A Year of Fluff All In Two Diapers Cloth Diapers Giveaway Made in the USA One Size Diapers Review Snap Closure WAHM made

PLUMP Diapers AI2 Review & Giveaway (CLOSED 10/28)


Plump O/S AI2

PLUMP Diapers are made by WAHM Kassi.  Now that I’ve gotten my hands on a PLUMP, you’re going to have to listen to me gush about another amazing WAHM.

plump mailplump packaging

we love it already

My son has never shown interest in a diaper before.  He snatched this from me as soon as I got it out of the package!

ooga booga snaps ooga booga cotton velour

I know Ooga Booga fabric seems to be “love it” or “hate it.  I love the monsters, but I’ve never cared for any of the fabrics.  When they were supposed to be printing a turquoise on brown ooga fabric, I was poised to buy some from a fabric co-op so I could have a custom diaper made.  Unfortunately, they didn’t end up printing the brown.  When Kassi agreed to allow me to review for her, I was just happy to get to try a PLUMP.  I was really excited when she said she wanted to make me a custom!  So, I chose the Turquoise ooga Cotton Velour (CV) with a minky inner.  I asked for gender neutral snaps and I was so surprised to see adorable OOGA snaps!!


The craftsmanship is just incredible.

snapswing snaps

PLUMPs do have 10 jillion snaps (OK so 4 on each wing) which makes me feel a little short of breath (LOL).  In the end, I cheated and only closed the outer and inner most snaps on each wing and it worked just fine.  The good thing about having so many snaps, is that it gives you so many options; you’ll never find yourself needing a snap where there isn’t one.  Kassi will include hip snap covers upon request (50 cents per pair), so soft fabric (rather than a snap) will touch your baby’s skin once the outer most snaps (hip snaps) are no longer needed.

snap down rise

This PLUMP all-in two (AI2) is one-size via a “fold down” rise.  What makes it unique is that it actually snaps into place.  So, you don’t have to try to hold it down on a wiggly baby while simultaneously trying to snap the wings.

Here it is on the small setting:

small settingsmall setting front

small setting rear

Here is the small setting, measured folded and stretched:

small folded small stretched

Large folded and stretched:

large folded large stretched

My diaper has a minky inner, and petal style soakers that snap together.  The layers are (deep breath!): Minky/Organic Bamboo Fleece (OBF)/ZORB/OBF and OBF/ZORB/OBF/Cotton Velour (CV).  Minky touches baby’s skin, with 8 layers of absorbency in the soakers!

bubble minky inner 

minky and cv soakerssoakers snap together

It also has this spiffy laundry snap, which allows you to hang the diaper with no clothes pins!

laundry snaplaundry snap closed

laundry snap in use

If you’re new around these-here parts, you don’t already know that my son is a little peanut.  He’s 17 months old (or he will be on Saturday) and he’s about 18.5 pounds and 30 inches.  Here he is wearing the large (unfolded rise) setting:

large on baby-rear large on baby side

side of large on seated babylarge on baby front seated

large on baby front

 I was able to put the diaper on him, on the small setting, while he was wiggling around on my lap, upside down.  So much for my fear of all the snaps, huh?  I win, snaps, I win!

putting the small setting on

One thing that I love about this diaper is that I don’t have to fold the soakers!  Even on the small setting, just pull them up over baby, close the diaper, and you’re done.  They don’t hang out of the diaper!  When I was looking over the diaper when I first got it, the soakers seemed thick, and I wondered how it would work.  It wasn’t until I put it on him that I realized they are sized such that they don’t need to be folded.  So, you get all the absorbency without all the folding, and the diaper is no more “plump” (hee hee) than others!

small setting 18.5 lb baby small setting rear

small setting side small setting front

We have used this diaper several times and we’ve never had a leak, including fruit/fruit juice induced (and gag-inducing) messes.  The one-size diapers are estimated to fit 10-35 pounds.

small frontsmall back

All-in-twos retail for about $18-$21; fitteds about $16-$19.  You can find PLUMP Diapers on Hyenacart, as well as the Cuties With Cloth Booties Congo and the Bliss Congo.  Kassi also makes incredible, one-of-a-kind diapers like this Sun/moon Minky AI2 and this Oh Christmas Tree Diaper (which kind of makes me want M&Ms).  She also makes embellished diapers, like this Bat AI2, this blue snowflake diaper and this red snowflake diaper.

Giveaway: PLUMP Diapers is offering some lucky stiff a custom PLUMP. You can choose an AI2, Fitted or Pocket tester in your choice of fabric.  (Does not include pieced or one of a kind diapers, hard to find or premium fabric.)  Please notice PLUMP’s note: “Ours is a non-smoking home.  We do have pets.  They don’t smoke either.”

Here’s how to enter: All entries go in the form.  Feel free to express your fluff envy in the comments, but comments don’t count as entries.  Mandatory entries include name, email address and your favorite PLUMP item (available or sold) from the PLUMP store, the Cuties With Cloth Booties Congo or the Bliss Congo.  You may take advantage of the bonus entry for “liking” PLUMP on Facebook.  I highly recommend it, especially since she has a 10% discount code just for Facebook fans right now, and offers discounts to her fans from time to time!

I will accept entries until Thursday, October 28th 2010 at 9 P.M. Eastern.  I will select a winner using random.org’s true random number generator and notify him/her by email.  Winner has 48 hours to respond before the prize is forfeited and a new winner is chosen.  View my giveaway rules page for complete details.  This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only.

Entries as of October 28th, 2010 at 9:00 P.M.: 284


FTC Compliance: I received the pictured diaper at no charge, in order to write this review.  I was not compensated for this post, I was not requested or required to write a positive review, and all opinions are my own.

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A Year of Fluff Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

Bumbledoo Winner!


Lucky #133 is Sara Crawford.  Congrats Sara!
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A Year of Fluff All In One Diapers Cloth Diapers Giveaway Made in the USA Review Sized Diapers Velcro/Aplix Closure WAHM made

The Eli Monster AIO Review & Giveaway (CLOSED 10/27)


eli monster aio

I bought my first diaper from The Eli Monster about 6 months ago; a size medium creme speedypants AIO.  When it started to seem kind of small on him, I got a little panicky, because I love it so much!!

eli monsterdiapereli monster large diaper

I had “spotted” it on The Eli Monster Hyenacart store seemingly forever, and I was really surprised when it was still in stock when I had the money to buy finally.  Learn from my fail here…”in stock” doesn’t mean ready to ship.  It simply means she has the materials to make the item; all items are made to order!  Her about me page is kept updated with current turnaround times.  Since I have impeccable timing (ha!) I placed my order just as her daughter arrived.  Despite just having had a baby, Steph gave me excellent service and an amazing diaper.  She doesn’t send out a diaper that she doesn’t think is her best work!

velcro closures

What I love about The Eli Monster is that they are totally unlike any other diaper I have ever seen.  They have hand sewn appliqués and hand applied screenprinting.

screenprinted diaper hand screenprinted diaper

The screenprinting isn’t “perfect,” but it’s not supposed to be.  It’s an incredible, hand made diaper, and no two will be exactly alike, unlike if a commercial company tried to copy this with a factory made diaper!

But anyhoo, the medium diaper I bought before is the speedypants, which was $19.50.  This time, I bought the “special edition miracle diaper” for $25.50.  For each one she sells, she donates a diaper to The Cloth Diaper Foundation (formerly Miracle Diapers.)  The other items I am just dying to have are: the Punk Rock AIO, Anchor’s Aweigh AIO, Tattooed Baby Longies, and the Nautical Star Tattoo diaper.  I also need one of her camera wrist straps and a Large Speedypants!  She makes nursing pads, covers and embellished prefolds too.

It sounds ridiculous but OMG.  For realz, yo.  I want one of everything.  I love, love, love Eli Monster stuff.  Totally my style and so different than everything else.

eli monster large vs bumgenius mediumeli monster large vs bumgenius medium front

In my opinion, you may want to consider sizing up in The Eli Monster.  Above is the large Eli Monster, compared to a medium Bumgenius.  My son still has lots of room in the medium Bumgenius, but has pretty much outgrown the medium Eli Monster.  The Eli Monster’s Size Chart gives weight estimates of 10-22 pounds for the medium, but I would probably suggest going with her more general guidelines of medium=baby and large=toddler.  My guy is only 18.5 pounds now, and the medium seemed smallish when we got it when he was a year old.  Since my guy isn’t even on the CDC’s growth charts, a larger baby would probably grow out of it even sooner.

Yappity yappity, here it is measured folded and stretched:


Here is The Eli Monster large compared to the medium:
eli monster med vs largeeli monster med vs large rear
The most noticeable difference to me between the medium and large, was the soaker thickness.  I’ve tried to photograph it, but it’s tough to show.  I wasn’t sure if anyone would be interested in me pinching diapers with calipers.    😉
med vs large soaker thickness foldedmed vs large soaker thickness

After using the large, it is definitely a better fit for my son.  It makes sense to me.  The smaller diapers have trimmer soakers, since you’re likely to change more often and/or have lighter wetters.  The older babies tend to wet more at once, so you need more absorbency even if you change diapers as soon as they’re wet!

The first photo is him in the medium, taken the same day as the other photos.
eli monster medium on 18.5 lb baby eli monster large on 18.5 lb baby
large front on baby leg opening

I love Eli Monster diapers, and so does my husband.  They are one I reach for if I know that my son’s diaper might be hanging out of his pants.  They are such cool and unique diapers, I’m always hoping someone will notice it, and I’ll be able to bring them over to the dark side get them interested in cloth!

diaper rear diaper from side

Giveaway: The Eli Monster is offering a $20 gift certificate towards anything in her shop!  Most items are under $20 so, woo hoo!
Here’s how to enter: All comments go in the form below.  Feel free to leave a comment, but comments do not count as entries.  Mandatory entries include name, email address and your favorite Eli Monster item from The Eli Monster Hyenacart Store or The Eli Monster Etsy Shop.  You may “like” The Eli Monster on Facebook for a bonus entry.
I will accept entries until Wednesday, October 27th 2010 at 9 P.M. Eastern.  I will select a winner using random.org’s true random number generator and notify him/her by email.  Winner has 48 hours to respond before the prize is forfeited and a new winner is chosen.  View my giveaway rules page for complete details.  This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only.

Entries as of October 27th, 2010 at 9:00 P.M.: 213

FTC Compliance: I paid normal retail prices for items reviewed.  I was not compensated for this post, and all opinions are my own.

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Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

Nicki’s Best Bottom Diapering System Winner


best bottom winner

Well, tonight I was distracted by my “other job” (I moonlight as the tooth fairy) and I almost forgot this giveaway ended tonight!  Sheesh!

So 151 people entered for 443 entries, and the winning # is 70, which is Laurie Makinen!  Congrats Laurie, I’m sending you an email!

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A Year of Fluff All In One Diapers Cloth Diapers Giveaway Made in the USA Review Side Snapping Sized Diapers Snap Closure WAHM made

Wee Bonnie Botts AIO Review, Giveaway & Discount! (CLOSED 10/26)


wee bonnie botts aio

Wee Bonnie Botts are work-at-home-mom (WAHM) made diapers made by Sarah.  Like so many other WAHMs, Sarah started out by making diapers for her own child, and it took off from there.

wee bonnie botts packaging

Sarah and I got in contact as I was looking for sponsors for my “Year of Fluff” event this month, and she sent me a side-snapping AIO to review.

wee bonnie botts diaper wee bonnie botts rear

I really like to keep my reviews fairly matter of fact, but it so happens that the diapers I’m reviewing this week come from some of the most talented WAHMs I know.  So, you might hear a little bit more gushing than usual this week.

seam craftsmanship

I of course love the pirate print; I have a fitted in this print also.  Wee Bonnie Botts is one of a growing list of WAHMs that simply amaze me.  The craftsmanship is absolutely impeccable; not a stitch out of place.  The diaper is seamed in the middle so the front and back are both right side up!

snaps soaker thickness

The All-in-One I received is a size medium, which is estimated to fit 18-33 pounds.  The knit outer is laminated PUL, not hidden.  So there are no issues with wicking.  It has an organic bamboo fleece hidden layer, organic bamboo fleece and microfiber soakers, and a stay dry, suedecloth inner.

Wee Bonnie Botts makes diapers with two patterns.  Here is approximate sizing for each:

Je M’appelle Bebe
Preemie 2-7 lbs
Newborn 5-12 lbs
Small 10-20 lbs
Medium 18-33 lbs
Large 30-40 lbs
OS 5-40 lbs

Small: Rise 14″-16″, waist 11″-20″, thigh 6″-13″
Medium: Rise 14″-18.5″, waist 12″-21″, thigh 6.5.”-13.5″
Large: Rise 16″-19″, waist 14″-24″, thigh 8″-14″

Here it is measured folded, stretched, width at the center, and width at the front panel:

folded stretched

center width front panel width

I thought the sizing was generous, but not overly so.  The medium fit my 18.5 lb guy great, and I wouldn’t be surprised if it took him through potty training.

side seateddiaper rear seated
side diaper seateddiaper front seated

The diaper was very absorbent, and we had no fit issues or leaks!  The AIOs retail for $19-$24 (the $24 is for wool AIOs, which are coming soon.  I want, I want!)  Pocket diapers are $16-$21, fitteds $10-$20, and she even has doll diapers for $5!
diaper side standingwee bonnie botts medium 18.5 lb baby
Discount: Get 10% off if you mention me.  Please email Sarah first so she can alter the price to reflect the discount!

Giveaway: Wee Bonnie Botts is offering one blog reader $20 to spend on anything in her etsy shop!
Here’s how to enter:  All entries go in the form below; I love comments but comments will not count as entries.  Mandatory entries include name, email address and your favorite Wee Bonnie Botts item.  You may choose to “like” Wee Bonnie Botts on Facebook for a bonus entry.  (I’m a fan and I love getting sneak peeks of what she’s working on!)  As usual, I will update this post regularly so you know how many entries there currently are.

I will accept entries until Tuesday, October 26th 2010 at 9 P.M. Eastern.  I will select a winner using random.org’s true random number generator and notify him/her by email.  Winner has 48 hours to respond before the prize is forfeited and a new winner is chosen.  View my giveaway rules page for complete details.  This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only.

Entries as of October 26th, 2010 at 9:00 P.M.: 232


FTC Compliance: I received this diaper at no charge in order to write my review.  I was not compensated for this post, and all opinions are my own.

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