My 10 year old asked me who my favorite child was and I told her it was whoever wasn’t being a pain in the butt at that very moment. I was only half joking. 😉 Some moms really enjoy a certain stage or age range more than others but that’s not quite me either. Each of my 3 children is very different and I’ve realized that I really did enjoy each child differently at each stage and it really kind of was who was less of a pain in the butt, ha.
Put a Cup In It is an incredible resource for menstrual cup info but they recently posted a downloadable cloth menstrual pad pattern and video tutorial you don’t want to miss.
I shared this video from Kristina Kuzmic on Facebook this week and I can’t believe I’m just now hearing of her. She has an entire page of Nutella recipes for gosh’s sakes.
This is intended to be humorous and isn’t a dig at anyone, regardless of how many children they have or want to have. My youngest child is now 3 1/2, is registered for preschool this fall and well on his way to using the potty. I’m a little conflicted about him not being a baby anymore and that he will be my last. However at this point my memory isn’t clouded by Momnesia, which was the cause of babies #2 and 3 (and beyond for some people). Momnesia? Let me explain.