Change-Diapers received a product at no cost for review purposes. We were not otherwise compensated and all opinions are our own. Post contains affiliate links. “HALO Innovations is dedicated to putting the health, safety and well-being of babies first. In fact, over 1,300 hospitals use HALO® SleepSack® wearable blankets through the HALO Safer Way to Sleep Initiative. The HALO family of products, including HALO SleepSacks and SleepSack Swaddles, SwaddeSure and the best-selling HALO BassinestTM Swivel Sleeper, help children from newborn to toddler age sleep better and safer.”

You may have heard of HALO due to their sleep sacks, but they have many innovative safe sleep products, including the SleepSack Swaddle.

Combining a sleep sack and swaddle in one, it allows you to swaddle arms in or arms out, keeping baby warm and eliminating the risk of a loose swaddle blanket.

These are available in size newborn or small, and are appropriate to use until baby begins rolling over or getting out of the swaddle. You can use it arms in for new babies with the startle reflex or arms out if you prefer.

The sleep sack zips from the bottom to make diaper changes simple, and the fabric is super soft and available in several colors, prints and fabrics.

An entire panel is soft loop fabric, making it simple to get a great swaddle.

Amii tried this on Oliver (born at 25 wks/1 lb 9 oz) when he was about 17/18 weeks old and just under 7 lbs.

Amii loved the soft fabric but the zipper threw her off a bit since it’s the reverse of what she’s used to. Thinking as a “medical mom” she noted that the zipper won’t work as well with monitors as snaps do and would love to see HALO make a side snap sleep sack/swaddle for heart surgery babies.

Oliver is never thrilled at having his picture taken/not being held! Amii loves that there’s an arms out swaddle option but she does wish the swaddle portion itself was detachable in case you end up with a baby who doesn’t like to be swaddled, or if s/he outgrows swaddling before the sleep sack. (I imagine you can just use the arms out option and close the swaddle flaps more loosely as a transition to regular sleep sacks.)
HALO SleepSack Swaddles retail for $28.95. You can find the new designs at “Like” Halo on Facebook and follow @HaloSleepSack on Twitter, on Instagram, on Pinterest, on Google+ and on YouTube
Have you used a HALO product?
I love the one we have!
We love our Halo SleepSacks. This was one of the few swaddles that worked for our Houdini baby. 🙂
My now 10 year old managed to get out of the swaddles done by the swaddling ninjas (a.k.a. nurses) at the hospital! Wish we’d had these then!