Giving Diapers Giving Hope is a non-profit organization that provides free cloth diapers to low income families. However, they can’t do it without help from the cloth diapering community. GDGH is currently running a personalized ornaments fundraiser where 10% of the proceeds go to GDGH.
Geffen Baby, a U.S. manufacturer of cloth diapers & accessories, has pledged a monetary & diaper donation plus they are donating 5% of all retail sales this week, through 9 P.M. P.S.T. Friday, November 30th, 2012!
Some of my favorite products are the M/L hemp jersey prefolds (these are out night time pocket diaper stuffers), quick absorbers plus and hemp wipes.
If you’ve been wanting to try their products, it would be a great time to do so. If not, check out the GDGH ornament fundraiser!