Bianca received nursing pads for review purposes. If you click and buy, we may receive a small commission, thank you. There are two items that I never leave home without since returning to work after giving birth to my baby Nola.
- My super awesome Spectra S2 Pump.
- My Geffen Baby Nursing Pads.
Nola is now 8 weeks old, almost two months! I feel like had her, blinked, and I was back at work. Thankfully my employer is super supportive of my breastfeeding and I am able to pump while at work.
This is my first time working full time and having an infant at home though I’ve breastfeed all three of my kids. I pumped and donated milk with my first and I went back to work part time when my second was a little over one year old, so I really didn’t have to pump much, if at all. Circumstances are different this third time around, and I am pumping two times while at the office.
I’m usually not a huge leaker when it comes to breastfeeding and breastmilk. The first 4 weeks after having Nola I leaked occasionally so I would wear my nursing pads when we would step out the house, just in case! When I returned to work, I made sure to always have a pair with me. Having reusable nursing pads is so much easier than dealing with disposable ones that never stick quite right and disposable pads are so much more bulky. (Not a good look under business attire.) Using cloth nursing pads makes it much more discreet since I am not throwing disposable pads away at work.
The Geffen Baby Nursing Pads I received were the Hemp/Organic Fleece and Hemp/Organic Cotton Jersey 3 packs. I used the Organic Fleece pads after washing them a few times with the baby clothes and drying on medium heat. They did shrink just a bit and the fleece was a bit pilly after wards, but nothing major. I used the jersey pads without washing them, and they worked just as well as the fleece pads that had been washed.

I wear a pair while I am at work. I work 8 hour shifts, and I usually use 2 different pair throughout the day: the pair I use when I get ready in the morning and the pair I use after I pump. I don’t have a preference as to which I use, fleece or jersey; I just grab a pair and go. Once pumping hour comes around, which is usually 12:30-1:00pm, I start feeling more frequent letdowns and each time I will leak. The Geffen Baby Nursing Pads are very absorbent, very soft, and most importantly, comfortable. I hardly notice I have them on. Once I finish pumping, I change out the pads. I keep the dry unused pair in a Sweet Pea Mini Wet Bag which is the perfect size for them. In addition, I keep the used ones in a separate Sweet Pea Mini Wet Bag. I have become the bag lady at work; my pumping bags, my lunch bag, my purse, my wet bags. All the bags!
I would definitely recommend the Geffen Baby Fleece and Jersey nursing pads to every mom to be and every breastfeeding mom out there. They are one of the best reusable nursing pads I’ve used. They are made in the USA, and very affordable for a 3 pack! And now shopping is easier than ever under Geffen Baby’s new revamped website.

Have you ever used reusable or disposable nursing pads? Do you have a preference? Have you checked out Geffen Baby’s new website? Let me know! 🙂