Mailbox Mondays

Mailbox Mondays 10/18/10


email me

Every Monday I will answer user submitted questions. They don’t have to be about cloth diapering! I’ll always answer questions via email, but if you would like your question to be answered in a Mailbox Mondays post, send an email with the subject “Mailbox Mondays” to Maria at change-diapers dot com.

I’m looking for MM submissions for late October and beyond!

Marah says:

I am so sick of leaks overnight! What is your solution for overnight cloth diapering?

This is a pretty common dilemma, and one that caused me a lot of trouble!  Sometimes, it’s as simple as the right fit and the right insert.  I was stuffing my Bumgenius diapers so thick that I had to size up, and was having leg gap issues.
Make sure the diaper fits snugly at the legs, and that the inner of the diaper and the insert are all tucked in.  Also make sure no clothing is tucked into the diaper! I’ve accidentally had my son’s shirt stuck in the back of the diaper before!
If your diaper fits well, but you don’t have enough absorbency (the insert is completely saturated in the morning) try adding a second full size insert, a hemp doubler, or what really worked for me, a Knickernappies Superdo insert.
If you still have trouble, bring out the big guns.  Super absorbent fitteds with wool soakers are an awesome combo.  I’ve had great luck with the Guerilla Fluff utilitarian.  Make sure your wool soaker is well lanolized, and look for soakers designed for night time, since they have extra layers in the wet zone.  I love our Mobums Night Night Wool Soaker
Now that it’s getting cooler, putting your child in fleece pajama pants will give you another layer of wetness protection!  Like wash routines, overnight diapering is annoying since as soon as you figure it out, something changes!  Once I finally had our routine down pat, my son stopped wetting as heavily!
Nancy says:
Here’s a question for Mailbox Mondays: What are the best soaking, washing and drying methods to keep your diapers clean, soft, and absorbent?

Unfortunately, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer for this!  It depends heavily on your water, your machine, how often you wash, how many diapers you wash at a time etc.
For me, a cold wash with no detergent, hot wash with a tiny amount of detergent, with an extra rinse works well.
I hang my shells to dry and tumble the inserts in the dryer.
About every other month, I soak all of my diapers and inserts overnight in RLR, then rinse until the water is clean.  Then, I wash only the inserts with a dab of bleach, then rinse until the water is clean and I don’t smell bleach.
I spent a lot of time playing with wash routines and detergents.  Right now I am using Tide HE powder, but I use only about 1/4 of the lowest load line for a full load of diapers. 
How about you gals?  Did you have trouble coming up with an overnight solution?  What have you tried?  What works for you?
How about wash routines?  How do you wash & dry?  What detergent do you use?  How many detergents did you go through before you found the right one?  Do you strip your diapers or treat them?  How often?  What do you use?

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We are sponsoring the Green Quiz Quest!


Green Quiz Quest- The Greenest Scavenger Hunt on the Net!

Fitteds and Pockets and Snappis, oh my! is an official sponsor of the January 2011 Green Quiz Quest!  Think the cloth diaper hunt, but broader.  The grand prize in the July 2010 hunt had an estimated retail value of $1,325!

Be sure to register and get ready to hunt in January!

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A Year of Fluff Cloth Diapers Fitted Diapers Giveaway Made in the USA Newborn Diapers Review Snap Closure

Kissaluvs “Kissa’s” Cotton Fleece Fitted Review & Giveaway (CLOSED 10/23)


kissaluvs 0 fitted

I reviewed a Kissaluvs Marvels AIO in May; that’s still a favorite of mine, and my Kissa’s Wool Lover Diaper Cover was my first ever wool (purchased in March.)  So, when I won a Kissa’s Cotton Fleece Fitted from the Abby’s Lane blog chat, I was a little excited, to say the least!!

kissa's fitted

Lucky for you, I contacted Kissaluvs, and they will be giving two of my blog readers a fitted diaper as well!

kissa's size 0 back

In true cloth diaper addict fashion, I chose the size 0 (fits approximately 5-15 lbs) even though I don’t have a newborn, nor am I pregnant!  Hey, it was free!

snaps inner

 The size zero fits 5-15 pounds, the 1, 10-25 pounds, and the 2, 20-40 pounds.  All sizes retail for $12.95 in unbleached cotton, and $13.95 in the colors.  I chose the yellow.

Below, the size 0 is on top of the Marvels AIO on the small setting.

kissaluvs size 0 fitted vs marvels aio small

The size 0 has an umbilical cord snap down, but can also be used without it.  Below, it is measured with the snap down, then unsnapped and stretched.

folded with cord snap downunsnapped and stretched

Here is the fitted compared to a newborn disposable, and also unsnapped, compared to a size 1 disposable:

kissa's 0 vs newborn disposablekissa's 0 unsnapped vs size 1 disposable

Since I don’t have a newborn, I had to enlist a model.  He’s a little smaller than a newborn!

my diaper model

Here he is modeling a preemie newborn diaper, so you can get an idea of size:

preemie frontpreemie back

Newborn disposable:

newborn frontnewborn back

Size 1 disposable:

one frontone back

After all that, he said his hiney was itchy and he wanted to put the Kissa’s fitted on!

kissaluvs 0 fitted diaperkissa's fitted 0

Much more comfy!!

It’s a little subjective, but I’d say it fits more like a preemie diaper, though it looked similar to the newborn diaper.  My model isn’t a very heavy wetter, so I can’t really speak on the absorbency.  I haven’t cloth diapered a newborn, but I imagine fitteds would be great.  They are breathable and could likely be used coverless, since newborns tend to dirty diapers as soon as you put them on (mine did anyway!) See this on my newborn.

Giveaway: Kissaluvs is offering two diaper giveaways, which will be drawn separately.  Winners choose size and color of a Kissa’s Fitted!  The first is open to anyone and will be business as usual.  The second diaper will be drawn from entrants who already own a Kissaluvs product, and leave a review(s) of it.

Here’s how to enter: Anyone is eligible to win the first diaper. To enter, simply fill out the form below.  Mandatory entries include name, email address and your favorite Kissaluvs Product.  You may receive a bonus entry for “liking” Kissaluvs on Facebook and/or following Kissaluvs on Twitter.  Feel free to leave a comment however, comments don’t count as entries.

Entries for the second diaper will go on the same form, but will be tallied and drawn separately from the first.  This way everyone gets the same shot at the first one! Reviews can be left at diaperpin, amazon, sears, Kissaluvs’ Facebook Page, or your favorite retailer’s website.  One entry per review, link to your review to get your entry!

I know this is a little more confusing than usual, so just send me an email if you need clarification!  The post will be updated daily (or so) with the # of entries for each.

I will accept entries until Saturday, October 23rd 2010 at 9 P.M. Eastern.  I will select winners using’s true random number generator and notify them by email.  Winners have 48 hours to respond before the prize is forfeited and a new winner is chosen.  View my giveaway rules page for complete details.  This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only.

Entries as of Giveaway close: 263

Entries in the bonus giveaway: 39

FTC Compliance: No compensation of any kind was received for this post.  I won the diaper I reviewed from a Kissaluvs retailer.  All opinions are my own.

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Friday Giveaway Linky Giveaways Linky

Weekly Friday Giveaway Roundup for October 15th, 2010



Each Friday, I will post cloth diaper and babywearing giveaways that I’ve found, or that readers have submitted. The post will be accompanied by a linky where you may enter any family friendly (no “adult” products please!) giveaways, they do not need to be diaper related.

If you have a cloth diaper/accessory/babywearing giveaway you would like to be listed in the next giveaway roundup post, please email a link, blog name, giveaway title, end date and photo (if applicable) to maria at change-diapers dot com. I want to keep the featured giveaways to cloth, accessories & babywearing only please.

Kawaii Pocket Diaper (ends 10/21)

fleece diaper covers
rockin green
amber teething necklace
The Cloth Diaper Whisperer
Bouncing Woolies Dryer Balls from Happily Southern (ends 10/23) Mandatory Facebook like, Facebook wall comment AND Twitter like so this will turn many off, but it means your odds should be pretty good!
Ergo Baby Carrier from The Marci Factor (ends 10/28) Mandatory GFC blog follow and Ergo Facebook like
Giveaways still running from last week:
$10 Gift Certificate to Snuggle Hugs from Snuggle Hugs & The Cloth Diaper Retailer Cooperative (ends 10/30) – rules are a little confusing, looks like they are allowing entries on Facebook as well?
Ergo Baby Carrier from Connected Mom (have to follow the blog and/or join their community) (ends…?  10/31??)

You may enter any family friendly giveaway in the linky below. The form Blog name – Giveaway Item – Ending date works well. At a minimum, please include the item and end date, and link directly to the giveaway.

Please view my post on where I list my giveaways to find more great places to link up!

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A Year of Fluff Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

Rocky Mountain Diaper Winner


rocky mountain diapers

146 people entered this one, with 253 entries total.  I know it’s a little less exciting when you don’t get to choose your color!

Entry # 231 is Kelly Jo Carnahan. Congrats Kelly! I’m sending you an email now!

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1 531 532 533 534 535 583