Author Archives: Maria

Maria is an aspiring "fit mom" of 3 children, writing about cloth diapers, going green, and her life as a single mom. Maria works with many companies within the cloth diaper industry and beyond, providing social media management, product development, and other services.
Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

Abby’s Lane Gift Certificate Giveaway WINNERS!!


I’ve selected winners for the Abby’s Lane Gift Certificate giveaway using’s True Random Number Generator. 
First up is the grand prize winner of the $25 in gift certificates.

The winner of the $25 certificate is Tim, Allyson and Kids!
Next is the runner up, winner of the $5 gift certificate!
The winner of the $5 Gift Certificate is Heidi J!
I’ll be contacting both of you with your gift certificate codes within the next 48 hours!
Thanks to everyone for entering, I wish I could pick all of you!
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Natural and Organic Food Recipes

Making yogurt without a yogurt maker A.K.A. Crock Pot Yogurt

I looked at yogurt makers a few years ago, but dismissed the idea because of the cost and space issue, as well as mixed reviews.  When I saw this blog post about making yogurt in your crock pot, I knew I had to try it.  We go through tons of the stuff.  We eat it plain, with a little fruit, or with a drizzle of agave nectar.  It’s the only thing my son will eat with gusto!

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Cloth Diapers Fitted Diapers Made in the USA One Size Diapers Review Snap Closure WAHM made

EllaBella Bottoms Fitted Diaper


A while ago, when I was looking for a night time diapering solution, I was asking people what brand their most absorbent fitted was; I heard EllaBella Bottoms a lot.
I sat back patiently and waited for her to stock her store, then realized she was stocking in a congo and not her own store (she stocks here too).  Oopsie.  Once I figured out where I should be looking, I couldn’t coordinate her stocking dates with my wallet stocking dates.  i.e. I was broke.  Finally I was all set to buy a custom slot and I almost missed out!  EBBs are very popular.  I looked a few minutes before the stocking at 8 P.M. then forgot until after 10 and I barely snagged the last one!
Turnaround was pretty quick for a custom.  I paid for the slot ($10 deposit that went towards the final price) on 3/28 (late at night) and she contacted me the next morning to get started.  I received the invoice for the balance when the diaper was complete on 4/8 and I got the fluffy goodness in my mailbox 4/15.
I didn’t give Mandy a whole lot to go on.  I chose the outer cotton knit fabric, and told her to pick the inside for me.  I also asked her to include a booster/doubler. 
Her listing stated that the price of the diaper was $18 and shipping was $3.50.  She normally charges $3.00 for a doubler.  My total cost including shipping was $23.50.  My invoice said she didn’t charge me for the doubler because she wasn’t totally happy with her stitching, but by my math, she just gave me a $1.00 discount.  No matter.

She included a sample packet of Lil’ Outlaws pail pardner.  I didn’t realize it was in the bag until I went to throw it away, I just noticed that the diaper was smelly (not bad smelly).  I always wash my diapers before the first wear, and I know that some people store their supplies near other things, so it really didn’t matter to me. 

I do suggest that WAHMs be cautious with the use of scent because some people are much more sensitive than I am.  I always forget to ask sellers if they are smoke free but I need to start doing that before I get a yucky surprise in my mailbox!

Before anyone thinks I’m picking on Mandy, back to the fluff!

So cute!

I love this fabric.  Mandy told me it was quite stretchy, and I’d heard other people say that as well.  I’m sure that makes it more difficult to sew perfectly straight.  I tried zigzagging some old stretchy burp cloths to use as wipes and it was not pretty folks!  Again, not trying to pick on Mandy but I like to be very thorough in my reviews!  🙂

It has the cut/shape and fold down rise with snaps that are pretty standard for a one size fitted it seems.

It of course has the cotton knit outer, and has a hidden layer of bamboo fleece and a polyester minky inner.

The two snap-in soakers have layers of bamboo and cotton terry, topped with the polyester minky.  The booster is bamboo fleece topped with the minky.

The layers are quite thick.  For comparison, here it is on the bottom, another O/S fitted on top of it and my Guerilla Fluff on top of that.
Just the two.
Finally, just the EBB with the utilitarian.
Just a single soaker from each.
The first time I put the EllaBella Bottoms diaper on my son, I tried to fold the soakers and doubler over; I’m used to doing this since my son can be quite a heavy soaker.
It was way too bulky like this and I didn’t feel like I could get a good fit without leg gap.  As it turns out, it was totally unnecessary.  The next time, I didn’t fold anything (except the rise) and he had it on with the flip cover for about 2 1/2 hours with no leaks, and the outside of the diaper was hardly damp (and in the wet zone only at that!)  I am definitely going to try this dipe at night!
Here are some photos of it in action. I wish I could remember what diaper he had on before this that left all those red marks. Yikes!
The red marks on his leg here are from razor sharp baby fingernails combined with his love of grabbing mounds of flesh (his favorite pastime while nursing!)
If you’re looking for a super absorbent fitted, EllaBella Bottoms should definitely be on your short list!
Edit August 2010: This diaper is adorable and very absorbent, but it’s not in our regular rotation right now simply because I prefer pockets to fitteds.  It has held up quite well, though the doubler shrunk oddly/unevenly and has curled up.
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Giveaway Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

Rockin’ Green Detergent Winner!

> has spoken and lisha is the winner!
Lisha, I couldn’t find your email address in your profile or in any of your comments.  Please contact me at at gmail dot com or I will have to choose another winner. 

Thanks and congrats!
The New winner is Kelly!
New rules for giveaways.  I will do a little hunting for your email address.  I know sometimes we can forget to put it in a comment.  However, if it’s not in your comment, not in any other comment you’ve made on  my blog, not in your profile, and you don’t have a blog I can comment on, I’ll choose another winner without trying anything else to track you down.
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Eco-Friendly/Green Giveaway Handmade Items Made in the USA Reusable Products Review

Spotgirl Cloth Napkins Review & Giveaway CLOSED 5/1


Over the years, we’ve cut way back on the amount of paper products we use.  Everyday cloth napkins have been on my list for a while.  For most people, disposable products are a big expense, and switching to reusable can save them a lot.
Not so for us.  The last time I bought napkins was 6 months ago.  It was two packs of 180 napkins, and we still have about 120 left.  So, we used 240 napkins in 6 months.  That’s around 10 napkins per week.  We only use one every few days (we used dish cloths, towels and wash cloths in place of paper products), but whenever we have guests over, the napkin holder is emptied quickly.
In October, I paid $3.00 for 360 name brand napkins, and that’s more than I usually pay.  So, at less than a penny each, it would take a long time for cloth napkins to pay for themselves.
Since my son has been eating solids, we’re more likely to reach for a napkin to clean up spills if we’ve forgotten to grab a washcloth before we start.  I know I could just put some wash cloths in the napkin holder, but darn it, I want them to be pretty!  I had been looking for a while and I knew that napkins that fit what I was looking for weren’t going to be cheap.  When I saw the napkins that Spotgirl had for sale on Etsy, I had to get them.
The print was awesome.  The first I had seen that I really, really liked (and I’ve been looking for a while).
They are double sided.  Three have dots and three have stripes.
They are topstitched, so the edges stay flat with no ironing.  The stitching is absolutely impeccable.
The woven cotten fabric is soft, but durable.  I am sure the color will start to fade and the fabric wear over time, but not like cotton flannel or other fabrics.
The napkins are 12 x 12, making them the same size as a paper napkin when folded.
They look great on my table!
The napkins are sold in sets of three for $9.00, plus $3.00 shipping.  I bought two sets, so the shipping for the second set was just $1.00.  No outrageous shipping charges.  The net cost for each napkin was $3.67.  That’s less than two packs of napkins on sale.  I wouldn’t be surprised if a family of four went through a pack of napkins every week or two if they’re accustomed to using them at every meal.  For me, this was a splurge purchase (and a save the earth purchase), but I am certain they could save other families money.
My daughter was really excited when she saw the colorful package in the mail!
I was so excited to get these, it definitely felt like a present!
Spotgirl also has a personalized stationery store, so it was neat to get a little thank you card.  But what I realized when I took it out of it’s sleeve is that it was blank inside, so I can use it as a thank you to someone else!  So really, it was a thank you and a sample rolled into one.
Want some?  Shop Spotgirl on Etsy or her stationery store
Want to win it?

Spotgirl is offering up a set of three cloth napkins in the Little Owls print.

Sweet owls on a chocolate brown background, backed with pale lime polka-dots.

These napkins are 100% mom tested! We use ours every day as lunchbox napkins or snack time place mats. Ideal for lunches on the go, especially picnics at the playground.

Napkins are double sided, making them extra durable. Top stitching ensures that edges stay flat – no ironing required! Cotton fabric has been pre-washed and becomes softer and softer with every use and washing.

Set of three: one for lunchbox or table, one for the cupboard and one in the wash. Napkins measure 12 x 12″ square.

You will feel good about using these adorable napkins over and over again. I hope you like them as much as we do!
Here’s how to enter:
1. Comment on this post.  Anything you like.  Flattery gets you everywhere with me, but it won’t help you win this giveaway.  😉
2. Follow my blog publicly.  Current followers count.  Comment saying you’re a follower to get your entry.
3. Fan me on Facebook.  Current fans count.  Comment saying you’re a fan to get your entry.
4. Fan spotgirl on Facebook.  Comment saying you’re a fan to get your entry.
5. Follow me on Twitter.  Current followers count.  Comment saying you’re a follower to get your entry. 
6. Tweet about this giveaway.  One tweet/entry per day.  Comment with a link to your tweet to get your entry.  (Please be sure to include @chgdiapers and a link to this post)
7. Write a blog post about this giveaway and link to it. Post a comment with a link to your post for your entry.
8. Add spotgirl as a favorite shop on etsy.  Comment that you added her as a favorite to get your entry. 

I will accept entries until Saturday, May 1st, 2010 at 9:00 P.M.
I’ll use’s true random number generator to select a winner, then notify the winner via email.
Please be sure to leave your email address in your comment if it isn’t in your profile
Thank you to spotgirl for providing the napkins for the giveaway!

Edit August 2010: We are still using these napkins daily and love them!!

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