Tag Archives: Zoe b Organics

Apparel & Accessories Baby Products Eco-Friendly/Green Giveaway Made in the USA Review

Zoe b Organic Sleepy Hat & Natursutten Pacifier Review & Giveaway (CLOSED 12/29)

zoe b organics

I talked about Zoe b Organic last month when I reviewed their fantastic anti-plastic dishes. Zoe b is also the U.S. distributor for Natursutten pacifiers, and they sent me both a Natursutten pacifier and a Zoe b Organic Sleepy Hat.

Natursutten pacifiers are unique, natural rubber pacifiers. Interestingly enough, the protein that can provoke a latex allergy is eliminated during production.

natursutten pacifier natursutten pacifier pkg

The pacifier’s box is made from FSC certified cardboard, printed with non-toxic soy ink colors and has a window made from corn starch. A small sticker made from rock closes each box. They’ve avoided extra plastic, cardboard and redundant double wrapping.

natursutten pacifier natursutten pacifier
natursutten pacifier

With a NATURSUTTEN pacifier, you avoid:
• Allergy causing substances
• Artificial color
• Cancer causing substances
• Hormone disturbing substances
• Chemical softeners
• Parabens, PVC and phthalates

NATURSUTTEN pacifiers are softer than silicone, and are very hygienic because they are molded in one piece without joints or cracks where dirt and bacteria can accumulate.

natursutten pacifier

Zoe B’s FAQs answers questions like “why is the shield so big” and “why should I pay more for rubber.” They say that yes, your baby should look like Maggie Simpson. This made me laugh out loud since my husband pointed out that our son totally looked (and sounded!) like her! Pacifiers retail for $7.95 each and are available in several sizes and styles.

zoe b organics sleepy hat
zoe b organics sleepy hat zoe b organics hat pkg

Zoe b’s Sleepy Hat is a totally unique hat with a flip-down mask that blocks out light and visual stimulation.

sleepy hat

Andrea Verity, the mom originally behind the Sleepy Hat, used to have a lot of trouble getting her son, Ethan, to take naps, especially when they were traveling or visiting family. Starting around 3 months of age, he was much more interested in being awake then going to sleep, no matter how tired he was. Then she used a baby hat to cover her son’s eyes. It instantly cut her exhausting and frustrating sleep-time routine from thirty minutes to five! It also prevented Ethan from waking prematurely. But, after using the regular hat to get Ethan to fall asleep for just a few days, she began to see the need for a better-designed product than a regular baby hat. First, the hat that they were using didn’t have a contour for the nose. Second, it had become stretched, leaving a gap at the eyes and allowing light to come in. Third, she didn’t like having to pull on the hat and shift its position on Ethan’s head, in order to cover his eyes. Finally, they would get funny expressions from people passing by who were wondering why Ethan’s eyes were covered. She wanted a product that would communicate that her baby was having a nap.

After searching for something that fit their needs and coming up empty-handed, Andrea decided to make it herself. Eventually she came up with a hat that looked great, functioned well, and was safe to use. She gave the hat a flip-down mask so that the hat stayed in one place whether the baby was awake or asleep. Finally, she added the graphic of closed eyelashes on the flip-down mask so that others would know that baby was asleep.

We know that some babies fall asleep on their own without fussing. But most do not. Andrea made the Sleepy Hat available to other parents so that they could get some downtime, too.

zoe b organics sleepy hat on manni zoe b organics sleepy hat on manni down

The hat is designed for babies 3-9 months old, who are able to pull it off if it bothers them. The adjustable top knot and breathable fabric help ensure your baby’s safety, but this product is really designed to block out light & stimulation while you’re on the go and watching your baby.

Hats are made in the U.S.A. and retail for $16.99 each!

Giveaway: One reader will receive a Natursutten pacifier (ARV $7.95) and a Zoe b Organic Sleepy Hat (ARV $16.99.) Combined retail value is $24.94.

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Baby Products BPA Free Eco-Friendly/Green Made in the USA Review

Zoe b Organic – Fantastic Anti-Plastic Dishes Review

zoe b anti plastic dishes 1

I actually learned about Zoe b Organic because they are the US distributor for Natursutten pacifiers (which I will also be talking about after the baby is here!) The founder, Valerie Lecoeur, considers herself a “green mom” but not an “eco-evangelist” so I am already identifying with the Zoe b brand!

They have fantastic anti-plastic products (not just my opinion, it’s their actual name) including fantastic anti-plastic toys (biodegradable, eco-friendly, BPA free, made in the USA beach toys!) and fantastic anti-plastic dishes, A.K.A. “kidishes!”

zoe b anti plastic dishes 2 zoe b anti plastic dishes 3

OK, so what makes them so special? Well, they’re BPA, PVC and Phthlate free first of all. They are dishwasher safe (they’re not certified microwave safe yet, but they are working on it!) Anti-plastic? Huh? Yep. They’re actually made from a biobased material that comes from American-grown corn! (Specifically, this bioplastic from Mirel™ is made with PHA, a polymer produced by microbial fermentation of sugar.)

The material they use is more heat-resistant than other corn based products, and they are the first & only corn based dishes you can wash in the dishwasher (as much as you like! They are durable!) Despite being so durable, Zoe b’s bioplastic fully biodegrades in 2 to 3 years when buried in soil, immersed in water, home composted, or composted in industrial facilities.

zoe b anti plastic dishes 4

I received a 3 piece fantastic anti-plastic dish set, which includes a bowl, plate and tumbler for $15.99. You can also purchase a set of 3 fantastic anti-plastic bowls or a set of 3 fantastic anti-plastic plates for $18, or a set of 3 fantastic anti-plastic tumblers for $12.

zoe b anti plastic dishes 5

The first thing I noticed is how much they look like actual dishes vs. plastic. Though they are durable and can be thrown, dropped etc., they look much more like ‘big boy” dishes than “baby dishes,” and my son is getting to that age where it matters! They’re also stylish and easy for little hands to hold, with their modern shapes and colors. My son loves them. In fact, he was looking over my shoulder as I was uploading these photos and he pointed and said “that’s mine!” 🙂

You can buy Zoe b products online, or find a store near you!

Be sure to check out the Zoe b blog, Zoe b Organic on Facebook, Zoe b Organic on Twitter, and Zoe b Organic’s YouTube Channel!

FTC compliance: While I did receive a product at no charge for review purposes, I was not compensated for this post and all opinions are my own.

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