Tag Archives: brown rice syrup

Natural and Organic Food Recipes Review

Homemade Marshmallows (don’t laugh!)


OK, you can laugh.  Only if you’re laughing with me though!  You may be wondering why on earth I would do this.  Well, ever since we tried the ricemellow creme, I’ve been wondering if I could make marshmallows with brown rice syrup.  We really enjoy roasting marshmallows on a campfire when the weather is warm, and making s’mores.  However, I’m not crazy about the #1 ingredient being corn syrup.  Our organic market has some “gourmet” vegan vanilla marshmallows, but they still contain corn syrup (and they cost a small fortune).
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Natural and Organic Food Review

Ricemellow Fluffernutter


Go ahead and make a corny joke about this being “fluff” in my blog.  However, this fluff is anything but “corny.”  In fat, it has no corn syrup at all!
Regular marshmallow fluff contains: corn syrup, sugar syrup, dried egg whites and vanillin or Corn Syrup, Sugar, Water, Egg Whites, Artificial Flavor, Cream of Tartar, Xanthan Gum, Artificial Color (Contains Blue 1), depending on brand.

I found this 10 oz package of Ricemellow Creme by Suzanne’s Specialties at my grocery store, for just under 5 bucks.  Outrageous compared to regular fluff I know, but it contains only brown rice syrup, soy protein, natural gums and natural flavors. 

The only sweetener is the brown rice syrup, there’s no corn syrup, no cane sweeteners, no refined sugars. There’s also no gluten, no animal products (it’s vegan), no fat, cholesterol, added salt, preservatives or artificial additives.

Despite the lack of preservatives, the jar is good until August.

To be honest, with all that, I didn’t have high hopes for it’s taste!

A two tablespoon serving has about the same nutrition facts as it’s corn syrup-y cousin.

When I opened it up, it wasn’t what I expected to see and I was thinking I was going to end up throwing away this $5 experiment.

I cautiously gave it a sniff.  Hmm…smells pretty good.  Sweet.  *sniff*  Almost like a melted marshmallow.  Reminds me of something I can’t put my finger on.

I put a teeny bit on a spoon and gave it a taste.  It was pretty good!  Sweet, a bit like fluff, but much lighter and airier.  I had hubby taste it, and my daughter too.  Both liked it. 

They both thought it had a consistency more like whipped cream than fluff.  My daughter said “It’s TOO YUMMY.”  She also hugged it to herself and said “It’s mine and I’m going to eat it ALL UP because I love it SO MUCH.”  She also told me she liked it better than regular fluff, but later told me she wasn’t sure.

I made a ricemellow creme fluffernutter.  (It’s a little messy since I didn’t use a clean knife to cut it)

It was definitely lighter and easier to spread than regular fluff.  My daughter gobbled her half of the sandwich.  I did too, and while it was tasty, it just didn’t have that gooey, gloppy meld-with-the-peanut butter texture that I love in a fluffernutter.
I will definitely continue to buy this for my daughter, but I will probably still buy the old fashioned stuff every now and again, when I get in the mood for some gooey goodness!
On another note, I ended up buying some brown rice syrup to try to use in place of corn syrup.  I found a great recipe for home made marshmallows I want to try (though I’m going to try them with corn syrup first to work out kinks, the brown rice syrup was expensive!!)
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