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Ever wished you could throw a diaper away?

>To attempt to make a long(er) story short(er), a few weeks ago, I was totally there.  My son had been drinking some juice (side note: before you worry that your child’s dark urine is because of dehydration or a UTI, remember the red food coloring he managed to ingest a few days earlier.)

I was standing over the toilet, diaper in one hand, toilet paper in the other, attempting to scrape the massive, ahem, deposit off of the diaper.  Just for a second, my eyes glazed over, and I drifted away…

I was spinning through a field of daisies, pack of disposables in my arms, “So Happy Together” playing in the background.  With a smug smile on my face, I tossed the offending diaper in the pail.

Then, the record screeched, and I remembered what it was really like to use disposables.  Remember that we used disposable diapers/pull-ups on my daughter for almost 2 1/2 years, and on my son for about 4 months.  The terms “fitteds and pockets and snappis” weren’t in my diaper vocabulary, but “blowout” sure was.

We have one single photo of my daughter in her cute baptism gown, and in the photo, my husband is holding her with a horrified look on his face, since the blowout was in process at that very moment.  Even when the diapers were on properly, and in the proper size, blowouts were a regular occurrence.

Much of the time, it came right out the back of the diaper, while the diaper itself remained relatively unscathed.  I looked down at the diaper in my hand, covered with poop from front to back and side to side, nearly to the edges of the elastic and I knew. I knew there was no way this would have stayed in a disposable diaper.

I may be scraping and washing this diaper, but if it had been a disposable, I would instead be washing a shirt, pants, socks, probably my clothing, any surface nearby, the changing pad, and quite possibly, giving the kid a bath.  I saw a post in the cafemom babies group where a Mom cut a onesie off of her daughter after a blowout, knowing there was no way to get it off of her without making a bigger mess!

With cloth, I had one incident where I didn’t have the diaper snug around his leg and breastfed baby poop came out of the leg gap, but other than that, no blowouts.  So, yeah.  I gladly washed that diaper!  I think having used disposables in the past makes me appreciate cloth more!

Aside from the occasional horrifying story of the forgotten poopy cloth diaper that was beyond saving, have you ever wished you could pitch a diaper?

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Sharing my lucky streak!


kushies kritter

I had sort of been feeling sorry for myself because I had entered so many giveaways and never won.  You know the feeling, you’re happy for the winners but wonder when it will be your turn!  Shortly after that, my luck changed and I started winning, so I wanted to share with you what I won!

July 28th-$20 Abby’s Lane gift certificate from Show Your Amor (bought a Bumgenius Elemental, watch for the review next month!)

bumgenius aio diaper

August 3rd-Mother-Ease reusable shopping bag-Facebook win (I’m keeping my Boba Carrier in this, but it makes a great shopping bag because it has a drawstring.  Plus, I maybe someone will comment on the cloth diaper logo and I can bring them over to the dark side tell them about my cloth diaper addiction habit use!


August 12th-Yummy Dough from The Simple Things

August 16th-Kushies Kritter-Facebook Win

kushies kushies
kushies kushies
kushies kushies

August 24th- Unwind beverage from My Life as Married Girl and Mommy

September 1st-Knickernappies 2G pocket diaper from

knickernappies diaper

September 20th-Knickernappies 2G pocket diaper from Earth Angels Diaper Co. on their blog.  Since I was lucky enough to win the same diaper twice, one courtesy of Knickernappies/The Cloth Diaper Report, and the other from Earth Angels, watch for a giveaway of the second one next month!

September 21st-Kissaluvs Fitted from The Abby’s Lane’s blog chat giveaways!  Watch for a review of this next month, along with a giveaway (with two winners!) sponsored by Kissaluvs!

kissaluvs diaper

So, it does pay to enter!  I hope some of my readers are winning a few of the giveaways I post on the Friday roundup!!  Get ready to enter a whole lot of great fluff giveaways here during the Year of Fluff event in October!!

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New review archive, and why diaper laundry is fun

>So, looking back at some of my old reviews, I’m a little embarrassed.  When I was newer at cloth diapering, I wasn’t as good at reviewing since I didn’t know specifically what I was looking for or what I preferred. 

Even so, I’ve wanted to point people back to older reviews quite a bit.  I use tags, a blog post archive and a blog search feature, but I still have trouble finding things…and I know what I’m looking for is there!

I wanted to make it really easy for someone to see if I had already reviewed something and easily go to those posts.  So, I created the “Review Archive” page.  My intentions are to update that as I add new reviews, so you can quickly and easily refer back to them.  I’ve divided it by category as well.  The link will be at the top of the page, in the upper left corner (right under “home.”)

Another thing I did was to go to most of the reviews that are more than 3 months old, and add a short snippet at the end to update how it’s working for us now.

cloth diaper
and that is why diaper laundry is fun!
cloth diapers
my little helper may make things take a little longer…
laundry helper
but he sure is cute!
My little lazybones is finally standing!
Hopefully he will be walking soon!
He knows just what to do!
Here you go Mommy!
Or maybe I’ll just…
drop it right here!  Hee hee!
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Designer disposables (and the time I wore a diaper-on my leg)


I had heard of the new “designer” Cynthia Rowley Pampers, but just noticed them in the Target Ad today.  $14.99 for 23 size 4 diapers?!  *gulp*

I’ll say, I’m not a “sposie hater.”  I used them for my daughter for 2+ years and on my son for 4+ months.  My daughter never had issues with diaper rash, though my son did (which is really what made me finally make the switch.)

Do I regret it?  Yes!  Mostly because I could have an  awesome stash of cloth diapers (or a diamond ring for that matter!) for the money I threw away on disposable diapers.

I’m cheap frugal, so I stockpile; diapers were no exception.  I worked sales, coupons, special offers etc. to get diapers from 8 cents each (name brand.)  I would buy them if I needed them if they were under 22 cents each.  For wipes my price was around 2.5 cents per wipe.  Now, that led to the problem of how many to stockpile.  I’m a worrier, so it stressed me out.  I was often left with too-small diapers to get rid of.

Speaking of too small diapers, it wasn’t just that they were too small, they had blowouts all the time.  I joke that I’m hardly doing more laundry now with cloth since we had so many wardrobe changes with sposies.

Then, there was the trash.  The pails were stinky, I had to keep on top of emptying them, then smell them again on trash day.  I’ll admit that at the time, I was more concerned with my convenience than the environment, but now the thought of all those diapers in a landfill sickens me.

When you get down to it, the reason I didn’t cloth diaper my daughter was ignorance.  If it weren’t for the cost, I would have been interested in the new Pampers.  I’m not into “character” stuff, it’s just not my thing.  So I hated seeing purple stripes through her clothes and Sesame Street characters peeking out of her pants.  Now I know that cloth diapers are easy, fun and addictive.  That they pay for themselves in no time, and even the plainest cloth diaper is cuter than the cutest disposable!!

Speaking again of money, I love being able to change my son whenever, without worrying about the cost.  You figure even at a good price, a diaper change costs you a quarter or more for a diaper and wipe or two. 
Even though disposable diaper manufacturers try to say you should change after every “use,” really, how many people do that?  I know some kids are just super soakers, but I was able to get a diaper to hold 5 cups of water in my little experiment.  Really?  I think they are more absorbent so you don’t have to change after every pee.  Even my doctor would say oh, I think you can get a little more use out of that, and close the diaper back up after checking her.  Sometimes we’d change 3 diapers just in the doctor’s office!
At 65 cents per diaper, do you really want to change it after an hour or two? 
So, about my wearing a diaper.  I received samples of the new, ultra-thin (and somewhat controversial) disposable diaper in the mail.  So, I decided one evening to wrap one around my leg and see what happened.  I’ll be honest, I was hoping it would give me some awful rash, ’cause that would make for some good blogging.
Alas, it did not, and while I took pictures, I won’t even bother posting them.  OK a few pics, LOL.  They’re not very exciting, I took them myself.
I started with a dry diaper and it instantly felt itchy and scratchy, especially at the leg openings.  No way would I want  to wear one of these on my bottom!

After an hour, I poured some water in and put it back on.  Each hour, I took a pic of my leg, added more water and put it back on.  Now, granted this was water and not urine.  I will do a lot in the name of my blog, but I have to draw the line somewhere!

After a while, the diaper warmed up to my body temp and felt squishy.  I actually forgot I had it on until I stood up from the couch!

I haven’t done this with a cloth diaper, so I really can’t guess what this means for potty training.  I’ve heard that cloth diapered kids tend to train (learn) sooner, but I don’t know if the soft, stay dry and comfy fabrics of today’s diapers make a difference.

My hubby didn’t blink when I put a diaper on my leg, but he sure looked at me funny when he caught me in the kitchen with a diaper, measuring cup & scale.  That diaper is a good 3 inches thick I think!
5 cups of water!  Won’t someone please change my diaper?!
Anyway, if you can afford to spend 15 bucks on 3 days worth of diapers, consider cloth!  In a month’s time, you could have a day’s worth of Smartipants diapers or a great stash of a hybrid/all-in-two system or prefolds & covers.  If nothing else, you could use them until they had paid for themselves (saving the money you had not spent on disposables) then sell them and buy something even cuter and nicer! 
Use them for another child, sell them…heck you could  donate them and still be way ahead of where you’d be had you used disposables!
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Long time no see & a new feature coming

>Shame on me

I know it seems like I haven’t had much posted lately.  I’m so sorry!  40 lashes with a wet noodle colored Bumgenius 4.0 for me.

Giveaway stuffz

I’ve been working on things and stuff, I swear.  I’m trying to make sure that the Friday giveaway roundup posts have lots of great things listed and I’ve been pursuing more review/giveaway items.  I have 2+ giveaways on the way, as well as as 3+ review only items.  I’ve been looking into a lot of your suggestions, and there are a few of those that I may be able to do in a few months (manufacturers are backed up, or not accepting new reviewers right now.)  My Places to List your Giveaways post took me quite a while to compile, but hopefully it will be a good resource for some new bloggers!

New feature

I’m going to start a new weekly feature where I will answer reader submitted questions.  They can be about cloth diapers or accessories, babywearing etc., but they don’t need to be within the scope of this blog.  I’ll answer questions about blogging, myself, whatever.  I just ask that you be nice.  No “why is your nose so big?” or “why are you so stupid?”  I might just cry.

Send any questions you have to at gmail dot com.  I haven’t decided for sure what day I will do it or what I will call it, though I suppose the usual “mailbox Mondays” would work!  I will always answer any questions you have, but if you would like it to be answered in a post, please indicate (in the email subject or whatever) that your question is for that.

Face lifts

I’ve also been trying to do some nips and tucks on my blog.  A very talented family member happens to be a graphic designer, and he created the awesome new social networking icons for me.  I did indeed pay him for his valuable services, so those icons are mine.  Don’t go a-stealin’ ’em please.  He’s working on a logo for me also, so expect a giveaway entry for updating your button sometime in the near future.  My Facebook page is next on the to-do list.

New stuff

I signed up for StumbleUpon, Digg, Delicious & Reddit and added a stack of sharing icons in the left column (left column under “share the love.”)  If you like one of my posts, please do share it! 

I’m also looking into advertising and affiliate programs (I already have a few listed at the bottom of my links page.)  I want to keep this blog neat, clean, uncluttered and quick to load, filled with useful information, not junk. 

When you get down to it, more traffic and visitors=more/better reviews/giveaways.  If I can make a little money, that will allow me to do more of my own reviews/giveaways as well as advertising and making improvements that will in turn lead to more reviews and giveaways for you.  If you get a chance, take a look at what I have listed in my affiliate links section.  If they are places you order from anyway, I’d love for you to click through my links to place your order.  🙂

Wrap up of the blah blah blah

So please, submit your questions, don’t forget you can submit your cloth/babywearing/green/handmade giveaways to be featured in the giveaway roundup as well.

Remember you can contact me any time with questions or suggestions for features, posts, reviews etc.

Umm, I think that’s it for now.  If you read all this, get in line for an organic cookie, hee hee.  😀

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