Category : Friday Giveaway Linky

Friday Giveaway Linky Giveaways Linky

New Feature-Friday Giveaway Linkup


I’m a day late this time (as always), but I’ve decided to do a Friday giveaway linkup each week.  I’ll list my current giveaways, as well as any good giveaways for cloth diapers and accessories, babywearing stuff (I’m always on the prowl for baby carrier giveaways!) and other “green” products.

I’ll list giveaways I’ve found, as well as reader submitted giveaways.  If you would like to submit your own cloth diaper/accessory/”green” giveaway (or one you’ve found), please email the blog name, giveaway description, ending date, link and a photo (if applicable) to at gmail dot com.

Each post will be accompanied by a MckLinky a.k.a. Linky Tools.  You may enter any family friendly (please, no “adult” products) in the Linky, it doesn’t need to be cloth diaper related.

If you have any suggestions, please let me know!

My “favorite things” mini stash giveaway (Kissaluvs, SmartiPants & Flip) ends 7/8

Katydid Cloth One Size Pocket Diaper (ends 7/12)

Diaper Junction’s weekly “Feed your Stash Friday”

Feed Your Stash Friday: July 2-8, 2010

The Cloth Diaper Whisperer’s “Fluff Fridays” 3 FuzziBunz Diapers

Trees Will Bend One Size Knickernappies Diaper – Sponsored by Wee Little Changes (ends 7/6)

Ergo Carrier from Takin’ Care of Twins (ends 7/5!)

Ergo Carrier from Survey Junkie (ends 7/17)

The Crafty Nest will have a cloth diaper giveaway every day from July 5th-11th during their Cloth Diaper Week!

Again, please feel free to email me if you have a giveaway you’d like listed next week.  I’d also love to have some sort of icon/button for my Friday linkup, but I’m lazy and not good at such things.  Soooo…I would gladly accept help.  Hint hint!  I will reward you!  Thank you so much Kalyn for making the icon for me!!

On a side note, I recently discovered Giveaway Scout.  If you have a blog that does giveaways, you can add your blog to the listing.  Giveaway scout automatically scans blogs and updates a list of giveaways every hour!

You may enter any family friendly giveaway in the linky below, and you can use the code to paste it into your own blog as well.  The format Blog name – Giveaway Item – Ending date works well.  At a minimum, please include the item and end date, and link directly to the giveaway.

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