Please take a second to choose your favorite scent(s)! Thanks for your help!
I am finally on the mend after suffering through the flu. I can’t recall a time I have ever been so ill. Even with round the clock, more than recommended doses of ibuprofen & acetaminophen, my temp was anywhere between 103 and 105.6, with occasional dips in the 101-102 range. I don’t know what my highest temp was since I wasn’t taking it the first few days. I was desperate and literally crying, begging & praying for relief. 🙁
Of course, being Mom means resting was out of the question. The worst started on a Saturday and my hubby tried to watch the kids as much as possible so I could rest. I am usually incapable of leaving messes, but I could barely move those first few days. I did my best to keep up with laundry, dishes, diapers, toys & minimal cleaning while I was sick, and I was seriously wishing I was loaded & had a maid, nanny & cook, ha.
That Monday, I woke my daughter for school, settled on the couch to nurse my son, and promptly fell asleep, waking after my daughter had missed the bus. It is only about 5/6 miles and 10 minutes to her school, but I was so out of my mind from fever, it was a terrifying ride.
After bone shaking chills, bed soaking sweats, and fever induced, middle of the night hallucinations, I have finally come through the other side. My fever is under control and I’m just dealing with exhaustion, headache, ear ache, body aches & cough now.
I don’t have much energy & can’t stand terribly long, which is why I am so grateful right now for my Haan SI75 Power & Finesse Steamer! It’s so easy to use & quick to heat up, that I can clean one thing at a time as I am able. Faucet handles, sinks, toilet handles, counter tops, floors…you name it. Germs are getting steamed away. Did you know you can even steam sanitize your toothbrush? I wish I’d had this in past years when we kept passing around the stomach bug. I also kinda wish it would do the cleaning itself, like Roomba, ha ha!!
Remember that you can still get $10 off the Haan SI75 through 1/22/13 at 12:01 A.M. with coupon DIAPERS75 in case you want one too!
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of No nonsense for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.
My "New Year's Resolution" about 10 years ago was to polish my work wardrobe, and ditch the khakis & sweater combo. The cut and color of my jeans and length and fit of my tops has shifted over the years, but I've never been into any extreme styles!
You'll usually find me in boot cut jeans, sleeveless tops & sweaters, with heeled boots or flats. During my last pregnancy, wearing pants got real old, real fast (I know you feel my pain!) and I added a bunch of inexpensive (non-maternity) empire-waist dresses into my wardrobe. No nonsense tights and leggings would be an afforable way to stretch those dresses even further, and turn them into totally different styles, even taking them into fall & winter. Not to mention that I've learned skirts without leggings is asking for trouble when you're wrangling kiddos, LOL. Anyone else dealt with an unexpectedly windy day while chasing kiddos in the park?
No nonsense tights & leggings are sold at food & drug stores, as well as mass retailers. Despite their affordability, fashion expert and brand ambassador Jill Martin (co-author of the best selling style guide "I Have Nothing to Wear!") is making sure No nonsense keeps their tights & leggings on trend.
Make sure you "like" No nonsense on Facebook and follow @benononsense on Twitter to keep up with the latest offerings.
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of tangutusa for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.
I've discussed before (probably too often!) that as I age, I am noticing changes in my skin tone, fine lines etc. Many anti-aging products contain chemicals, additives, and other yuck I would rather not put on my skin.
I just heard about a wholefood supplement from Tangut USA called Resvene. It is an all natural product that combines bontanic extracts in a (vegan) capsule. There are no chemicals or synthetic ingredients, yet the main ingredient (Resveratrol) can naturally boost collagen, and make your skin appear firmer and younger.
Although I just heard about it today, Reseratrol has been featured on Dr. Oz, Oprah, CNN etc. for the benefits in improving the appearance of skin, hair and nails as well as other health benefits.
Tangut USA's Resvene contains 98% Trans Resveratrol, which is the highest % available in an organic product. Lots of studies have been done on the benefits of Resveratrol, and I want to read up on the Harvard professor who said it activates the gene responsible for the anti-aging process.
The Tangut USA supplements are made with pollution-free, Tibetan ingredients, and are manufactured in the USA. Products are animal cruelty free and fair trade, and the plants used are USDA-certified organic from the company's own farm of over 2,000 acres in Tibet. Tibet is one of the only 4 pollution-free areas in the world according to UNESCO.
Right now you can get 10 % off plus free shipping with coupon code: freefall.
Also check out Tangut USA on Tumblr!
Do you need cloth diaper help? Each week, I answer a question asked by a reader, and ask my other readers to help too.
Questions don’t have to be cloth diaper related, just email maria at with “Mailbox Mondays” in the subject, or fill out my contact form for readers, which you will always be able to find on my Contact Page.
Melissa says::
Hi Maria,
My little one isn’t quite ready for solid foods yet but nothing like getting prepared early 🙂 I have a daycare provider sent from heaven who has no problem using cloth diapers. But I do try to make things as easy on her as possible. Right now it is all breastfed poo so she just sends diapers home in a bag and I add them to my wetbag until laundry day. Once my little one starts eating solids and the poo needs to be rinsed, what do you think is reasonable to ask her to do? I have considered flushable liners but we have a septic tank at our house so they would be for daycare only. Will it hurt (or be too terribly disgusting) to have her just bag it up and deal with it once we get home?
Thanks for any suggestions!
I really don’t think it would be bad to just deal with the poopy diaper when you get home. I’ve done this quite a bit when changing diapers while we’re out and about. If she’s willing, she could just shake off what she can, then put the rest in the wet bag.
Flushable liners are a good compromise, though you want to be cautious with plumbing systems. Some liners are sturdy enough to withstand a few washings (if they are only wet) but that definitely makes me question whether I’d want them in my plumbing! At 5-9 cents each, it would be an extra expense if you were using them in every diaper at daycare also.
I realize that technically, all solid waste is supposed to be flushed, but really, what does she do with the dirty diapers of children in disposables? Throws the whole thing in the trash, right? This may not be a popular opinion, but if you are having issues just bringing the dirty diapers home, and she doesn’t want to flush liners, why not have her leave wet liners with the diaper & throw poopy ones in the trash?
Does your daycare allow cloth diapers? How do they handle the poop?