GoSili creates silicone products to replace single-use plastic products, focusing on sustainability and non-toxic alternatives. Their high-end design products come at affordable prices
GoSili creates silicone products to replace single-use plastic products, focusing on sustainability and non-toxic alternatives. Their high-end design products come at affordable prices
Geffen Baby is offering 100 people a pack of Newborn Super Absorbers for free (you pay shipping). They ask that you share the offer with the #GeffenBaby hashtag first, then add them to your cart and use “FreeNB” which will give you $15.30 off, making them free. Shipping seems to be just a few dollars, so it’s a good deal! These are great boosters if your baby is too big to use them alone!
Post contains affiliate links. If you click & buy, I may receive a small commission, thank you. This post will be updated as more information is available on 2021 Earth Day cloth diaper discounts & sales! Check out the 2020 Earth Day cloth diaper sale roundup for an idea of what you might see this year, then read on to check out 2021 Earth Day cloth diaper discounts & sales.
In past years, my Earth Day sale roundup has been highly anticipated. I plan to publish my 2021 post within the next week or so, and update as sales are submitted. Please feel free to complete my 2021 Earth Day Specials form to submit your sales!
Allen’s Naturally is manufacturing hand sanitizer to FDA standards. They have 2 ounce spray bottles as well as gallon hand sanitizer for those looking for discounted bulk hand sanitizer.
Purchase a gallon of FDA formulated hand sanitizer and save $4 on this discounted bulk hand sanitizer with code “changediapers” (Expires 5/31/2020)