This post was originally published on the Kelly Wels blog. Post may contain affiliate links meaning if you click and buy I receive a small commission. Thank you. When I began cloth diapering more than 7 years ago, I was overwhelmed by all of the accessories I “needed” to have. Wet bags and liners and sprayers, oh my! How would I know which to choose, which I needed now, which could wait, and how would I pay for it all?
This post is sponsored by Kleppo. Reusable diapers have become the in-thing for eco-friendly, health aware and money conscious parents.
Yet, many are put off by the thought of mucky diapers and getting their hands dirty!
Find out the secret to how Kleppo can…
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WITHOUT ever getting your hands soiled…
Post contains affiliate links. Everyone who tries Thirsties wipes loves their thick, two-sided design and Thirsties is happy to announce new organic cloth wipes. They are everything you know and love, only better.

Change-Diapers received product at no cost for review purposes. We were not otherwise compensated for this post and all opinions are our own. I’ve been talking a lot about Bambino Mio lately and I got to take a look at yet another of their great products.