If you click & buy, I may receive a small commission, thank you. pediped published a blog post with adorable Thanksgiving tablescapes featuring pediped Footwear.
Geffen Baby Newborn Super Absorbers for the Cost of Shipping
Geffen Baby is offering 100 people a pack of Newborn Super Absorbers for free (you pay shipping). They ask that you share the offer with the #GeffenBaby hashtag first, then add them to your cart and use “FreeNB” which will give you $15.30 off, making them free. Shipping seems to be just a few dollars, so it’s a good deal! These are great boosters if your baby is too big to use them alone!

goSili‘s reusable silicone products are durable, microwavable, dishwasher safe, and replace dozens of disposable products. This Earth Day ,they’re not only offering 20% off with code “EARTHDAY20” and free U.S. shipping on $25+ orders, they’re also sharing tiny lifestyle changes that can save the earth. You can follow on Instagram at @GoSiliProducts, Twitter @GoSiliProducts and Facebook @GoSili.

If you click & buy, I may receive a small commission, thank you. pediped is constantly innovating, and I’m always excited to see what they come up with next.
The pediped Outlet Swaddle Collection is the coziest new line of layette footwear. Wrap your precious newborn’s sweet little toes in the new Swaddle Crib Shoe. Made to feel uber comfy against baby’s skin, so soft you can swaddle them in! Made with a high-quality suede sole so babies’ toes can stretch, spread and grip the floor without constriction.