting later! 🙂
>I follow you on twitter
>I like you on facebook!
>I follow your blog
>I love swim diapers!
>I follow on Twiter as OrPaBLOG
>I am a fan on facebook
>I follow your blog
>I've always wanted to try a swim diaper. It's so awesome of you to offer this!
>I'd love to win this for my new little niece. Thanks!safety_chick@hotmail.com
>The local place we are going to take swim lessons at requires reusable swim diapers so these are great.
>tweeted! http://twitter.com/helenlamby/status/15859624217
>6/10 daily tweethttp://twitter.com/jjak2003/statuses/15850703920jjak2003 at gmail dot com
>following you on twitterandrea909
>following your blog
>What a cute swim diaper! I need one of these
>tweethttp://twitter.com/fancygrlnancy/status/15829924766bwneyes100 AT hotmail DOT com
>I would love to win this swimmi!
>Too cute! I would love to win one for one of my kids.
>Blogged about this giveawayhttp://scr.im/elm13
>Follow you on Twitter,http://scr.im/elm13
>Fan you on Facebookhttp://scr.im/elm13
>Follow blog publiclyhttp://scr.im/elm13
>http://scr.im/elm13Hi! Love these
>I am a fan on Facebook.
>FB fan of yours (Kendyl S.)romancingthestork (at) gmail (dot) com
>Following via GFCromancingthestork (at) gmail (dot) com
>These are so cute! Thanks for the chance to win. :-)romancingthestork (at) gmail (dot) com
>Love it!! Would love it for my little one!!kristylmorrow@inbox.com
>Fanned you on facebook!!! Got an entry 🙂 rngina@cox.net
>http://twitter.com/simplymerrier/statuses/15769601859simplymerry at gmail dot com
>tweethttp://twitter.com/fancygrlnancy/status/15760679709bwneyes100 AT hotmail DOT com
>I tweeted! http://twitter.com/jkieras/status/15752423921
>I follow this blog! 🙂
>I am a fan on Facebook
>I follow you on Twitter! @jkieras
>Ah I love the turtles! This is the exact one I was looking to buy -so I hope I win! 🙂
>We want to do swimming lessons soon so this will be perfect. Thanks
>Thank you for hosting this! 🙂
>blogged!http://happilysouthernreviews.blogspot.com/2010/06/bummis-swimmi.htmlosggiveaways at gmail dot com
>Tweet! http://twitter.com/LisOfTo/status/15725738425LMFriedli @ gmail.com
>tweet!http://twitter.com/HappyReviews/statuses/15725651670osggiveaways at gmail dot com
>following you on twitter (in a non-creepy way… naturally! ;)) @HappyReviewsosggiveaways at gmail dot com
>following publicly via GFCosggiveaways at gmail dot com
>The turtle print is so cute! I've been wanting to get a Bummis Swimmi diaper for this summer!Thanks for offering this great giveaway!osggiveaways at gmail dot com
>These swimmies are really cue.
>Ooh I would love to try a Swimmi!islandgirl706@gmail.com
>I follow your blog publicly
>I have always wanted to try one of these swim dipes.jessharris79 at gmail dot com
>tweeted here http://twitter.com/lazycrazymama/status/15706180745
>following you on twitter
>I'm a fb fan (under my real name, please email to verify!)
>I'm a follower 🙂
>That is one adorable swim diaper!
>I was definitely hoping to get a swim dipe for my son for the summer!andrewandkelly(at)live(dot)com.
>tweethttp://twitter.com/fancygrlnancy/status/15681718685bwneyes100 AT hotmail DOT com
>http://twitter.com/SAPsMaMa/status/15671781886tweetmphin278 at yahoo dot com
>tweet: http://twitter.com/skgaff/status/15628977954glass.stephanie(at)gmail(dot)com
>follow you on twitter @skgaffglass.stephanie(at)gmail(dot)com
>facebook FAN (stephanie gaffney)glass.stephanie(at)gmail(dot)com
>follow you publiclyglass.stephanie(at)gmail(dot)com
>Yay! I love Bummis Swimmis!glass.stephanie(at)gmail(dot)com
>http://twitter.com/simplymerrier/statuses/15618229592simplymerry at gmail dot com
>6/7 daily tweethttp://twitter.com/jjak2003/statuses/15615025942jjak2003 at gmail dot com
>Tweeted today: http://twitter.com/trvlgrl121/statuses/15588870621SHull2319 at gmail dot com
>tweethttp://twitter.com/fancygrlnancy/status/15583391994bwneyes100 AT hotmail DOT com
>http://twitter.com/SAPsMaMa/status/15560434122tweetmphin278 at yahoo dot com
>Tweet! http://twitter.com/LisOfTo/status/15559799270LMFriedli @ gmail.com
>http://twitter.com/simplymerrier/statuses/15544221489simplymerry at gmail dot com
>following you on twitter!@anamlgrlanamlgrl@yahoo.com
>I"m a fan on facebook!Lauren F. anamlgrl@yahoo.com
>I follow you publicly!anamlgrl@yahoo.com
>tweeted: http://twitter.com/anamlgrl/status/15541468307anamlgrl@yahoo.com
>Love the print on the one you reviewed!! Hope I can win one!!anamlgrl@yahoo.com
>I tweeted: http://twitter.com/trvlgrl121/statuses/15536008194SHull2319 at gmail dot com
>I follow you on twitter (in the non-creepy way) (@trvlgrl121)SHull2319 at gmail dot com
>I am a fan of yours on FacebookSHull2319 at gmail dot com
>I follow your blog publiclySHull2319 at gmail dot com
>I would love to win this swim diaper! Perfect for summer days at the pool! Thanks for all the work that you put into this blog- I especially love all of the pictures you post! You cover things from every angle and I feel like I can really know what something is like after reading your blog.SHull2319 at gmail dot com
>tweethttp://twitter.com/fancygrlnancy/status/15534754831bwneyes100 AT hotmail DOT com
>http://twitter.com/simplymerrier/statuses/15530986051simplymerry at gmail dot com
>I would love to try this swim diaper it looks so cute!jaimegreat at gmail dot com
>I tweetedhttp://twitter.com/jjak2003/statuses/15498667055jjak2003 at gmail dot com
>I follow through facebook (Jessica Wagner)jjak2003 at gmail dot com
>I follow through twitter (@jjak2003)jjak2003 at gmail dot com
>I follow through google friend connectjjak2003 at gmail dot com
>Thanks for the giveaway!jjak2003 at gmail dot com
>tweeT:http://twitter.com/keekerbug/status/15495115706carolena.graves at gmail dot com
>Tweet! http://twitter.com/LisOfTo/status/15490936162
>Would love this for my baby neice!!bevwhip at yahoo dot com
>Following you on twitter adjolly
>public followerkayla.dishon@gmail.com
>FaceBook Fan Dawn K
>Following your blog
>What a cute tush your little one has in that diaper
>I love the Swimmi!kayla.dishon@gmail.com
>So cool that you are sponsoring this one yourself! I'm sure my son would get a lot of use out of this this summer!katiekstewart@gmail.com
>tweethttp://twitter.com/fancygrlnancy/status/15439290990bwneyes100 AT hotmail DOT com
>Tweeted here: http://twitter.com/LisOfTo/status/15436136728LMFriedli @ gmail.com
>I follow you on twitter (@LisOfTo)LMFriedli @ gmail.com
>I "like" you on FB.LMFriedli @ gmail.com
>I follow your blog w/ google friends.LMFriedli @ gmail.com
>We would love a swim diaper to use at the pool!LMFriedli @ gmail.com
>I follow you on twitter under ChildrensNook
>I want to get a few swim diapers and have been trying research what is available. This looks like a great diaper!veniceangel@hotmail.com
>http://twitter.com/simplymerrier/statuses/15408068133simplymerry at gmail dot com
>tweethttp://twitter.com/fancygrlnancy/status/15397061943bwneyes100 AT hotmail DOT com
>http://sapsgiveaways.blogspot.com/2010/06/bummis-swimmi-giveaway-by-f-oh-my-ends.htmlblogged about the giveawaymphin278 at yahoo dot com
>http://twitter.com/SAPsMaMa/status/15386854401tweetedmphin278 at yahoo dot com
>I follow you on twitter@SAPsMaMamphin278 at yahoo dot com
>I liked you on facebookmphin278 at yahoo dot com
>I follow your blogmphin278 at yahoo dot com
>mandatory enttry #1, random comment, your blog is awesome! lol
>I publicly follow your blog.danirudolph at gmail dot com
>I am a FB fan. danirudolph at gmail dot com
>What a cute swim diaper! I hope I win!danirudolph at gmail dot com
>I follow on Twitter
>I'm a FB Fan!
>I follow!
>Yea! I love these!
>What a great idea! Thanks, Maureen (jnomaxx at hotmail dot com)
>twitteramomstakejanel_marie at yahoo dot com
>fba mom's takejanel_marie at yahoo dot com
>thanks for the chance!janel_marie at yahoo dot com
>oh my gosh this is great, I spend a fortune on little swimmers over the summer!jennifer.lleras@gmail.com
>Following you on twitter:SCMOMOF2BOYS
>FB FAN: Karen Bridges
>GFC Follower.
>TOO CUTE!! We are going swimming daily here. Great Giveaway!
>I follow on Google.
>We swim every day so I'd love one of these!
>Love this idea. I hope they eventually make it with something other than velcro though…seraphou@aol.com
>Fan of your Facebook page (Rebecca Mills)ramills1308 at gmail.com
>I Tweeted your giveaway: http://twitter.com/ramills08/status/15291675518ramills1308 at gmail.com
>follower..i'm just wondering.. for these swimmis, how young do most of you take your babies for a swim? I live in HI and thought it'd be nice to bring baby into the ocean. kkhurana16 at gmail.com
>Following your blog as Rebecca M. ramills1308 at gmail.com(Thought I posted this one already but maybe not? Also I guess I was logged into Blogger then it switched to my Google profile, but 132 and 133 are both me.)
>Following you on Twitter as ramills08ramills1308 at gmail.com
>We use cloth diapers and this swim diaper would get a lot of use in our house!ramills1308 at gmail.com
>we live in Florida and we have a pool and we live on the river and 5 minutes from the beach and we are constantly in the water…we always use cloth diapers but I have not tried this brand before…would love toykatrina at hotmail dot com
>Blog followermeganmcgarty(at)gmail(dot)com
>Oooh, in the market for a swim diaper! Ready for summer!
>tweet:http://twitter.com/keekerbug/status/15270070725carolena.graves at gmail dot com
>follower on twitter (not the creepy way) @keekerbugcarolena.graves at gmail dot com
>"liked" you on FBcarolena.graves at gmail dot com
>public followercarolena.graves at gmail dot com
>I love that you sponsor giveaways, I think it is very generous of you! I really want to try one of these, and need that size, and love the turtle print!carolena.graves at gmail dot com
>I tweeted about this giveaway!http://twitter.com/CohensMommy
>I follow you on Twitter
>I am a fan on Facebook 🙂
>I follow you via Google Friend
>I just found your blog! Thanks for doing this! So awesome! 🙂
>Too cute!
>Tweet!http://twitter.com/mommyericae/status/15248060482erica dot jmail at mac dot com
>I've been thinking of trying one of these! thanks 🙂
>I've wanted to try out their swimmis. They look great!
>I love my Swimmi too. It's getting too small though so a new one would be great!
>I follow your blog via GFC
>I'd love to try one of these
>tweethttp://twitter.com/fancygrlnancy/status/15255675600bwneyes100 AT hotmail DOT com
>follow on twitter, not too creepybwneyes100 AT hotmail DOT com
>fb fanbwneyes100 AT hotmail DOT com
>I followbwneyes100 AT hotmail DOT com
>I would love to get a swim diaper for our summer swim lessons.bwneyes100 AT hotmail DOT com
>I follow you on twittersn:missblissfulbee
>I follow your through GFC
>Oh, this is incredible! It would be perfect for my son.kristi.blackstone@yahoo.com
>http://twitter.com/simplymerrier/statuses/15233583112simplymerry at gmail dot com
>follow you on twitter@simplymerriersimplymerry at gmail dot com
>fan on facebooksimplymerry at gmail dot com
>follower!simplymerry at gmail dot com
>ooh, i've been eying these.. can't wait to take baby swimming this summer.simplymerry at gmail dot com
>My son just went swimming for the first time this week and I would love to try a non-disposable swim diaper.
>We just joined a pool for the summer and this would be awesome!!chrisandmaia at gmail dot com
>I follow!
>I want a swimmi sooooooo bad!
>I'm a follower of your blog.
>I'm a FB fan.
>That turtle print is cute!
>I've been looking to buy a swim diaper for my little boy's first summer in the water!
>i would love to have this mverno@roadrunner.com
>Fan on fb – heatherscholtenheatherandscott030709 at gmail dot com
>Follow your blog!heatherandscott030709 at gmail dot com
>I would love to win one of these for a friend that just had a little boy a few months ago!heatherandscott030709 at gmail dot com
>I follow on twitter and tweeted about giveawaySticemichelle@aol.com
>I like facebook pageSticemichelle@aol.com
>I subscribe to blogSticemichelle@aol.com
>Would love to try one of these. Sticemichelle@aol.com
>I follow on twitter (in a non-creepy way) hehe. katrinawelch
>I am a FB fan! (katrina welch)
>I follow your blog!
>I want one of these! Thanks for giving me the chance to win it! =) gdy2shoes23(at)gmail.com
>im a facebook fan!
>I follow your blog!
>I would love to try this swim diaper!
>I'd love to try this. how cute is that print?! lol
>I am a fan of yours on Facebook.colljerr at comcast dot net
>I'm a FB fan of yours.
>I follow your blog.
>I've been wanting to try one of these! thanks fpr the chance!
>I follow your blog publiclycolljerr at comcast dot net
>You picked a cute print – love the turtles!colljerr at comcast dot net
>I'm a fan of yours on FB!
>I follow your blog
>I need a new swim diaper for my daughter!
>I am a fan on FB!giabao.ng at gmail.com
>I follow this blog (publicly).giabao.ng at gmail.com
>Yes!! Pick me! Pick me, oh Random.org! :)giabao.ng at gmail.com
>im a gfc followertamipearson at gmail dot com
>we need a swimmi :)tamipearson at gmail dot com
>Twitter stalker… I mean… follower 🙂 (@ToriMichel)
>Fan or "liker" or whatever it is now on FB 🙂
>Follow the blog (obviously!)
>That is a SUPER cute turtle print! I'm lazy and just pull an insert out of one of my pocket dipes and use that as a "swim diaper". Works great for me. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
>Hi Maria! Great review – I'm passing this along to my friend who has a 9 month old daughter and she was asking about swim diapers the other day (I'm trying hard to convert her to CDing!) I would love to be entered into the Giveaway! Oh – and I'm following you from Cloth Diaper Bloggers =)
>blogged here:http://naturalbabygiveaways.com/bummis-swimmi-giveaway-ends-611/naturalbabygiveaways at gmail dot com
>following on twitternaturalbabygiveaways at gmail dot com
>Twitter follower. Chany10
>fan on facebook.naturalbabygiveaways at gmail dot com
>Facebook fan. Chantelle Garrett Jackson
>following publiclynaturalbabygiveaways at gmail dot com
>Here's my comment ;)naturalbabygiveaways at gmail dot com
>Follow publicly.
>Tweet!http://twitter.com/mommyericae/status/15187085376erica dot jmail at mac dot com
>I follow you on twitter (it always does sound creepy when I say I follow people!) :)erica dot jmail at mac dot com
>I'm a fb fan!erica dot jmail at mac dot com
>I follow your blog!erica dot jmail at mac dot com
>Oh yeah! I am so in need of swim diaper for this summer! :)erica dot jmail at mac dot com
>I follow your blog publicly
>I liked you on facebook
>I follow you on twitter( @kbrian)
>Cute, I'd like to be entered for this
>tweeted! http://twitter.com/mrsstramer beautyformyashes@hotmail.com
>i follow you on twitterbeautyformyashes@hotmail.com
>im your fan on facebook.beautyformyashes@hotmail.com
>i follow your blog.beautyformyashes@hotmail.com
>I would love to win this! We are going on vacation and it would get a ton of use!beautyformyashes@hotmail.com
>I already follow u on twitter and I tweetedherehttp://twitter.com/momtoablessingAudriannasmamaw@aol.com
>I am a fan on facebookAudriannasmamaw@aol.com
>I follow your blog
>I would love to try one of these with the new baby due soon
>Way too cute! This would be perfect for Evie!mcconaghys at yahoo dot com
>I follow you on twitter
>I am a fb follower
>I am a follower
>My little guy needs a swim diaper still
>I follow you on Twitter!
>I'm a fan on Facebook!
>I'm a FB fan!
>I follow your blog!
>Great giveaway, these are so CUTE!
>It looks adorable!daisy7017@msn.com
>Already a Fan on Facebook,
>Already Follow your blog publicly
>Great giveaway! 🙂
>blog followerstoopidgerletsy@yahoo.com
>excellent! would love to try this out on my daughter!! stoopidgerletsy@yahoo.com
>I follow you on twitter. (@okiebelle)flowers7886 at yahoo dot com
>I follow your blog.flowers7886 at yahoo dot com
>I follow you on FB.flowers7886 at yahoo dot com
>I love the turtle print, too cute! flowers7886 at yahoo dot com
>Fun! Just wanted to drop in and say hi, I won't put any more entries in since we already have one swim dipe, but enjoying your blog!
>I follow you on Twitter (ejgballerina).babyforballerina at gmail dot com
>I'm a fan on facebook!babyforballerina at gmail dot com
>I follow your blog.babyforballerina at gmail dot com
>I've been wanting to try one of these! They're too cute!babyforballerina at gmail dot com