Post contains affiliate links, which means if you click and buy, we may receive a small commission, thank you. Don’t be color-blind. A line that really struck me from the book What’s The Difference? Being Different Is Amazing. By Doyin Richards (A.K.A. Daddy Doin’ Work.)
My husband and I have always been pretty straightforward with our children when it comes to race and skin color in our household. Especially when we are parents from two different backgrounds and cultures. Parents of Color. Black and Brown. My son Emilio (age 6) understands a little more than his younger sister. But do not be fooled, for Lucy (age 3) knows a lot for a child her age. I myself struggled with my own identity when I was younger. So when Lucy says “I’m Mexican!” and Emilio says “I’m brown!” I know that we are raising them with knowledge and information they will need as they navigate this world. And they will know that they are different, and they are important.
As probably most of you do, I follow many social media bloggers, parents, celebrities (guilty pleasure, but hey some of them are parents too!) influencers, etc. A while back I started following a blogger. Most famously or infamously known for her TIME Magazine cover “Are You Mom Enough?” where she stands breastfeeding her also standing three-year-old at the time, Aram. Jamie Grumet: attachment parenting, breastfeeding advocate, and so much more! She has an adopted son from Ethiopia named Samuel and has written many times about family and race. So when I saw that her kids were going to be on the cover of Doyin Richards new book, I was so excited for them! I had been following Daddy Doin’ Work aka Doyin since his post about doing his daughter’s hair went viral. Basically two of social medias coolest parents.
When Maria posted the reminder that this book was coming out, I immediately went ahead and bought it. I did not hesitate. I knew this book would deliver. As Doyin writes on Facebook “If you care about raising racially-conscious (aka, ‘woke’) kids, definitely pick up a copy. It’s one small, but effective tool to make the world a better place for our children.” I was able to score the book on sale during launch week. We received it last week, and I am so glad I bought it for our family. My son read it for us first. I re-read it to them afterward, and I have read it several more times since then.
Doyin dedicates the book to his parents, who also come from different backgrounds. The pictures and vibes are so colorful. The text was super easy for my first grader to read. The representation of so many DIFFERENT children is amazing. My Lucy was pointing out all the children that looked like her and Brubber (brother). “That’s me and that’s brubber!” she would say. And I admit, although almost 8 months pregnant, I held back my tears the whole time reading the book back to them. Powerful messages on each page, and super cute pictures to go with it.
Everything Doyin writes in his book are things that Henry and I say to the kids all the time. You do not look like your friends, and that is ok! Both of you have amazing curly hair, and we embrace it. Mommy, Daddy, and Grandma, and even you, all have different shades of brown skin tones. You are different, and that’s what makes you unique and special. So we teach our children not be color-blind. We teach our children to notice the differences, know who you are. Be respectful and kind to everyone you meet no matter what.
Buy the book. I highly recommend it. You won’t be disappointed.

“You see, little one, you may not be the same on the outside as your friends,
but it’s what makes you different that makes you WONDERFUL.”