Category : How To/Demo

Cloth Diapering Diaper Sprayers How To/Demo

Video Demo of the Dunk & Swish (& Flush) Method

A few readers had asked for a video of my dunk and swish method.  Since I love you guys, I obliged.  I don’t like the sound of my voice, and I did my fair share of stammering since I was nervous!  My New York friend says I have an accent, but I think she’s the one with the accent, hee hee!

If your baby is breastfed (or on very few solids) there is no need to rinse the diapers first, just throw them in the wash.  I’ve heard that formula fed baby poop is the same, but I don’t have first hand experience with that.

When your baby is older, you can flip the solids into the toilet and flush; anything remaining is usually fine to go in the wash.  However, in that in-between stage (or in my case, when baby has had a lot of fruit or juice!) diapers need a little extra help.  If you don’t have a diaper sprayer, you can still dunk and swish without sticking your hands in gross water!

I almost forgot: I can’t take credit for this method, I am pretty sure it was one of my readers who suggested I try it, but I can’t for the life of me remember who!

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