Oh no, another week with no mailbox Mondays submissions! If you have a questions for me, cloth diaper related or not (just be nice!) send an email to maria at change-diapers.com with “Mailbox Mondays” in the subject.
So this week, I thought I’d share some of the most head scratching search terms that led people to my site in the past month.
1. “i had to get a spell made diaper”
Uh, what? What kind of spell? Does this spell make the diaper change/wash itself? If so, where can I get one?
2. “how did a diaper get in my daughter’s room”
I have no idea, but now I want to know too!
3. “i like diapers”
Yeah me too! I love cloth diapers anyway!
4. “i love boys in fitteds”
I don’t understand this at all. When I think “fitteds” I think fitted diapers of course. I guess it could be fitted hats?
5. “my mom change my diapers”
Ermmm…if you’re old enough to be googling, I would hope not.
6. “weird pocket diaper”
I can’t let this one go. What was it? What made it weird? I have to know! LOL
By the way, I copied this right from my analytics, I captialize “I” even when I’m searching, ha ha.
Have you ever searched for anything that would seem weird out of context?
>That was great!
>Wow that's hilarious!!