>Saturday, my son had one of “those” diapers. I commented to my husband that the, ahem, “deposit” (which was creeping dangerously close to the outside of the Fuzzibunz perfect size diaper) would never have been contained in a disposable diaper! It’s been a while since I used disposables, but I remember blowouts all too well!
My almost-6-year-old daughter said “what’s a disposable diaper?” I’m a little baffled by the question, since we used disposables on her brother for 4 months, and I’m pretty sure she’s seen other people change a diaper and throw it away. I’m guessing she was just confused by the term “disposable.”
In any case, I said “It’s a diaper you throw away,” and she said “Oh.” It would be pretty cool if someday we looked back at our “throw it away” generation, and didn’t understand it!
So that diaper led me to my first “dunk and swish.” In over 15 months of cloth diapering, I’ve never done that. But this diaper…let’s just say it was a little beyond scraping, but was too much to throw in the washer. I was asking myself why I hadn’t bought a diaper sprayer yet.
After I already had to reach into the potty to fish out a cloth wipe I’d accidentally dropped in, I used a tip someone gave me. I pulled the insert out, held the ends of the diaper in my hand (firmly) with the inner facing out. I dunked it in the toilet and flushed (several times.) I held onto it tightly, but let it kind of get pulled down with the flush.
It really worked quite well and wasn’t terribly gross! I was able to flip it back around with the PUL side out again and carry it to the wet bag (I need to put one in the bathroom!) without dripping.
So now I feel a little more initiated, and more like a real cloth diapering Mom. Ha ha!