Author Archives: Maria

Maria is an aspiring "fit mom" of 3 children, writing about cloth diapers, going green, and her life as a single mom. Maria works with many companies within the cloth diaper industry and beyond, providing social media management, product development, and other services.
Cloth Diapers Giveaway

Five months!!


I’ve been cloth diapering for five months now!  I’m loving it so much and I feel so dumb for hesitating before finally diving in!  That photo was one of the first 3 BumGenius 3.0 diapers I bought, “just to try.”  Little did I know I would end up addicted!

I’m really excited about my current giveaway, and I’m reading all of your comments.  I’m already looking into reviewing some of the suggested products.

Next month marks what I’m calling my six month “clothiversary;” in honor of that milestone, I’m planning more giveaways!

Please stay tuned, and invite any friends who might be interested in following my blog or facebook page.

You guys, my readers, make it possible for me to do even more reviews and giveaways!  Thank you!

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Cloth Diapers Diaper Covers Made in the USA Review Wool

Kissaluvs Kissa’s Wool LOVER Diaper Cover


I am, I admit it.  I’m a wool lover!  I can hardly believe it.  I’m having a hard time remembering all of the reasons for my paralyzing fear of wool, but they were definitely there.
Why wool?  Wool is breathable and will keep baby’s hiney warm in the winter and cool in the summer.  Wool is obviously a natural fiber, and has built in anti-bacterial properties.  It absorbs moisture, does not retain odors, and does not have to be washed often.
Seriously, if you use wool covers all day long, you can have a rotation of 3 or 4 going.  Change the cover when you change the diaper, just flip the damp one inside out and set aside to dry and you don’t have to wash every 2 or 3 weeks!  If it is “soiled” you have to wash it of course!
So, on to the Kissaluvs cover I bought.  (or “butt sweater” if you’re my hubby!)
I chose this one in particular because it is made with ultra-fine merino wool.  I wish you could feel this because it is heaven; I would love a sweater made out of this wool!  I chose it also because of the leg gussets, which aren’t as funny looking in person as they looked on their site.
According to the size chart, I should have gotten a medium, which fits 15-25 lbs.  The large says 20-35 lbs.  My son is only around 16 lbs, but I figured it would be better to buy a large, have it be too large, go back and buy the medium (saving the large for later), rather than ending up with one that is too small.  I was worried about fitting it over the overstuffed, fluffy nighttime behind.
It is definitely big!
It still worked wonderfully though!  The first night with this wool cover was the first night in a while that he woke up with dry jammies, sleep sack and sheet.  I was so anxious to use it that I used it right away and washed and lanolized it the following day.
I’ve been using it for 2 1/2 weeks and aside from the initial wash, I’ve only washed it once.  My biggest hang up about wool (the washing) has turned out to be one of the most awesome things about it; it’s so simple.
When I take the cover off of him and it’s a bit damp inside, it will initially have a slight urine odor.  As it dries, the smell disappears.  If it starts to retain the smell, it’s time to wash.
Washing is ridiculously easy.  I put maybe two or so inches of tepid water in my utility sink, along with a dab of  Eucalan wool wash and swished it around a bit.  I placed the cover in and squeezed it a teeny bit, then let it soak for 15 minutes.  After that, drain the water.  No need to rinse.
Click here to request a free sample of Eucalan (SASE required).

To dry, I had ready two sets of two kitchen towels laid out on the counter (one towel on top of the other).  I gently pressed out as much of the water as I could, then I laid it flat on top of one set of towels.  I rolled the towels and cover up and gently squeezed, unrolled it and repeated in the dry towels.  Then I laid it flat on the counter to dry (out of the sunlight).

Next time I wash, I will take photos of the washing routine.

I’m not sure how often to lanolize, so I went ahead and did it with both the initial and the second wash.  I know it’s one of those “do it when it needs it” kinds of things, but you know how that goes when you’re learning!  Since Eucalan is a lanolin containing wool wash, I shouldn’t need to lanolize too often.

edit: I did quickly find one good tip.  When you’re washing, if the water beads up on the wool, you’re good.  If it forms some “pools” where the water soaks in, you might want to lanolize soon.  If it becomes saturated with water, you definitely need to lanolize.  I mean when you first place it in the water.  Obviously it will eventually become saturated if you are washing it, LOL

I got a bottle of liquid lanolin in the health and beauty section of my local organic market.

I’ll talk more about lanolin, what it does and what else it’s used for, later.  I’ve heard some people say they just use Lansinoh Lanolin to lanolize their wool. 
The routine was pretty much the same as the washing (I didn’t let the cover dry between washing & lanolizing).  However, I did initially add hot water along with the pea size amount of lanolin, in order to “melt” the lanolin.  Then I added tepid water, swished and added the cover.
It took a full day for the cover to dry, I wasn’t able to use it the next night.  I’d really like to have a second one, and this time I think I’ll get a medium!
An interesting tidbit on storage, from Kissaluv’s site:
Before storing away, wash the cover thoroughly without lanolizing. Do not fold and put between clothes. Hang it or spread it on the top of other clothes. If WL is pressed for a long time, it may get a bit stiffer like other finer wools.
I wish I had known this.  I have a sweater that I loved packed away, since it had not fit me since the winter before I got pregnant with my son.  While shuffling clothing around, I handled it, and it felt really strange.  Brittle almost.  I wonder if there is a way to save it?
P.S. Don’t forget to enter this week’s giveaway here!
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Giveaway Reusable Products


>I have no idea if anyone has stuck with me through this stomach virus, if you have, bless you.  Round 2 1/2 is almost over I hope.  I think it’s thoroughly unfair that mothers aren’t immune to these illnesses!

If you are still reading (I have over half a dozen posts in the works!), I have a giveaway for you.

This FuzziBunz Comfort Pads for Mom Combo set was free with a coupon code when I placed a $49 online order recently.

Why should only babies have the comfort, dryness and leak protection of the best selling FuzziBunz diaper?  Now moms can have the same dry, super absorbent and flawless comfort that they have for their babies in a reusable menstrual pad!  Put some “Comfort” into an uncomfortable time with the easy to wash, stain resistant, and leak proof Comfort Pads only from FuzziBunz Diapers.

Materials: 100% micro fleece (top layer)
                100% polyester laminated (waterproof bottom layer),
                85% polyester 15% polyamide (inner layers)

Size: 6″ L x 6.75″ W (15cm L x 17cm W)
        8″ L x 7.25″ W (20cm L x 18cm W)
        10″ L x 7.25″ W (25cm L x 18cm W)

These are obviously sealed, unused and unopened.  Sorry for the rotten photos, stuff wrapped in plastic is a beeyotch to photograph.

Here’s how to enter: 

First entry: Leave a comment stating the one item you’d most like to see me review.  It doesn’t have to necessarily be diaper related, just any “natural” item that you’re interested in, would like to try or would like to know more about.

Second entry: Write your own blog post, or post in an appropriate group (no spamming!) about my giveaway and link to my post.  Comment with a link to your post for your entry.

Third entry: Follow my blog.  Comment stating you are a follower.

Fourth Entry: Become a Facebook Fan of Fitteds and pockets and snappis, oh my!  Comment stating you are a fan to get your entry.

I will accept entries until Friday, March 19th at 7 PM, EST.

Please make sure I have a way to reach you, either through your public profile, your own blog, or by posting your email address.

Allow me up to one week to ship your loot to you after confirming your address.

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More posts coming

>I have several posts in the works, but a stomach virus hit our house about 11 days ago (just as my hubby was embarking on a 9 day business trip).  Now it seems it is rearing it’s ugly head again for round two.

Please be patient with me and stay tuned, it will be worth it, I promise!

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Cloth Diapers Fitted Diapers One Size Diapers Overnight Diapering Solutions

Drool Drool!

>I want this diaper!!  I’m so in love with that print!

You need flash to view their website and I can’t link directly to the item, but I really want to try one of their night time diapers with the optional zorb added.  I just prefer a cute print over the utilitarian look.

Here’s the info:

Diaper Mechanics:

Outer: Bamboo Rayon Fleece

Hidden: Bamboo Rayon Fleece

Inner: Bamboo Rayon Fleece

Styling: This diaper is turned and top stitched for your baby’s comfort

Soakers: 2 snap in soakers each made from 3 layers bamboo fleece with an extra Precision Doubler
(2 layers of bamboo fleece plus 1 layer of wool) for extra coverage

Original: Fits from 10-24 lbs
Toddler: Fits from 25-35 lbs

They are awfully pricey, but worth it if they work!

*edit* turns out that Mama sent that fabric in herself.  The maker can make a nightime diaper with a knit outer though.  I might see if I can get in on the turquoise ooga co-op!

*edit again* Between the co-op turnaround and the diaper turnaround, it would be 2-3 months before I got the diaper.  If I can find some in-stock fabric I like, I will buy a diaper cut and a custom slot.  Otherwise, I might go ahead and buy one of the utilitarian diapers!

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