Tag Archives: Ritz-Carlton

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American Girl Bistro & Ritz-Carlton Package – Our Experience

Lunch at @American_Girl bistro tysons 1

I paid full price for the mentioned services. I was not asked to write, nor was I compensated for this post, and all opinions are my own. I have taken my daughter to the American Girl Store in Tyson’s twice (we’re about an hour away). We got her doll’s ears pierced, hair done, and my pregnant (at the time) self sweat like crazy while she looked around. However, we had never been to the Bistro since I didn’t plan ahead and you needed reservations. She just turned 11 and I really wanted to do this before she was “too old” for dolls. She and her friends still love dolls and that is fine by me. Better dolls than boys. 😉

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