Category : Natural Personal Care Products

Natural Personal Care Products

Piggy Paint


Do any other children of the 1980’s remember Tinkerbell cosmetics?  I was clearly not a label reader when I was a little kid, but I remember that this was peel off polish and made for kids. 

My daughter loves to have her nails painted.  We started out with toenails only, then I allowed her to have her fingernails painted also.  I’ve always been concerned about the chemicals in it, (have you smelled nail polish lately?  Phew!) espeially since her fingers are still always in her mouth at age 5 (licking something off of them).

I get whatever brand and colors are available either free after Extra Care Bucks (ECBs)/Coupon at CVS, or better than free/they pay me to take it (meaning I pay less ECBs than I get back).  We have quite a few colors open, and I’ll occasionally let my daughter choose a new color from my stockpile.  I use a bottle until it gets old/gloppy.

A few weeks ago, I heard about Piggy Paint.  It is non-toxic, odorless, and kid friendly.  It’s water based and made of natural ingredients (no formaldehyde, toluene, phthalates, biphenyl A, ethyl acetate or acetone).

They have lots of colors, and each bottle is $8.99.  Pretty shocking prices for someone who doesn’t like to pay for this kind of stuff, but not bad compared to regular drugstore prices. 

I don’t have much of a problem paying a premium when it comes to my kids.  If I saw this in a store, I’d let my daughter pick a color and buy a bottle.

When I have some extra cash, and she’s earned a little treat, I want to buy her some!

P.S. I started this blog about cloth diapering, but I’m guessing that at least some people who are interested in cloth diapering, may also be interested in other earth friendly, natural “stuff.”  If this is not you, sorry!

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