Category : Diaper Liners

Diaper Cream Diaper Liners Diaper Rash Mailbox Mondays

Cloth Diaper Advice – Mailbox Mondays 7/23/12 – Cloth Diapers & Eczema

#clothdiapers & eczema via @chgdiapers

Are you saying: “I need help with cloth diapers”? Each week, I answer a reader submitted question and other readers can weigh in.

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Diaper Liners Mailbox Mondays

Cloth Diaper Advice – Mailbox Mondays 7/9/12 – Fleece Liners

fleece #clothdiapers liners via @chgdiapers

Do you have stinky cloth diapers, or another issue? Each week, I answer a reader submitted question and other readers can weigh in.

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Cloth Diapers Diaper Liners Diaper Sprayers

Oh Poop

>Right now, poop on a cloth diaper ain’t no thang.  Breastfed baby poo is water soluble, so you can just throw em in the washer.  As baby gets older, you can just flip it in the potty & be on your way.

That in between stage is much more hazy.  I have memories of peanut butter consistency poo in rainbows of colors.  I’ll tell you, I am simply not interested in the ol dunk & swish method.

There are a couple brands of biodegradable/flushable/disposable diaper liners, some of which claim to be septic safe.  Reviews for one brand even claim they can be washed a few times if they are just wet.  In the end I’m not sure that solution is for me.

On the flip side, you can get a diaper sprayer that attches to your toilet & allows you to hose them in your toilet.  There are downsides to that too, and some people have come up with really clever solutions.  You can even find instructions for a homemade sprayer made with items you can find at your local home improvement store.

In the end, I think we will go with the bumgenius sprayer in our 1/2 bath, along with a large wet bag stored there as well.  They are expensive though, so I’m not sure if we will manage to get one before we start solids!

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Cloth Diapers Diaper Cream Diaper Liners Diaper Rash

I’ve got the Magic Stick

>So diaper rash with disposables is a vicious cycle.  At least for us.  The sposies cause it but we use them in order to slather diaper cream on him to clear it up.  I’m well aware that most diaper creams cause repelling and staining and generally ruin cloth diapers.

I’ll tell you from experience that tissues do not work as an effective cloth diaper liner and that diaper creams do in fact stain cloth.

I tried cutting up an old flannel receiving blanket to use as liners and cloth wipes when using diaper cream (also so I easily knew which items to wash separately) but even that wasn’t 100% effective.

I also read that the zinc in these creams was drying & probably not the best thing for me to be using.

What I needed was a cloth safe diaper cream.  While I got the low down I found several contenders.  A few had similarly chuckle inducing names, reminiscent of butt baste.  These were rump rub and magic stick.  Please tell me I’m not the only one who thought more lil kim than lil bums.

I decided on the breathable barrier Grandma El’s and added it to the trusty wish list.  I’m writing out of order, so if you’ve read in order, you already know that I ordered it.

I did receive it, and while I will write my full review later, it rocks.

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