Can THINX Period Underwear REALLY Replace Pads & Tampons? My Review
THINX Period Undies Review
Change-Diapers received a pair of THINX to review. Post contains referral links and all opinions are our own. Thinx “Period Panties” aren’t ratty old granny panties you use on your period (ha), they’re underwear that can replace pads & tampons. Like some of you I was kind of like:
I had to know for myself. So, check out some photos (no, I didn’t model them – you’re welcome) and then read my “captain’s log.” Please be aware that there will be quite a bit of “TMI” in the interest of giving you the whole picture.
These have been on my radar for a while and one night I figured it wouldn’t hurt to see if they had a blogger program. You may know that although I’m often approached and asked to review products, it’s incredibly rare that I ask for anything from a brand. I can’t remember the last time I did. Anyhoo, the only reason I’m mentioning this is that this is a completely honest review and wasn’t influenced by the free pair. If they had said no, we don’t work with bloggers, I would have purchased a pair anyway!

I chose the hiphugger style which is the closest to undies I wear every day. They are the most absorbent option holding about 2 tampons worth of fluid (5 tsp) and appropriate for heavy days. Hi-waist and sport (medium days) hold 1.5 tampons worth (I definitely want a few of the sport as well). Boyshort and cheeky (light days) hold 1 tampons worth (I’d be interested to see how the cheeky fit me too) and they even have a thong version (lightest days) that holds 1/2 tampon worth.
Most styles are available in sizes XS-3XL and nude or black. Exceptions: sport & boy short are also available in XXS and hi-waist are black only if I am looking at the site correctly. Washing instructions: Rinse, wash cold (no fabric softener) and hang dry.
If you buy 3 pair you save 10% or save 15% on 5 pair and 20% on 7 pair. Prices start at $24 for the thong, up to $38 for the hi-waist. Cheap? No. But they aren’t cheap either. I’ve thrown away many a pair of underwear thanks to period accidents. 24 years of menstruating? Yeah. That’s a lot of underwear.
THINX has a 60 day return/exchange policy for first time orders, free returns/exchanges (including return shipping) and $10 off your first order/free shipping when you use my referral link. With every purchase, THINX sends funds to AFRIpads, which trains women in Uganda to sew and sell washable, reusable cloth pads, allowing girls to continue to go to school after buying affordable pads.
On the outside, THINX look like regular undies.

The difference is inside:

There are 4 layers which form a leak-proof, absorbent, moisture wicking and anti microbial wonder undie.
Friday: My chart says my period is supposed to be here today.
Saturday: OK come on, I want to use these THINX.
Sunday: Do I need to take an $8 pregnancy test to make it appear?
Monday: Ooh is that a cramp? Nope.
Tuesday at 2:45 AM: Awoken by my period. Ow ow ow ow ow.
When I got the THINX I was worried they would be big since they appeared larger than the size small hipsters I usually wear. However when I tried them on they were absolutely perfect. They seem more like a true hipster, with the leg opening coming down lower on my hip and the waist band hitting my hip bone. I am petite and they fit me perfectly, coming up high enough not to give me muffin top or to feel like they were sliding down, but not so high they felt like granny panties.
THINX Period Underwear Captain’s Log
Cycle 1, day 1 of my period
Since I finally got a period again after having my third child, my cycles can be a bit different (some heavier than others) but generally day one starts off not too terribly and gets heavier, with day 2 being overall the heaviest.
Hour 0: Yes this is awesome. If I could just get these cramps under control I would be so happy.
Hour 1: I seriously can’t believe how well this is working out. I can definitely tell the crotch is a bit thicker but it’s way more comfortable/thinner than even an ultra-thin disposable pad.
Hour 3: Made it home from preschool pickup and a Target run intact. When I went to the bathroom I could see a small area where the surface was a little darker – you could tell it was wet. Swiped it with a piece of toilet paper but nothing came off. Still feeling dry on my skin. Man, I wish I had more of these.
Hour 5.5: Should I be getting nervous?
Hour 6: When I went to the bathroom I used a piece of toilet paper to wipe some clots/tissue from the surface. I can tell the top layer is getting more damp as the darker area is spreading. Still no leaks. When I stood up and pulled them up they felt cold and damp. Spend 20 minutes wrestling with whether or not I should go ahead and take them off. Nah, I don’t have to go anywhere. Might as well leave them on.
Hour 6.5: They no longer feel cold or damp. Maybe it didn’t absorb all the way in before because of the ick I had to wipe off?
Hour 7: I’m at home but feeling curious and a little paranoid. Bathroom break. I can wipe a bit off the surface and it looks damp, though it’s contained to the center and the front and back of the absorbent area is still dry. This is the time I’d probably be inclined to take them off but I’m going to be daring & push the limits.
Hour 8: I think they’ve reached their limit. The liquid is sitting on the surface a bit and I want to make sure I get them clean & dry in time to wear them tomorrow. I rinsed them in my utility sink (not gross like I expected it to be) and threw them in the washer with some other dark laundry on cold.
Cycle 1, day 2
Hour 0: They are dry! Hopped in the shower quickly while the kids were still asleep and pulled them on.
Hour 1: One thing I love about these is not having to try to change products. My son gives me no privacy and most of our door locks are broken from him pulling on the levers. So, I have to quietly slip away, run upstairs and try to change my product with one hand while holding the door closed with the other. Yes, I know some people are very open but I’m not interested in having an audience for that task.
Hour 4: Nothing to report. I’m loving this.
Hour 6: Went to the bathroom and wiped some gunk with TP. Feeling much, much more dry than yesterday.
Hour 8: Teeny tiny damp spot but that’s it. Maybe my cycle has gotten lighter already? Still cramping a lot though so maybe it will screw me over later, haha. Trying to decide if I want to wear them tonight to take my daughter to gymnastics or not (I’ll be gone 3 hours). Hmm…
Hour 9 1/2: They top was feeling a bit damp so I decided to call it quits for today. Fortunately (unfortunately) my family creates a ton of laundry so I have them in the wash again for tomorrow!
Cycle 1, day 3
Hour 0: My flow seems to be slowing down. Seems a bit early for that. Hopefully I don’t end up with 2 periods in a month like the last time this happened! On the plus side, I think I’ll be able to wear the undies all day!
Hour 3: Nothing to report. This is getting kinda boring, huh?
Hour 9: Feeling a little damp but OK.
Hour 11: Well I’ve had them on all day and things are still fine. If I had another pair I’d probably switch them out just to freshen up but for now, eh.
Hour 13: Really I am so sorry for the TMI but when I go to the bathroom and wipe it seems like I’m down to spotting already so I am going to keep them on until I go to bed.
Hour 15: OK I am heading to bed shortly. Do I keep them on? Is that gross? Should I put undies and a liner on? (Took them off)
Cycle 1, day 4
Darn it! I had the undies in my utility sink planning to wash them later. Accidentally scooped them up with towels etc and washed them. I don’t remember if I used warm or hot but I had no idea they were in there until I pulled them out of the dryer. I hope I didn’t ruin them!
Hour ?: I have no idea. I’ve had them on all day. I am digging these but I would prefer to have 2-3 pair per day for the first two days. It would be no problem for me to change them in the afternoon and before bed. I’ll wash them and put them away for next time. I think I will try to test them with some water first to make sure their absorbency survived their accidental wash/dry cycle.
I’m mid-cycle and thinking about using THINX full time. I have my cart stocked but choking on spending this much at once on myself. I don’t have any trouble spending money on the kids or husband but when it comes to something for me… *gulp*
After I abandoned my cart I received the above email. Definitely funny! The woman being lassoed was a gif.
Cycle 2, day 1 of my period
Hour 0: 6 AM cramp wakeup call, 2 days early. At least it didn’t keep me waiting this month. Also explains a lot about the past few days (eating everything in sight, hating everyone). Got out of bed and put my THINX on just in time for my 4 year old to get up. If THINX could do for cramps what they’ve done for periods I would be soooo happy.
Hour 5: Trip to Target, the craft store & grocery store with a bathroom break at hour 5. Yikes, I am definitely due for a change. The surface is damp from leg elastic to leg elastic. No leaks though.
Hour 6.5: By the time I got home and unloaded the groceries it had been about 6.5 hours and I was happy to change out of them. My flow seems to be a lot more “normal” (heavy) than last month. Gathered up some dark laundry and put them in.
Cycle 2 day 2:
Hour 0: My son had me up at 6 so after getting dressed, getting him dressed and making lunches, I grabbed my THINX out of the laundry room and put them on at about 6:30. Glad to have them back on!
Hour 6: This is getting pretty boring, huh? I’m no longer paranoid about these. I went to the bathroom & found them a good bit damp so I changed out of them so I could get them washed & ready for tomorrow!
Cycle 2 day 3:
I’m not sure if this is my new normal, or if my cycle has always gotten lighter by day 3 and I’ve never noticed? I put the THINX on mid-morning and my mid-afternoon I’d forgotten that I had them on. Here I’m at almost 8 hours and doing fine.
I would really like to have more pairs so I could have 2-3 for the first day or two.
Bottom line: If you have very heavy flow all throughout your cycle these might not work alone for you. If not, they make excellent cup or tampon backup, use them alone when your flow is lighter, or however it works for you. I also love being able to wear them when I know my period is starting soon, rather than having to either wear something ahead of time or live in a constant state of paranoia.
Have you tried THINX? How did you use them? Love them or hate them?
I guess I am just old school and that is ok by me. Lol I am passed needing any products thanks to being past Menapause by the age of 48(am 62 now) but I can buy a LOAD of pads for the price of 2 of these! Even IF I was still using pads I would not buy them because of how dang expensive and they don’t last forever!
Any reusable product takes time to “pay for itself”. Cloth diapers, wash cloths vs paper towels, menstrual cups etc. but they also have environmental benefits and other benefits as well. I highly recommend period undies (whatever brand) for people with unpredictable periods or people who are new to menstruating. They were a huge help for my daughter to feel more “normal” and less bothered by the whole ordeal!
My daughter was 14 when I wrote this and she ended up stealing these from me. They were great for her! I highly recommend checking out Period Nirvana and They curate only the best products and they have period undies from Saalt.
i am anticipating the arrival of aunt flo for my daughter. I honestly an trying to avoid pads…I mean no one likes diapers and I am not sure if she’d be allergic to tampons or comfortable using them (I preferred them). So my main point in researching these more was to be sure they would replace the regular items and then would they be disgusting and uncomfortable. I am not sure this brand would fit her….any other suggestions? I would still try these though. Thanks for the info
I am a little reluctant to use them due to the menstrual lining that comes out sometimes on my heavier days. I have a pretty light flow, even on my heavier days but I do get a lot of “blood clumps/clots” that come out. Do you think that I would be able to use this? Sry that I’m literally 3 years late to this party.
My apologies in advance if this is “tmi” but I would just wipe any clots/tissue off the surface with toilet paper when I used the restroom. 🙂
Would you recommend these for a preteen that does gymnastics? She just started and now we’re nervous about competition time. They can’t wear shorts!!! I don’t want her flipping around with her pad showing and I’m scared for her to wear a tampon!!!!!
Yes! My daughter used these for gymnastics competitions. 🙂 Make sure they fit well/snugly and I suggest putting a fresh pair on at the last possible moment (I know we ended up there for hours & hours & hours quite often)!
I really enjoyed reading your article! I love your delivery 🙂 I saw an ad on Instagram, and it led me to do more research….So, here I am. I will definitely be purchasing in the near future. Thanks again!
I’m glad you liked it! I was afraid it would be “TMI” but it seemed to be helpful. Hope you love them!
I loved the article I have tried them and love them and my flow is pretty heavy and had no leaks I use 3 pair a day.
I’m glad you liked it! I love them too. I’d really like to buy more and also buy some for my daughter!
Wonderful article!!! I have been wanting these so badly but haven’t even tried to look at them cause of their price. I will probably try and get a pair or 2. For cramps I drink a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar with a glass of water. Thank you for this, I really appreciate the work you did.
I’m so glad it was helpful! I’ll have to try ACV for cramps. Thanks for the tip!
Thanks for being so thorough and honest! I read so many blogger reviews that sound like shills, but you’ve earned the trust of so many in the natural parenting community that you’ve convinced me to try these if I ever get my period back!