Janel received free product for review purposes. We were not otherwise compensated for this post and all opinions are her own. When I was approached to write this review I had never heard of the brand Omaiki before. Omaiki is a Canadian based company with products and materials that are also made in Canada. They sent me the new Orion fitted diaper and an adorable “Forest Friends” cover with snaps. Upon opening the package I was already impressed as there was a handwritten note included. For me, that personal touch adds a lot to the cloth diapering experience.
About the Author
Maria wants to live in a world where cloth diapers are the norm and moms can make parenting choices without judgement. When she’s not chasing her 18, 14 and 11-year old kids around, you might find her checking out the latest gadgets, organizing something (again) or exercising in the fresh air. Read More »