Author Archives: Maria

Maria is an aspiring "fit mom" of 3 children, writing about cloth diapers, going green, and her life as a single mom. Maria works with many companies within the cloth diaper industry and beyond, providing social media management, product development, and other services.
Friday Giveaway Linky Giveaways Linky

3/11/11 – Cloth Diaper Giveaway Roundup & Linky for All Giveaways


Who doesn’t love to win free cloth diapers?  Check out the cloth diaper/accessory/baby wearing giveaways I’ve found, and enter a few!

If you’d like me to feature your cloth diaper, accessory, baby wearing (etc.) giveaway next week, send a link and description to maria at, or Fill out my contact form for readers.

The roundup is a little light again this week.  I’m still having trouble with my preferred blog reader, and not all of the blogs I follow are showing up in google reader either.  Sooo…I’ve had to do a lot of hunting and I know I’m still missing some.  Fingers crossed it will be fixed soon because it will take me a million years to go to each of the 1,200 blogs I follow, and subscribe via RSS feed to each one!

babykicks diapers
My Babykicks Giveaway ends 3/15

The Cloth Diaper Whisperer

This week’s prize is two Bumgenius 4.0 Diapers!

*$370 Bumgenius Kit from Kelly Wels (ends 3/11) Entry Form on Facebook Mandatory Facebook “like”

*Bummas Wipes from Mommy and Me Giveaways Mandatory GFC follow (ends 3/11) Open to the U.S. and Canada

*Blissful Booty Diaper from Not Just Baby Brain (ends 3/11) Open to the U.S. and Canada

*AppleCheeks Diaper from Sweet T Makes 3 Mandatory GFC follow (ends 3/11) Open Worldwide

*AMP Diaper from Diary of a Devil Dog Wife Mandatory GFC follow (ends 3/11)

Oh Katy Diapers from Kelly Wels (ends 3/11)

Rumparooz Diaper from Mommy’s Peanut Gallery Mandatory Twitter follow and Tweet (ends 3/11) Open to the U.S. and Canada

*Bummas Wipes from Smile a Day Giveaways Mandatory GFC follow (ends 3/12) Open to the U.S. and

*$15 Eli Monster GC from What Mama Wants (ends 3/12)

*Joli Mini Diaper from Crazy 4 Fluff Mandatory GFC follow (ends 3/12)

*Rumparooz Diaper from Simple Wonders and A Heart For Home (ends 3/12)

*Rumparooz Diaper from Doable Diapers Mandatory follow (ends 3/12)

Moby Wrap from The Cloth Diaper Report Mandatory Facebook “like” and comment (ends 3/12)

*Sprout Change Diaper from Triple Duty Momma Mandatory GFC follow (ends 3/13) Open to the U.S. and Canada

Knickernappies Diaper from Diaper Junction & Cloth Diaper Geek (ends 3/13)

*Tiny Tush Elite Diaper from Dibs (ends 3/14)

*Gen Y Cover from Dirty Diaper Laundry (ends 3/14)

*Cheeky Diapers Fitted & Cover from Knocked Up and Nursing (ends 3/14)

Paisley Baby Wet Bag from Paper Cakes Finds (ends 3/14)

Thirsties Duo Diaper from Keeping Up With Kynlee Mandatory GFC follow (ends 3/14)

*Boba Classic Carrier from Mommy Kat and Kids Mandatory Facebook “like” (ends 3/15) Open to the U.S. and Canada

*Boba 2G Carrier from Monkey Tales Mandatory GFC follow (ends 3/15)

*GoGreen Pocket Diaper & Wet Bag from Life with Levi (ends 3/15)

*Doopsy Pocket Insert from The Little Hedgehog Mandatory GFC follow (ends 3/15)

*Drybees AIO from Padded Tush Stats Mandatory GFC follow (ends 3/15)

Thirsties Wrap & Prefold from My This n That Life Mandatory GFC follow and Facebook “like” (ends 3/15)

Itti Bitti Tutto Diaper and Wet Bag from Crazy 4 Fluff Mandatory GFC follow (ends 3/15)

*Sprout Change Diaper from Not Just Baby Brain (ends 3/16)

Itti Bitti Diapers from Biehl Adventures Mandatory Facebook “like” (ends 3/16) Open to the U.S. and Canada

*$25 Applecheeks GC from Me as a Mommy (ends 3/17)

Doopsy Insert from Baby EcoMart and Crazy 4 Fluff Mandatory GFC follow (ends 3/17)

Dinkledooz Diaper from GoGo Natural & Cloth Diaper Contests & Giveaways Mandatory GFC follow (ends 3/17) Open to the U.S. and Canada

Tots Bots or Blueberry Diaper from Mama on a Green Mission (ends 3/17) Open to the U.S. and Canada

Dinkledooz Diaper from Go Go Naturals and Cloth Diaper Contests & Giveaways Mandatory GFC follow (ends 3/17) Open to the U.S. and Canada

Doopsy Insert from Baby EcoMart and The Mommy Goods (ends 3/17)

Baby Bond Nursing Cover from Tales from the Nursery Mandatory GFC follow (ends 3/18) Open worldwide

Planet Wise Large Wet Bag from A Mommy’s Blessings Mandatory GFC follow (ends 3/18)

*Softbums Omni from The B Keeps us Honest (ends 3/19)

$25 Bright Star Baby GC from The Small Town Mom Mandatory GFC follow (ends 3/20)

Oh Katy Diaper from So Easy Being Green Mandatory GFC follow (ends 3/20)

Smart Bottoms Diaper from Minnesota Mama’s Must Haves (ends 3/21)

Mo Dia Diaper from Dirty Diaper Laundry Mandatory Facebook “like” (ends 3/21)

Boba Baby Carrier from The B Keeps Us Honest (ends 3/21)

Thirsties Duo Wrap & Prefold from Your World Healthy and Natural Mandatory GFC follow (ends 3/21) Open to the U.S. and Canada

Softbums Diaper from The Nurse Mommy (ends 3/21)

Diapeze Diaper from Crunchy Beach Mama (ends 3/21) Open to the U.S. and Canada

*Thirsties Duo Wrap & Prefold from Marni’s Organized Mess Mandatory GFC follow (ends 3/22)

Best Bottom Diaper from Your World Healthy and Natural Mandatory GFC follow (ends 3/22)

FuzziBunz Diaper from Wee Little Changes and Crunchy Beach Mama (ends 3/22)

Thirsties Duo Wrap & Prefold from Not Just Baby Brain (ends 3/22) Open to the U.S. and Canada

Itti Bitti Diapers & Wet Bag from Diary of a Devil Dog Wife Mandatory GFC follow (ends 3/22)

Grovia Shell from Rockpretty Baby and Glimpse Reviews (ends 3/23) Open to Canada only

Cutiepoops Diaper from Crunchy Beach Mama (ends 3/23) Open worldwide

*Planet Wise Wet/Dry Bag from Children Teaching Mama (ends 3/24)

Smartipants Diaper from Real Mom Reviews Mandatory Facebook “like” and comment (ends 3/24)

Smartipants Diaper from Your World Healthy and Natural Mandatory GFC follow (ends 3/24)

Rumparooz Diaper from Go Baby Go and Fabulous Family Reviews & Giveaways (ends 3/24)

Holden’s Landing Diaper from Crunchy Beach Mama (ends 3/24) Open Worldwide

Best Bottom Diapering System from A Heart 4 Home (ends 3/25)

*Knickernappies Diaper from Wee Little Changes (ends 3/27)

Bummas Wipes form Life of a Slightly Crunchy SAHM of Drama Queens Mandatory GFC follow and Facebook “like” (ends 3/29)

Doopsy Insert from Happenings of the Harper Household Mandatory GFC follow (ends 3/30)

$20 Eli Monster GC from Cloth Diaper Addiction (ends 3/30)

$20 For The Monster GC from The Mommy Goods (ends 3/31)

Cheeky Diapers Fitted & Cover from Cloth Diaper Addiction (ends 3/31)

Thirsties Duo Fab Fitted from Green Pixie Baby and Little Baby Bug Mandatory GFC follow (ends 3/31)

*Boba or Ergo Carrier from CSN Stores and Life as a Global Mom (ends 4/3)

Ergo Baby Carrier from Monkey Tales Mandatory GFC follow (ends 4/5)

*giveaways that have been listed in a prior week’s roundup

You may enter any “PG rated” giveaway in the linky below. The form Blog name – Giveaway Item – Ending date works well. Please at least include the item and end date, and link directly to the giveaway.

View my where I list my giveaways post, to find more places to link up your giveaways!

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1000 readers giveaway Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

Cloth Diaper Package Winner

cloth diaper package winner

442 people entered this giveaway, with 1,081 entries total.

This was a fun giveaway to celebrate 1,000 followers on GFC, RSS, Twitter an Facebook, so I was a little surprised only 442 people entered!

This really is an awesome prize, but I hope all the new (and “old”) followers will continue to come back for reviews and advice!

The winning entry is #703, which is Amber T. Congratulations Amber, I’m sending you an email so you can claim your prize and make your selections!

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Cloth Diapers Fitted Diapers Inserts Natural Fiber One Size Diapers Review Side Snapping Snap Closure

Babykicks Organic Fitted Diaper Review

babykicks organic fitted cloth diaper

The Babykicks Organic Fitted Diaper looks very similar to the Babykicks pocket diaper.  Of course, since it’s a fitted diaper, there is no waterproof PUL layer, and it needs to be used with a cover.
babykicks fitted diaper sidebabykicks fitted cloth diaper rear

The diaper fits 7-40 pounds according to Babykicks, and is one-size via 4 snap down rise settings.

one size via rise snaps
This is a side snapping diaper, so it can easily be used as a training pant as well. The fitted doesn’t have the 4th/smallest white closure snap that the pocket diaper has.

3 settings on side snapping wingsdoesn't have the smallest wing snap like the 3g pocket

This is a pocket fitted, so the whole diaper is absorbent and the insert can be removed for more thorough cleaning.  Plus you can customize the absorbency by adding more inserts. The diaper itself is 55% certified organic cotton, 33% natural hemp and 17% polyester (for stretch.)

pocket for insert
The diaper comes with the same one-size Joey Bunz insert that the 3G pocket diaper comes with. It’s tapered at one end, so it fits nicely in the pocket, and it has lines to help you fold the insert in the right place for smaller settings. The hemp/cotton blend insert is super absorbent in my experience.

comes with one size joey bunz inserttapered insert fits nicely

Here is the diaper measured folded and stretched on each size setting.  Definitely not an exact science, especially since this diaper is extra stretchy.  The photos/measurements were taken after prepping (washing/drying 3-5 times.)

Extra small:

extra small foldedextra small stretched

extra small/newborn babykicks fitted diaper


small setting foldedsmall setting stretched

babykicks organic fitted diaper small


medium setting foldedmedium setting stretched

babykicks organic fitted diaper medium


large foldedlarge stretched

babykicks organic fitted diaper large

Here is my son at about 21 months and 21 pounds, in the medium setting:

medium organic fitted on 21 lb babyfront


With the Little Beetle Wool Wrap over it:

under little beetle wool coverfitted under little beetle wool wrap

I am personally more of a pocket diaper Mama than a fitted and cover Mama, but this is a great diaper.  It has the same awesome Joey Bunz absorbency of the pocket diapers, but the whole diaper is absorbent.  A fitted and cover also make for a great defense against explosive diapers!  One diaper retails for $19.95. See this on my newborn.

FTC compliance: This diaper was purchased with a CSN gift card.  I was not otherwise compensated for this post, and all opinions are my own.

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Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

Itti Bitti Winner

124 people entered this giveaway, with 306 entries total.

The winning entry is #119, which is Chany.  Congrats, I’m emailing you now!

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Cloth Diapers Giveaway How To/Demo Inserts Made in the USA Natural Fiber Natural Fiber Diapers Newborn Diapers One Size Diapers Pocket Diapers Review Side Snapping Snap Closure

Babykicks 3G Pocket Diaper Review & Giveaway / Comparison To Bumboo Pocket (CLOSED 3/15)

babykicks 3g pocket diapers

I posted my Babykicks Bumboo pocket diaper review about 9 months ago, and I was curious about how they compared to the new Babykicks 3G pocket diaper.  I purchased several with a CSN gift card to both compare and review, and to give away and donate!

babykicks bumboo vs 3g pocket diaper 
I like the Bumboo pocket, but the 3G has minor changes that make me like it even more.  They still retail for $18.50.  One noticeable change is the addition of the newborn snaps.

newborn snapsnewborn snaps on babykicks 3g

The newborn snaps are two male snaps on the wing, next to the closure snaps (this is a side snapping diaper.)  It took me some hunting to figure out how to use them, so I actually made a video demonstrating how, in addition to photos below.

If you don’t care to watch videos (or if you’re “NAK” like I often am, LOL) here is a photo demo:

First, you fold the pocket into itself:

folding pocket inpocket folded in

Then bring the tab with the newborn snaps over the front.

tab crossed over

Then, you fold the other tab over to snap it to the newborn snaps.

fold other tab & attach to newborn snaps
newborn snap usedview of the top on newborn settingside view of newborn setting

This is a side snapping diaper, but when you’re using the diaper on the newborn setting, you snap the tabs to each other.  They do not actually attach to the rest of the diaper at all.  Since the newborn setting is for new babies (a week or two old) they aren’t exactly mobile, and the pressure will hold the diaper in place.

size using newborn snap

It really gets very tiny!  The inner of the diaper is quite absorbent, and you should be able to use it for a brand new baby without an insert, though you can also fold the insert and stuff the diaper if you wish.

using newborn rise snapside view of newborn rise snap

Like the Bumboo pocket, the 3G has 4 size settings via a snap down rise.  Above is the smallest setting.  Babykicks estimates the diaper will fit 7-40 pounds, but I’m not sure if they consider the sizes XS-L or S-XL.  I’m referring to them as XS-L based on the size compared to other diapers I have.

Here’s another video comparing the two diapers, and pointing out the differences between them.  I’m also doing the same in photos below.

It’s difficult to show in photos or videos, but the 3G has a slightly wider pocket than the Bumboo.  In all the photos below, the Bumboo pocket is in white and the 3G is in blue.

3g has slightly wider pocket

The front panel of the 3G is also a bit wider, and the tabs/wings are slightly narrower.

wider front panel3g has narrower wings

The 3G is also a little bit narrower through the crotch for a trimmer fit.

3g is slimmer through the crotch

The wing and front size changes give a bit more leg room on the largest setting.

more leg room on largest settingmore space for chunky thighs on largest setting

I love the wider pocket, and I love the new insert. The Bumboo pocket came with a medium Joey Bunz insert, which is contoured on both ends.  The 3G comes with a new one-size Joey Bunz, which is tapered on one end, and also has lines to guide you in folding it down.

3g insert is tapered at one endone size joey bunz has marks for folding

My old insert is a funny color because it was accidentally thrown in with a load of microfiber inserts and bleach.  Oops!

insert fits betterfront of 3g is smoother on smaller settings

I think the tapered insert fits much better in the pocket, and the front of the diaper is much smoother on smaller settings.  I had a hard time getting the Bumboo insert in there just right, and I had tried putting the folded portion of the insert both in the front and the back without great results.  Stuffing the 3G with the contoured portion in the back, then folding the tapered portion in front (this is a front opening pocket) seems to work very well.

babykicks bumboo vs 3g pocket diaper

The Bumboo pocket only came in white with multicolored snaps.  The 3G comes in Azure (blue), Poppy (red), Meadow (green) and also the white with multicolored snaps.  They both still have the 4 rise and snap settings, natural fiber inner with fleece around the edges (to prevent wicking) and the fleece gussets.

3g available in 4 colorsnew babykicks colors

As always, my measurements are not an exact science, but just to give you an idea.

Extra small folded and stretched:

extra small rise setting foldedextra small rise setting stretched

extra small babykicks 3g diaper


small setting foldedsmall setting stretched

babykicks 3g diaper small


medium setting foldedmedium setting stretched

babykicks 3g diaper medium


large setting foldedlarge setting stretched

babykicks 3g large cloth diaper

I had been putting my son in the Bumboo on the large setting, since the insert fit better that way, but he really needs the medium.  Here he is in the 3G on the medium setting.  He is 21 months old and weighs about 21 pounds.

babykicks medium 3g diaper on 21 lb babyfront


Here he is in the Bumboo pocket (medium setting) on the same day:

babykicks bumboo pocket medium 21 lb baby

See this on my newborn.

Giveaway:  One entrant will receive one Babykicks 3G Pocket diaper in his/her choice of color (ARV $18.50.)  The rest of the diapers will be sent to The Cloth Diaper Foundation!

babykicks 3g pocket diapersbabykicks pocket diapers

Here’s how to enterAll entries go in the form below.  I love comments (great way to remind yourself you entered) but comments do not count as entries.

Mandatory entries include your name and email address

I will accept entries until Tuesday, March 15th, 2011 at 9:00 P.M. Eastern. I will select a winner using’s true random number generator and notify him/her by email. Winner has 48 hours to respond before the prize is forfeited and a new winner is chosen. View my giveaway rules page for complete details. This giveaway is open to residents of the U.S.

# of entries received as of giveaway close: 174

FTC compliance: I purchased these diapers with a gift card provided by CSN stores.  I was not otherwise compensated for this post, and all opinions are my own.

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